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NYT article on Meat Eater and hunting

I liked this article a lot.

It actually gave me a little hope for the future of this lifestyle, something I rarely find these days.

I found this quote particularly relatable, " my husband and I started fishing with our two sons, then 3 and 6. Things got serious fast."
Good article. Comments on Steve’s personality are irrelevant to me. Everyone is different. The article makes me wonder how to get more people (non-hunters) to buy duck stamps to fund conservation. Seems like a lot of outdoor gear makers could at least support that. Maybe retailers ask when you check out if you want to buy a duck stamp to fund conservation?
Good article. Comments on Steve’s personality are irrelevant to me. Everyone is different. The article makes me wonder how to get more people (non-hunters) to buy duck stamps to fund conservation. Seems like a lot of outdoor gear makers could at least support that. Maybe retailers ask when you check out if you want to buy a duck stamp to fund conservation?

The founder of the university Ducks Unlimited chapter here was a nonhunter. Many of the students he recruited were nonhunters as well. It can be done.
You know, not to derail, but Steve needs to get to the range more, and needs to give up archery once and for all. Missed again on a OIALT hunt for Ibex, fortunately got another try. Wounded ANOTHER animal with an arrow. Fortunately recovered it with another shot, rather than "the next day". He's normalizing wounding animals. Not the best look if you're selling the lifestyle to outsiders.
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You know, not to derail, but Steve needs to get to the range more, and needs to give up archery once and for all. Missed again on a OIALT hunt for Ibex, fortunately got another try. Wounded ANOTHER animal with an arrow. Fortunately recovered it with another shot, rather than "the next day". He's normalizing wounding animals. Not the best look.
You sure he isn’t just showing the stuff that happens to pretty much everyone that a lot of these other content creators don’t show?

I haven’t watched a Meateater episode in a good while so I don’t know the answer.

I have been archery hunting a long time. Sometimes things just don’t go right.
You sure he isn’t just showing the stuff that happens to pretty much everyone that a lot of these other content creators don’t show?

I haven’t watched a Meateater episode in a good while so I don’t know the answer.

I have been archery hunting a long time. Sometimes things just don’t go right.
I watched them and you've got it right to me. The two animals being referred to in the recent episodes were small enough to fit whole in a back pack. The archery shot was on twitchy little goat in Hawaii that moved as he was shooting. Unfortunate, but part of the deal.
I hunted ducks with Jani’s little brother back in December. Can confirm that there are “good dude” genes in that family
Yeah a group of us from WA used to hang out with him and his wife at rende every year. Definitely good peeps.
people who argue steve needs to give up archery hunting and never film it again because he has wounded a few animals on his show....

do those people realize they're inadvertently making the argument that nearly everyone who owns a bow should give up archery hunting?
people who argue steve needs to give up archery hunting and never film it again because he has wounded a few animals on his show....

do those people realize they're inadvertently making the argument that nearly everyone who owns a bow should give up archery hunting?
If you're consistently wounding animals, and rarely have a clean kill, then yes you should give it up, or practice more. If you practice several times weekly, and still can't make clean kills, maybe you don't have the skill for archery. Just not about wounding animals consistently. Sorry.
If you're consistently wounding animals, and rarely have a clean kill, then yes you should give it up, or practice more. If you practice several times weekly, and still can't make clean kills, maybe you don't have the skill for archery. Just not about wounding animals consistently. Sorry.


you show me data that the majority of animals steve flung an arrow at were wounded/not clean kills and i'll agree with you.

then let's imagine the data existed where across the country we knew the percentage of animals wounded/killed "uncleanly" during archery seasons.

using only the examples he's filmed doesn't work here. dude's been flinging arrows at animals probably since he was 12 and he's filmed what like a half doezen of those arrow flingins'? i'd be guessing he's above average (in the good way) in the rate of wounding compared to all hunters over the same time frame he's been flingin arrows.

definitely not arguing he's the best archer around though.
I don't think Rinella cares about archery but he likes archery hunting seasons. I think his bow hunting shows are for production purposes to just add variety for his audience.

Rinella's knowledge of archery seems to be minimal. Every time he tries to discuss it he makes a statement that gives it away. On his most recent podcast he said he just let Jason Phelps tell him what arrows and broadheads to use.

I won't judge anyone's archery skill based on a few filmed shots that were off the mark.

He has said multiple times he prefers using the most efficient weapon for the hunt, a rifle.
Rinella's knowledge of archery seems to be minimal. Every time he tries to discuss it he makes a statement that gives it away. On his most recent podcast he said he just let Jason Phelps tell him what arrows and broadheads to use.
There are people who like to hunt and there are people who like to geek out about gear. These are sometimes mutually exclusive hobbies, I know a lot dudes who talk to you at nauseum about sights/arrow weight/whatever who hunt like 2 days a year and never kill anything. Conversely, I know people who have been shooting the same bow for a decade that have killed a pile of elk.

Steve does not much about firearms, all things considered. 🤷‍♂️ Guy knows more than a lot of anthro grad students about ancient humans.

We all have our interests.
There are people who like to hunt and there are people who like to geek out about gear. These are sometimes mutually exclusive hobbies, I know a lot dudes who talk to you at nauseum about sights/arrow weight/whatever who hunt like 2 days a year and never kill anything. Conversely, I know people who have been shooting the same bow for a decade that have killed a pile of elk.

Steve does not much about firearms, all things considered. 🤷‍♂️ Guy knows more than a lot of anthro grad students about ancient humans.

We all have our interests.

in all of these posts i was just thinking about how i'm gonna buy a bow this month or next month. i don't have a bow cause i never saw the need for one, too much hunting to do with a rifle to complicate things with a bow.

this year to due scheduling conflicts known in advance outside of my control i need to get a bow to do some of my hunting earlier in the season.

i'm basically just gonna walk into cabelas and be like "where are your left handed compound bows? okay, so that one like isn't crazy cheap or expensive? okay, those arrows have sharp tips?"

sweet ring it up.

someone will ask me on the trail what kind of bow i have and i legit will probably have to hold it up and read outloud the illegible lettering on it to even know.
I think it’s a great article. Unusual for NYT to have a balanced view. I liked how they delved into the obvious existence of Meateater as a media empire, and the major role of $$ in Steve’s decisions, statements, etc.

The article would have been more aptly titled “A capitalist with a production crew”

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