Ok, so now I need a back-up plan because I'm a dummy.

Is the CO second draw over? Is the UT antlerless draw over? I know both are close. They may have passed.
So I was unsuccessful for the Wyoming mule deer draw. 1.5 points between me and my buddy I applied with. He told me when we applied as a group that he had 2 points, but he actually only had one. According to GoHunt, the 2020 odds for Region R would have given us a 95% chance at drawing. However, in my mind I thought we were going to have 2 points, so our odds would have been even better. I did not apply for any other tags or make much in the way of other plans thinking this would be fairly close to a slam dunk.

What should I do now? Is there anywhere I can get leftover doe tags somewhere? Should I go fishing somewhere instead? Man... Total ouchie. Wallowing in self-pity at the moment. Maybe I'll bow hunt Nebraska again because I have access to good private land.
They'll sell you 10 over the counter antlerless tags and 2 either sex tags for here in MI, lol and it wouldn't take much effort to bring home more meat than many would care to process..
Isn't that where you are from?
I am. I was being sarcastic about MN sucking.

Using PTO to hunt MN would be pretty wack and would not provide much excitement or adventure. Would possibly be worth taking the week off before our gun season starts to bow hunt. I would save some money doing that.
Looks like there isn't much to choose from in the leftover list for Wyoming.
Might be tough to get anything out of the draw, as lots will be applying.
Most are leftover for food reason too.....
I am going to give it a try myself though.
All you guys need to stop pouting, get your crap together pic a number and go hunt that unit in CO. If you really want to hunt do it: however you can leftover, otc, cow, tag along with buddy whatever! Even if you pic a bad unit you spend time on mountain and learn something. Take a fishing pole, shotgun p-dog ammo and make it a good trip.
After all this, I can only imagine what a circus the CO OTC elk seasons are going to be. CPW to the MOON $$$$
Come to Montana and hose down muley does if you just want to kill stuff. There are a few left. Might as well finish them off before Mother Nature does.
I'd first find a buddy who can count all the way to two....

OTC mulies are far and few between. Maybe try for whitetails or birds.

That is a bummer but happens. You can still have a great season. Sounds like something I would accidentally do to my buddies!

WY leftover list coming out soon
I'd first find a buddy who can count all the way to two....

OTC mulies are far and few between. Maybe try for whitetails or birds.

That is a bummer but happens. You can still have a great season. Sounds like something I would accidentally do to my buddies!

WY leftover list coming out soon
To add insult to injury, I'm just finding out now he has a veterans hunt with Backdoor Hunters and Anglers to shoot a doe in Montana during the rifle season so that really puts a crunch on when we can do something now. This is big ouchie because I was really eying up a few leftover cow elk tags in WY we can't go after now because it interefers with his Backdoor Hunt.
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I think you need to just go on a solo hunt that fits your schedule or find someone else to go with. Put in for the WY cow elk hunt and if you draw just do it. Then get together with your buddy and start planning now for a hunt next year so you are both on the same page with points and dates so you’re not left scrambling again trying to put a hunt together.
In the same boat here, missed on all draws...

I've always thought a boundary waters or quetico trip would be a cool backcountry canoeing / fishing / camping adventure....and it's close by for you.

We're also considering a birds/ fishing trip west, or possibly staying local here in IA to hunt public ground whitetails but maybe take the wall tent to new ground and make a true deer camp of it for a few days.

Preference points and friends can be a challenge....the struggle is real.
Think about a bird hunting trip to South Dakota for pheasants or geese. So many outfitters are available the prices can be competitive. I don't do the outfitting thing generally but I have dogs. Others I know have had good luck booking hunts out there. I fully expect the border will be open this fall (looking like 100% by Sept if you're vaxed) so I would think you could easily book a bird hunting trip to SK or MB right now. Those outfitters are hungry. But I'm sure they're filling up as I write this given developments of last couple of days. Any of the above will provide lots of shooting.
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