PEAX Equipment

Officially a pit bull hater

If you aim for the last rib with the toe of your boot, you stand a very good chance of tearing the diaphragm. The bastard will go suffocate and the owner won't know why.

Or.... just a pocket knife, center up on the rib cage, but make sure you get both sides.
"In the 8-year period from 2005 to 2012, pit bulls killed 151 Americans and accounted for 60% of the total recorded deaths (251)." --

My son and his soon-to-be wife stayed with me for a few months last year and brought their "harmless" pitbulls. The vet bills for the neighbors dog they attacked only cost me $500. Of course they still think they're "harmless".

I'm with you, I've got no use for the breed.
Very scary stuff, yes that breed is banned in England, if ANY are discovered they are taken from the owner (always a low life type trying to look hard) and destroyed,period.
Randy i thought you had a heart condition!:eek:
Not a fan here either! And have to admit, a good amount of people I deal with on a regular basis in my profession have Pit Bulls.
Randy, I would still file a report with police. May even contact the newspaper. If nothing else, it would make other citizens, in the area, aware of the owners/pit bulls.

I'm not sure but if the dogs drew blood on the man, they should be held for x number of days for observation, for rabies.That is if they can be located.
Last summer I was attending a baseball game at our local school. There was a a rather small woman leading a large pit on a leash. Or should I say, a rather large pit was leading a small woman around. Either way, anytime someone would get near the dog, it would posture agressivly and snarl.

It left me wondering, why someone would be allowed to have that kind of animal on school property, and why it would be illeagle for me to carry my handgun there. It seems, common sense has completely left this country.

Quick thinking, responsible people like Randy manytimes make the difference between a good outcome and a very bad one.
I see them all the time, one hand holding up the pants and the other holding a logging chain with a pit on the other end, Pit Bulls are the new Bling. I hate Chows also, one walked past a week old baby on a blanket, grabbed it by the head and shook. The owners begged to not have the Chow put down as they prepared for the infants death. That happened in our hometown! John
Great job Randy. I too have zero time for pitbulls and like everyone else has said. . most of the time its the owners who are trying to be "hard" and its kind of funny. In town here you see some 120lb punk in a white "wife beater" walking a pit and trying to keep his pants on and his hat cocked sideways. Next to my warehouse there is a house with a large pitbull, last summer when I arrived at the warehouse, this dog was laying out in front of the house. . .I parked my truck got out and was getting something out of the backseat and I heard growling. . .turned around and this dog was all bristled up and at about 20ft. . .I yelled for him to get back and waved my arms. . .no good, he didn't change his mood. . .I reach for the XD 45, peel it and am now on the verge of turning him inside out when out of the house comes the owner yelling " No,No,No" the dog turns and looks "please don't shoot him, HE WON'T HURT YOU" . Really??? He got the dog and I then told him the next time he comes on this property he will be shot, skinned and used for gloves! I have not seen the dog since without him being on a chain. I'm thinking I'll just get a pet alligator and chain him up outside of my warehouse. . .see how everyone likes that. :)
My son and his soon-to-be wife stayed with me for a few months last year and brought their "harmless" pitbulls. The vet bills for the neighbors dog they attacked only cost me $500. Of course they still think they're "harmless".
Assuming your son is an adult and about to marry and start a family, I have to wonder why you are paying the bill for your son's dog attacking a neighbor's dog. I am sorry to be critical of you, but the bigger picture of the lack of taking responsibility for their dogs' behavior is the fundamental reason these situations occur.
My experience with a pit bull happened 5-6 years ago. My oldest step son was riding his bike in an alley behind his fathers house when all of a sudden the gate opened and a large male pit ran a knocked him off the bike and began to attack. The son, Hunter, is a big boy, at that time well over 300# at 14 yrs old. The dog got him on the ground and clamped to his left calf and began shaking and pulling. The dog drug this boy about 8'. His dad hearing the screaming and barking of the other dogs in the area stuck his head out in the alley to see the commotion. When he realized what was happening he grabbed a 3' section of 3/4" galvanized pipe and went after the dog. He landed 3-4 solid shots to the dog, the last across the head. The dog finally let go and ran back into the yard like nothing had ever happened. Hunter was taken by ambulance to an area hospital where he under went surgery to repair the torn muscle and they found the dog had cut one on the tendons attaching the calf muscle to the heel. 6 months of rehab, 3 skin grafts and 30 days of hyperbaric treatment he still has scarring and massive tissue loss in the area. Luckily the owners dog had homeowners insurance and they covered all of the 100k in expenses. The dog was surrendered and then destroyed, as should all pit bulls be.
The only harmless pit bull is a dead pit bull. Same goes for rottweilers and dobermans. I have the scares to prove it, and nothing would give me more pleasure that putting a bullet in the forehead of any of the afore mentioned breeds. This is one subject in which my opinion will NOT change!
Sign me up for being anti pit bull as well. Glad you kicked those dogs as hard as you did.

Here is a video of 3 pit bulls attacking a guy from the humane society trying to capture them. Thank goodness the police officer is a good shot. Enjoy

HA! That white one was a lot easier to catch after the cop with some sense helped out a little bit.
I see them all the time, one hand holding up the pants and the other holding a logging chain with a pit on the other end, Pit Bulls are the new Bling. I hate Chows also, one walked past a week old baby on a blanket, grabbed it by the head and shook. The owners begged to not have the Chow put down as they prepared for the infants death. That happened in our hometown! John

You can actually insult someones children before you can tell someone their dog is annoying, needs to be on a leash or dangerous.........................
I was in a similar incident as Randy. Riding my bike west and a lady was walking her dog with her two small children. Just before I pull up to them a dog tears across the street and bites the dog she's walking. She scoops it up and is piroetting trying to keep the attacking dog from biting it again or one of her kids. I dump my bike and kick the dog hard enough to get it away from them and get between the dog and the family. The dog comes back and I kick it under the chin hard enough to flip it over and then chase it back to its yard where I'm confronted by the owner. We had a few choice words for each other, but he didn't accept my invitation to join me in the street. The dog was a red heeler...

I get the disdain for pit bulls, but I extend that to all dogs overtly agressive.
Large powerful bipolar canines scare the crap out of me. I definitely believe some owners get sociopathic satisfaction out of out of the fact they are potentially murderous basterds making them, by extension, badazzes.

You were lucky not to get seriously mauled Randy, so was the other dog owner. Three pits are a gang,
I fished with a guy for years that went to jail for the night for killing a German Shephard. I used to have one that was a great dog. The guy was in Spokane and his neighbor had a mean shepherd. It ran his two little kids into a drainage ditch in front of his home and had them cornered. He grabbed his 30-06 and shot it dead right in the middle of town. Too bad, so sad.
Randy - you were very lucky indeed.

I am aghast that no one on the streets of Bozeman, or you for that matter, were not in C&C mode, and dispatched the 3 of them and called it a night?!
A Glock 19 always accompanied me in my old neighborhood while walking with the kids. There were several dogs that ran loose and when they came together the pack mentality took over. More than once I kicked at a dog. I was riding my son on the back of my bike once and had a dog come charging. I stopped and pulled the Glock out and screamed at the dog. Fortunately for it, it stopped about 3' away and stood there barking. When I yelled again it took off.

I read this morning on Facebook that my old neighbor's kid got tore up by a dog. Another neighbor chimed in that she won't let he kids out there anymore unless she is with them and even then she is terrified.

Good for you, stepping in and helping was the right (and dangerous) thing to do.


I agree that many pit bulls are dangerous, vicious animals that should not be out in society. For all the talk about wolves, grizzly bears, mountain lions, etc. and the "danger" they pose, I was always more afraid of domestic dogs in town when my daughter was a toddler. Town was scarier than the mountains.

That said, I've also met some really sweet pit bulls with responsible owners. The bottom line is a dog behaves as it's trained and these people purposely take a breed that was bred to fight and make them mean. I've found their attitude about their dogs appalling. One guy prevented me from petting his dog because he didn't want it socialized. There should be consequences when people cannot walk a leashed dog within city limits.
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