Yeti GOBOX Collection

Ok, so now I need a back-up plan because I'm a dummy.

Alot of bear tags can still be drawn in the CO secondary draw for the Sept Rifle season. Gorgeous time of year to be in the mountains, cheap tag, minimal pressure. Speaking of which, I gotta figure out how to get back out there this year for that. Work and family be damned.
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I think you need to just go on a solo hunt that fits your schedule or find someone else to go with. Put in for the WY cow elk hunt and if you draw just do it. Then get together with your buddy and start planning now for a hunt next year so you are both on the same page with points and dates so you’re not left scrambling again trying to put a hunt together.
Well we decided on putting in for WY Unit 37 for a leftover cow elk tag. Season starts Oct 1 for the type 6 tag there. Looks like it will be a tough hunt physically but I’m hoping the elk will still be on national forest right away before weather and pressure pushes them on to private land.
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Think about a bird hunting trip to South Dakota for pheasants or geese. So many outfitters are available the prices can be competitive. I don't do the outfitting thing generally but I have dogs. Others I know have had good luck booking hunts out there. I fully expect the border will be open this fall (looking like 100% by Sept if you're vaxed) so I would think you could easily book a bird hunting trip to SK or MB right now. Those outfitters are hungry. But I'm sure they're filling up as I write this given developments of last couple of days. Any of the above will provide lots of shooting.
No bird dog for me and my one buddy that does have one will be Qatar all fall. A Canada waterfowl trip would be cool, but there’s not a chance in hell I could get anyone to throw out 1k socks for snow geese in the fall. I’d love it tho.
To add insult to injury, I'm just finding out now he has a veterans hunt with Backdoor Hunters and Anglers to shoot a doe in Montana during the rifle season so that really puts a crunch on when we can do something now. This is big ouchie because I was really eying up a few leftover cow elk tags in WY we can't go after now because it interefers with his Backdoor Hunt.

Ya, you need to make some plans next year with your buddy and in between have a chat about clear communication.
I am. I was being sarcastic about MN sucking.

Using PTO to hunt MN would be pretty wack and would not provide much excitement or adventure. Would possibly be worth taking the week off before our gun season starts to bow hunt. I would save some money doing that.
A good hunter gets it done at home. Take it as a challenge.
You'll stay one with a negative attitude. Tell yourself you're a good hunter and you'll become one. Work hard and be positive.
No negativity involved, just the truth. But I am good at being miserable in the outdoors and can capitalize (sometimes) when luck comes way. I still work hard, but if I was ever gonna become a good hunter, I woulda been one already.
No negativity involved, just the truth. But I am good at being miserable in the outdoors and can capitalize (sometimes) when luck comes way. I still work hard, but if I was ever gonna become a good hunter, I woulda been one already.
You know who you are. Good! The key to capitalizing is just enough confidence ... not too much. Humility is considered a virtue ... but be careful it doesn't lead to doubting yourself. In short, humility doesn't really help make you better at anything. It's all cosmetic. Being culturally correct. Hunt by yourself and you don't need to worry about cosmetics.
My buddy with a bird dog is stuck in Qatar until early 2022 so probably won't be doing a ton of grouse hunting this fall. Hoping to have a bird dog of my own within the next year or so.

I've walked 1000's of miles of trails in MN without a grouse dog and haven't really had a problem finding them...

I won't argue drawing tags is getting more difficult every year.

I have said this quite a few times before, there are many, many options to hunt deer (WT and mulies), elk and antelope across the western states on OTC, LO list and zero point draws. It just takes some research and stubbornness. I am not all that smart and I have managed to find more opportunities than I can take advantage of in the fall.

Also, you are better off hunting solo. SOOOO many less headaches all around. Good luck!
Hopefully you get your wy elk tags. If not I would bear hunt . Many states are otc tons of opportunities can be really inexpensive and multiple tags in a few states. If you’re in a wolf area throw that in the mix. Or I would go to Ak for black tail if you need to hunt deer.
There are so many opportunities out there. Almost every state east of Kansas has otc whitetail depending on the weapon. AZ has otc archery coues and muley and also has some otc elk but its tough. CO, OR, WA, UT has otc elk depending on the weapon and unit. There are some otc blacktail options in the PNW (California too, maybe) and AK. As I mentioned above Alaska has a lot of OTC for NR. There are so many otc/leftover bear options out there that it's silly and not just in the west. There are a lot of great guided options up in Canada (if the border opens) that aren't too expensive depending on your budget. If antlers don't matter to you there are definitely a whole pile of (otc/leftover) female tags available for different animals across the the lower 48. Some states also offer fall turkey tags if that's what you're into. In the southeast there is also the options to hunt for wild hogs. NM has OTC aoudad (its tough but its an option).

Texas has a ton of draw options. Deadline isn't until August I think... Odds are fairly slim but its cheap to apply and if you draw the hunts are good.

If you're into fishing fall fishing can be fantastic and there are some amazing fisheries across the country if you're willing to drive a bit. I've fished Louisiana, Florida and Washington in the last 3-4 years and they were all unbelievable (3-5 day fishing licenses are usually cheaper too).

I know there's more options, but thats just off the top of my head.
Currently in que for left over tags in Idaho... my buddy is still setting up his IDFG account, with 8 minutes left....

EDIT: He tried to make an account but was told he already has now. Trying to recover his old login info now. 6 mintues left...
Where is your buddy's Montana charitable doe hunt? You can surely get an OTC tag for a doe in the same district?
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