Caribou Gear

Officially a pit bull hater

I can't agree with that. Genetics play an awfully large part in how animals act, and pitbulls were bred to attack. There is a reason bird hunters buy labs, spaniels, and pointers but not Welsh Corgies.

The macho jerks certainly don't help though...

So would that mean that K9 police dogs are bred to attack?..and if those dogs have pups they will attack? [without training]. I have seen Pit Bulls that were very gentle... But I have seen junk yard Mutts that were vicious as hell... I say Environment plays a bigger part than the breed.. But pits do have crushing Jaw strength as do others...... that makes them dangerous if they do bite...

I have 2 Dobie/australian mixed females they are sweethearts [except to each other]

How can you not love this face?


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Big Fin, you are the undisputed Stud of the Accounting world!

Sounds like you did really about the best thing that the situation would allow. Hopefully those dogs will suffer some serious and long lasting damage due to the application of boot leather.
If you ever find yourself in such a spot again remember, back legs. While dogs are attacking/ fighting, if you will grab the offender by the back legs the fight is yours.
Raise those back legs up off the ground and drive that animal around like a wheel-barrow while kicking the crap out of it all the while. In a case like you just had, you could kick to your heart's content to the low rib/diaphragm area. Someone as inspired as yourself could probably damage the heart or liver in rather short order. Just remember when you have them like this, if they lay over on their shoulder or side, drag them backwards to keep yourself in the command position.
Congrats on having the balls to jump in and help, rather than vapor locking and just standing by helplessly, not many people would have rushed in like that.
So would that mean that K9 police dogs are bred to attack?..and if those dogs have pups they will attack? [without training].

If you are referring to German Shepards I'd go out on a limb and say maybe not attack but certainly protect what they want to protect. That's why they make such great pets right? I worked with a guy who had two of them and little kids. Never had a bad experience with the dogs but they would go into guard mode with those kids when ever I walked by and absolutely ape-sh%t when I'd walk by at night. My uncle said at least when pit bulls came into his office (he's a vet) that they'd let him know right off if they were going to be a problem. GS on the other hand would just wait for him to make the first move. Pretty calculated dog if you ask me.
Have had very bad luck with my dogs around the pit bull breed (three episodes). All these bad behaving pits have been owned by friends which are responsible owners. I think the fight/kill instinct is bred to strong in many of them. Doesn't matter what the owner does. They are bread to do what they do.
Take a lab puppy and a pit puppy. Put them in a little kennels in the backyard. Go out there once a day to feed them/shake there cage/ yell at them/ poke um with a stick. Do this for a few years.

Then take them out and treat them like a pet. Chances are the lab will be afraid of everything and may bite if cornered but will quickly retreat.
The pit on the other hand will try to kill everything that bugs it with no backing down. Dogs will bite pitbulls will attack!
Wow, the owner should be arrested and charge with reckless endangerment.

I’m glad you are un scathed Randy. Pit bulls can be a dangerous opponent.

Far to many of these Pit Bull attack stories lately.
Any dog can get out of control, and when dog owners say “My dog would not hurt anybody or anything, it’s a sign of ignorance, that person should not own a dog.
It’s one thing with a Beagle or Lab, but something entirely different with Pit Bulls.
The instinct to attack and kill for no good reason combined with the physical strength and powerful jaws of a Pit Bull make them dangerous.

Mostly I agree, but, bre cautious with any dogs . My youngest was attacked by my best friends lab a few years ago and we still don't know why. Fortunately his wife had the dog on a leash and he escaped with a minor cut on his face. The lab is no longer with us.

It could have been a disaster, and I thank the man above for watching out for him.
Bravo for stepping in, Randy. What a C-F. There is a certain category of people that just wants a mean dog. When I was a kid it was german shepherds, then dobermans.
So would that mean that K9 police dogs are bred to attack?..and if those dogs have pups they will attack? [without training]. I have seen Pit Bulls that were very gentle... But I have seen junk yard Mutts that were vicious as hell... I say Environment plays a bigger part than the breed.. But pits do have crushing Jaw strength as do others...... that makes them dangerous if they do bite...

You are correct in that just about any dog can be turned into a blood-thirsty monster in the right environment.

That is not the discussion though.

The difference with pitbulls is that even in a good environment, the mean instinct cannot be taken out of them. It may go dormant for a while, but it can still be provoked.

That is why they are different from other breeds. Its in their genetics and we can't do anything about genetics.
Fin, you must have a helluva of a good kick! I had a pit grab one of my dogs and i couldn't get the damn thing to let go by kicking and hitting took a hammer to the top of the offending pits head to get it to release. Then 3 or 4 more wacks to lay it horizontal. This particular dog jumped in my truck, the door was open, to grab a bitch Weimer by the back of the neck and drug her out of the truck and was gonna kill her right quick. Fortunately, I was young and fast (16 yrs old), and was able to get there before he grabbed her by the throat. That pit was shaking my dog like a rag doll, and seemed unphased by kicks, it was just luck that I was welding horse paddock panels and had the hammer in my tool belt. The damn pit survived! I think I was so concerned that he was killing my dog I must not have had the strenght to crush his skull. It did knock him unconscious and his red neck owner came and picked him up as I was taking my dog to the vet. This took place in South Florida in the late 70's. All the crackers (no offense fellas) had those dogs for hunting hogs and fighting and thought it great sport to put them on someones dog and watch the carnage.

My second run in with a pit took place in Penn. while in college. I was paddling out of a swamp from duck hunting and passed 2 pits near a hunting camp.They took quick notice of my lab in the front of the canoe and wanted a piece of him. These fellas followed me ~ 1/4 mile to the takeout and then started checking out my truck (pissing on the tires) while continuing to come down to the bank and growl and bark. I asked them politely once, then shouted at them to leave; showing no social manners I promptly got out of the canoe about 15' from shore and shot them both..repeadily..remembering how tough they are and what they would do to my dog and me if given the opportunity.

I have been around pits and have been exposed to friendly ones, but they seem to be a breed that wants to engage other dogs at the least provocasion.

I am surprised they are in Mt., I associate pits with southerners (for hunting), trailer park types and urban settings. The drug dealers have the dogs vocal cords removed and place the dogs in their drug houses..when the police or another tribe member breaks in they get a silent surprise!
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I am surprised they are in Mt., I associate pits with southerners (for hunting), trailer park types and urban settings. The drug dealers have the dogs vocal cords removed and place the dogs in their drug houses..when the police or another tribe member breaks in they get a silent surprise!

We have plenty of white trash here too.
About a month ago there was a triple homicide (drug related) not too far from where I live. There was a young child and an infant that survived the murders along with almost 100 pit bulls that were used in a dog fighting ring. Besides the obvious heinous nature of the crime the thing that pisses me off the most was that the media seemed to care a whole hell of a lot more about what happened to the damn dogs that the well being of the two children. There have been plenty of reports both in the broadcast news and print about the "rehabbing" of the dogs and how many of them have found adoptions. Hell, there was even a call for donations to help the dogs, but I can't recall one story about what happened to or how to help out the kids. As far as I'm concerned they should have put down all the dogs at the crime scene.
Big Fin, You should apply to be a place kicker in your home state, the Vikings could use a guy like you! It might interfer with hunting season a bit, but you'd definitely steer clear of tax season as they haven't won a superbowl in my lifetime and probably never will...
The sterotyping is interesting. Sadly, with pits it seems to be true. I have a Rottweiler, I've owned 3 in my lifetime, but to be stereotyped pisses me off. I've also owned Golden Retrievers. One of the meanest dogs I ever owned was a big male Golden. Calling someone trash for the breed of dog they own may not always be accurate. mtmuley
Fin, you must have a helluva of a good kick! I had a pit grab one of my dogs and i couldn't get the damn thing to let go by kicking and hitting it....

Probably not much talent on my end, just got lucky that the two smaller ones who paid attention to my boots were a small female and young male. That was pretty easy pickin's, or should I say, easy kickin's.

The big old boy seem unphased by my best efforts. I have never hit anything as hard as I hit him with that one good one. Not even a flinch.

Not sure how that guy got the big male pried off his dog, but when it ended, that biggest dog acted like nothing had happened. Almost like he was on a switch, where he turned it off as fast as he turned it on. Crazy, which is probably why I am even more distrusting of them.

When I first saw him, he looked like he was going to just lay around on the cool sidewalk, maybe even beg for a belly rub. But, in a flash, he was running at high voltage. Less than two minutes later, you would not have known he was capable of such things. Dogs with that level of bi-polarity are not trusted by me.

I suspect I could have kicked until I dislocated my hip and that big male was not going to be phased. Until he decided it was time to give it up, nothing I did was going to make much difference. Probabaly just a coincidence that he gave it up when he did.
You didn't scuff up those $800 Italian penny loafers did you ?

Naw, just a pair of boots from the bargain bin down at the local ranch and home store. One was slightly too tight and one fit just right. Soaked the tight one in water and wore it until it dried. Now it fits great. Not bad for $42. ;)

Works good for multiple applications, too.
Big Fin Mightly good of you to step in and save the dog and probably the owners life too. Next time carry a 45 acp for your close work. Most of the time they don't run away. Glad everyone is ok and you should file a police report too.