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Officially a pit bull hater

I hope the guy that has his dog on a leash sues the owner(s) of the dogs. Owner may or not have money but tthose unleashed dogs harmed a man's property and I am sure there will be medical bills. Hope your foot and leg are okay. You made a difference today. Thank you for getting involved.
Did no one get the license plate of the pit bulls owners? Why didn't you hold them there until the police came?.

Seems these guys must have walked to the bar (Cannery), so no license plates to take down. When it was all over, I walked over to see if the guy protecting his dog was OK. I could not believe he could jump in that pile with some serious puncture wounds. He looked to still be running on adrenaline, with the worst of his wounds being the serious welt on his forehead, above his eye..

The lady said she was calling the cops. At that time, the guys grabbed their dogs and took off down the street, either heading home or heading to where their rig was parked. I was kind of standing there looking around like, "What the hell just happened here."

To be honest, calling the police never occurred to me, nor trying to restrain the guys and their dogs. I was mostly wondering how that guy escaped without some serious loss of skin. It wouldn't surprise me if someone called the police or took pictures. Plenty of people were coming over toward the end of the scuffle.

I wish it was on a video, as seeing that guy dive in there, with zero hesitation was remarkable. It caught me by surprise, to the point that I probably hesitated a couple seconds in amazement. One loyal dog owner, for sure.
Until the owners of these types of dogs are held responsible for them, this crap will continue.
I'm glad everyone is Ok this time, unfortunately all to often this type of incident ends much worse.
Sounds like it could have been much worse. Everyone is better off that you were there Randy. If nobody had been willing to get involved both the attacked dog and its owner could have been much worse off.
Seems these guys must have walked to the bar (Cannery), so no license plates to take down. When it was all over, I walked over to see if the guy protecting his dog was OK. I could not believe he could jump in that pile with some serious puncture wounds. He looked to still be running on adrenaline, with the worst of his wounds being the serious welt on his forehead, above his eye..

The lady said she was calling the cops. At that time, the guys grabbed their dogs and took off down the street, either heading home or heading to where their rig was parked. I was kind of standing there looking around like, "What the hell just happened here."

To be honest, calling the police never occurred to me, nor trying to restrain the guys and their dogs. I was mostly wondering how that guy escaped without some serious loss of skin. It wouldn't surprise me if someone called the police or took pictures. Plenty of people were coming over toward the end of the scuffle.

I wish it was on a video, as seeing that guy dive in there, with zero hesitation was remarkable. It caught me by surprise, to the point that I probably hesitated a couple seconds in amazement. One loyal dog owner, for sure.

I'm sure the guy appreciated you jumping in and glad no one was hurt too seriously. With any luck, one of the dogs you kicked will die from internal injuries. I will honestly never understand the pit bull breed or it's owners. It's a breed IMO needs to be exterminated.
I hate them too Randy, if you remember last fall posted that I called 9-11 when I was walking down the gravel road to visit a neighbor and was surrounded by 2 pit bulls and a rottwieller in the dark. I backed up to my neighbors garage door (she was not home) to keep from being surrounded 360 degrees. As usual, the owner said the pit bulls were nice dogs..... Guess what, they put one of them down recently because it killed the other one. Yea, I had nothing to worry about:rolleyes:. Pretty pathetic that the only place I carry my handgun now is not in the city, but out in the country because of stupid dog owners.
Edit... I guess I didn't post this incident, but a different one with 2 of the 3 same dogs under the dogs running deer thread last year.
Yea, this one had my heart pounding, and I was pretty scared to say the least. I pulled a tree branch off the hearest tree and was swinging wildly and caught the smaller one right in the face. When it started yelping it only made the other 2 more aggressive. That is when I backed up to the door and called 911
The stupid woman lived right across the road and I have no clue how she could not have heard the commotion going on and it must have been 2-3 minutes before she called the dogs back to the house. I let loose with a flurry of 4 letter words about her and her dogs, and her reply is "what am I doing walking down the road in the dark" My reply was "because the sun went down, and you can explain this to the police when they get here"
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Did no one get the license plate of the pit bulls owners? Why didn't you hold them there until the police came?

I carry a S&W or my Glock and if I had been there....well...3 dead pit bulls. I suggest you get a carry permit like the rest of us.

I carry all the time also, that would be a touchy one. If it were a person, I'd have no hesitation taking aim on them and carefully placing a shot.

In this case I would have opted for my knife as the 1st choice.

Well done for stepping in Randy, glad everyone is ok and hopefully the owners can be tracked down. The LEO's should be able to get ID's from the bar if the guys were using a CC.
First let me say that I am a dog lover. With that said. The owners of those dogs should be in jail on assault charges and the dogs put down.

I now carry a knife due to my neighbors owning one and leaving it unattended in the street daily. He will come over and challenge you if you walk out the door. He is less than a year old and aggressive as can be. I fear for my little lab pups life when I think about that dogs mannerisms.
Not too late to file a report. The wounded dog owner should consider rabies and tetanus status and careful wound management for the dog and himself.

Quick thinking Big Fin. Glad you weren't a puny wide receiver in high school!
That story got me worked up just reading it!!!

I don't buy the whole "blame the owner, not the breed" thing.

I paid some serious cash to have an English Pointer pup shipped up to me from South Carolina. I strongly believe in genetics in bird dogs. There is no reason genetics can't play a factor in other breeds too.
This one is a hard one for me. I completely agree and understand the hatred. I own a pit and german shepard mix. He came with the wife. I trust him completely, but know that I have a certain responsibility with this dog. I don't care what kind of dog it is there is no reason to leave not one, but three dogs left loose outside of anywhere and especially in a very public area. It is the responsibility of the owner to wake up and realize that these are not something you just let loose and everything will be fine. My dog is great at watching our house and has on more than one occasion stopped someone from trying to get in. He has a very mean bark, which is great for this reason. Once you get inside he is very playful. The first time we met he was scary, but is very loving and loyal. I have never had any problems with him, but know what he is capable of. I have no issue of people being very upset about the situation as it ticks me off as well. It now becomes the owners responsibility to realize that these dogs need to be put down. There is no excuse for this action from these dogs and when it gets to this point there is only one solution. I make sure to never let my dog get into this predicament. He goes outside to use the bathroom, and leashed at all times when we walk other than that he's in the house. It is my responsibility as his owner. I trust him around everyone, but again know what I have at hand. It's not the easiest thing, but it is my wife's dog and is now mine. I do love the dog as he is part of our family. Like I said I understand and agree with the hatred.
Wow...that's pretty damn scary. Really glad it was dog vs. dog (for the most part) and no humans, especially no kiddos attacked. Like you said, the adrenaline and instincts kick in and you just do what comes natural. Glad you and the diving owner made it out of there intact. Too bad you didn't have a knife...
Back in my college days and working construction and framing houses, some D-bag always had his pit bull on the job site. I never walked past that dog without at least one hand on my framing hammer. I never trusted that dog a bit; he always had a screwed up look in his eye.

2 years ago in May, I drove up to my 88-year-old grandmothers house to find her crawling back to her door after getting attacked by a sack of chit German Shepard. Blood everywhere. She nearly died that summer on the operating table and lost 4 months of her life. Great kids dog, I suggest everyone with children get one.

There is a reason the subdivision I live in does not allow 5 types of dogs. Pit bulls, German Shepards and Rotts top the list. They serve NO good purpose for everyday life.
Besides, if you get a rott, a pit or a chow you might as well live in trailer park because you are pretty much white trash at that point.
My daughter has a Pit Bull. Smartest dog I have ever been around by far but oddly is scared of his own shadow. I told her he was a great dog but if he even so much as growls I'll kill it.
I think it's safe to say we all feel a tinge of adrenaline just reading that story Randy, what a way to spend the day. It's always a little nerve-racking walking around Missoula knowing most of the unleashed pits and others running around are rescues or at least 2nd home dogs. You never know their histories. Might be a great pet for the owners, but it seems the rest of the world never has the same experiences with them.
Sign me up for being anti pit bull as well. Glad you kicked those dogs as hard as you did.

Here is a video of 3 pit bulls attacking a guy from the humane society trying to capture them. Thank goodness the police officer is a good shot. Enjoy
Besides, if you get a rott, a pit or a chow you might as well live in trailer park because you are pretty much white trash at that point.

I don't think I've seen one without the other. Too many instances to recall that made me a pit hater, I can't stand them. The movie White Fang didn't help either.

Last year two cops in a nearby town were visiting a house for.... Wait for it.... A welfare checkup and two Pitts came out at one of the officers who gave one dog a dirt nap. Of course the owner thought the dogs were harmless until the video was released.
three pit bulls are laying on the side walk next to the Cannery entrance. No leashes, no owners, nothing. .

Wow, the owner should be arrested and charge with reckless endangerment.

I’m glad you are un scathed Randy. Pit bulls can be a dangerous opponent.

Far to many of these Pit Bull attack stories lately.
Any dog can get out of control, and when dog owners say “My dog would not hurt anybody or anything, it’s a sign of ignorance, that person should not own a dog.
It’s one thing with a Beagle or Lab, but something entirely different with Pit Bulls.
The instinct to attack and kill for no good reason combined with the physical strength and powerful jaws of a Pit Bull make them dangerous.
Hate pit bulls myself. Some of the biggest puzzies in the world have pit bulls, to make up for who they are. I'll shoot all pit bulls on sight if they come on my property. Every drug dealing loser in my area has a pit bull.

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