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Sheep Hunting covered in New York Times (Positive article for hunters)

This clearly illustrates you don't understand research funding, and you don't really know Bob Garrett...

I'm familiar with Dr. Garrott. He's excellent at his job, and a significant part of that job is hounding money. It's pretty ridiculous to suggest that someone with a track record like Garrott's would not have been able to find other sources of funding if it weren't for auction tags. He would have submitted proposals to other outlets, just like wildlife researchers the world over have been doing for decades. He would NOT have sat around moping about the work he couldn't get done because he didn't have auction tag money.

Is it helpful to have another revenue stream? Of course. Would management and research grind to a halt if auction tags didn't exist? No.

Compared to an annual FWP budget of +/- $80 million. Back to the original issue I have with the article.... where does most of that annual budget come from?

I took that number from here:

We're getting off in the weeds here, and I think we've lost the original discussion so I'll step aside. But this notion that auction tag revenues are to thank for the lion's share of wildlife management funding is simply not true.

Dr Garrott has found a good source for his funding and bighorn sheep are that source. I am happy with that. No one has said that auction tag revenues provide the lion's share of wildlife management funding. I said that the sheep auction tags provide a significant amount of dollars
Dr Garrott has found a good source for his funding and bighorn sheep are that source. I am happy with that. No one has said that auction tag revenues provide the lion's share of wildlife management funding. I said that the sheep auction tags provide a significant amount of dollars

Not when compared to an over-all game and fish budget...that's the point. The point that was missed and NOT mentioned in the NYT article.

Glad you finally came to the same conclusion that everyone else did, just took you a lot longer to get there.
That's what Kurt Alt said. Can provide a link to what it does match at?

hrough a permanent-indefinite appropriation, states (including
commonwealths and territories) receive funds, provided they pass legislation to ensure that hunting
license fees are used only for administration of the state fish and wildlife agency (assent legislation). The
Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act includes an apportionment formula that distributes program
funds to States based on the area of the state (50%) and the number of paid hunting license holders (50%).
No state may receive more than 5 percent, or less than one-half of one percent of the total apportionment.
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico receives one-half of one percent, and the Territories of Guam, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands each
receive one-sixth of one percent of the total funds apportioned.
Dr Garrott has found a good source for his funding and bighorn sheep are that source. I am happy with that. No one has said that auction tag revenues provide the lion's share of wildlife management funding. I said that the sheep auction tags provide a significant amount of dollars

James Riley is that you?
provided they pass legislation to ensure that hunting license fees are used only for administration of the state fish and wildlife agency (assent legislation).

Just an aside, and not to derail further into the weeds, but as a cautionary tale, make sure that your Legislature/Legislators, don't pass some dumb law that attempts to take a portion of a license fee and apply it to another agency other than the State fish and wildlife agency.

We had to kill a bill this year that would have done that, and if passed, Wyoming would have lost 17 million in PR funds...
That's what Kurt Alt said. Can you provide a link to what it does match at?

BuzzH already provided the general framework. It is formula based that CAN (not shall) be matched at up to a 3:1 ratio of PR dollars: state license revenues. So, to simply say the money raised from an auction tag is matched 3:1 is not correct. I know Kurt, he is as intelligent as they come. I am guessing that he was typical Kurt, talking very fast, and the comment was taken out of context.
BuzzH already provided the general framework. It is formula based that CAN (not shall) be matched at up to a 3:1 ratio of PR dollars: state license revenues. So, to simply say the money raised from an auction tag is matched 3:1 is not correct. I know Kurt, he is as intelligent as they come. I am guessing that he was typical Kurt, talking very fast, and the comment was taken out of context.

Kurt was talking about funding sheep research using Montana auction dollars so it sounds like Montana is currently getting the 3 to 1 match. I did not how complex PR distribution is, so thank you all for educating me on it.
Kurt was talking about funding sheep research using Montana auction dollars so it sounds like Montana is currently getting the 3 to 1 match. I did not how complex PR distribution is, so thank you all for educating me on it.

It sounds like you're speculating about PR. Kurt could only be receiving auction funding without matching PR funds.
It sounds like you're speculating about PR. Kurt could only be receiving auction funding without matching PR funds.

Kurt was talking about funding studies like Dr Garrott's that is using PR dollars. Go to the sheep symposium thread and click on FWP link that Oak provided, and then watch Garrott's presentation.
I want to hunt sheep! no clue where to begin besides building these desert sheep points in AZ. tips? what are unlimiteds? Excuse my ignorance

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