
NYT article on Meat Eater and hunting

in all of these posts i was just thinking about how i'm gonna buy a bow this month or next month. i don't have a bow cause i never saw the need for one, too much hunting to do with a rifle to complicate things with a bow.

this year to due scheduling conflicts known in advance outside of my control i need to get a bow to do some of my hunting earlier in the season.

i'm basically just gonna walk into cabelas and be like "where are your left handed compound bows? okay, so that one like isn't crazy cheap or expensive? okay, those arrows have sharp tips?"

sweet ring it up.

someone will ask me on the trail what kind of bow i have and i legit will probably have to hold it up and read outloud the illegible lettering on it to even know.
Go with a local bow shop man. F them big box stores! Nah but seriously finding a local guy who's passionate about bow hunting to buy from will be a better experience imo/e. More knowledge than some geek at Cabelas
Go with a local bow shop man. F them big box stores! Nah but seriously finding a local guy who's passionate about bow hunting to buy from will be a better experience imo/e. More knowledge than some geek at Cabelas

all i need to know from the cabelas dude/chick is "this is bow" and "arrows are sharp" 😁

but i do seriously intend to hit up a local bow shop for some tuning and advice if nothing else.
all i need to know from the cabelas dude/chick is "this is bow" and "arrows are sharp" 😁

but i do seriously intend to hit up a local bow shop for some tuning and advice if nothing else.
I hear you on the first part though. I don't know shit about bows. I know mine is a Matthews and that it's old enough a model that an Instagram hunter wouldn't be caught dead carrying it. That's about it.

I have quite a sordid track record using it too, but one of these days I'm going to put it all together and kill something with it
all i need to know from the cabelas dude/chick is "this is bow" and "arrows are sharp" 😁

but i do seriously intend to hit up a local bow shop for some tuning and advice if nothing else.
Togie, fellow lefty here. Good luck finding lefty bow locally, even worse than guns. Check ebay, I got a diamond deploy carbon on eBay brand new with arrow and a release for about 70% off a few years ago. Big bow shops close out last model year bows on eBay and deals on lefty bows can be found.
There are people who like to hunt and there are people who like to geek out about gear. These are sometimes mutually exclusive hobbies, I know a lot dudes who talk to you at nauseum about sights/arrow weight/whatever who hunt like 2 days a year and never kill anything. Conversely, I know people who have been shooting the same bow for a decade that have killed a pile of elk.

Steve does not much about firearms, all things considered. 🤷‍♂️ Guy knows more than a lot of anthro grad students about ancient humans.

We all have our interests.
Good point I wasn't really referring to geeking out on gear but bow hunting does not seem like more than a seasonal interest to him. Screw on some broadheads and go. Not a lot different than my interest in rifle (consolation) season but I'm not a hunting celebrity.
Good point I wasn't really referring to geeking out on gear but bow hunting does not seem like more than a seasonal interest to him. Screw on some broadheads and go. Not a lot different than my interest in rifle (consolation) season but I'm not a hunting celebrity.
I mean he has 4 elk episodes, 3 he kills elk, 2 are with a bow 🤷‍♂️

He probably hunts more days with a bow then a shit load of dudes who have made their personality trait bow hunting.
Togie, fellow lefty here. Good luck finding lefty bow locally, even worse than guns. Check ebay, I got a diamond deploy carbon on eBay brand new with arrow and a release for about 70% off a few years ago. Big bow shops close out last model year bows on eBay and deals on lefty bows can be found.

This is a very good thing to be thinking about. Thank you.
I mean he has 4 elk episodes, 3 he kills elk, 2 are with a bow 🤷‍♂️

He probably hunts more days with a bow then a shit load of dudes who have made their personality trait bow hunting.

But there’s a big difference between hunting many days with a bow, and being fully prepared for bow hunting.

I know I spend WAY more time every year shooting my bow then I do carrying it around during season.

The way I think about it is I ne act gets you in place to make that shot, the other gets you physically prepared to make that shot, while crapping your pants because the bull of your dreams is 15 yards away and screaming in your face.

You don’t need to geek out on equipment to be a good shot with a bow, just lots and lots of practice.

From what I’ve watched he just needs to stop dusting off his bow a week before season and making sure his pins are still good.
But there’s a big difference between hunting many days with a bow, and being fully prepared for bow hunting.

I know I spend WAY more time every year shooting my bow then I do carrying it around during season.

The way I think about it is I ne act gets you in place to make that shot, the other gets you physically prepared to make that shot, while crapping your pants because the bull of your dreams is 15 yards away and screaming in your face.

You don’t need to geek out on equipment to be a good shot with a bow, just lots and lots of practice.

From what I’ve watched he just needs to stop dusting off his bow a week before season and making sure his pins are still good.
In the last 5 years, I think I'm shot my shotgun twice at things that weren't animals, I went 3 years were I only shot my .264 at critters.

I'm not really defending Rinella, but the whole argument seems 90% "I'm a bow hunter and he uses a rifle, that's lame 😫, bow hunting is the coolest" and it's stupid. (this common thinking I see about Rinella, no specifically your comment backofbeyond)

Activity purity tests are stupid.

I don't care that you fly fish, I don't give a shit that you tele, and I could give a rats ass if you kill your elk with a bow.

Point is that dude is a generalist... like a lot of folks.

He's missed a bunch of grouse and turkeys... guess he should practice his shotgunning
He's missed deer, goats, Ibex, etc with a rifle... guess he should ...
He's missed elk with a muzzy....
He's missed with a spear gun...
He's sucked at fishing...
He's set crappy traps...

One time he even pee'd on the toilet seat

I mean yeah not Cam Hanes, doesn't kills elk on private and balloons at 200 yards, but like 🤷‍♂️ he does all the above better than me so if we are shitting on him for killing elk with a bow I guess I need to quit hunting.
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In the last 5 years, I think I'm shot my shotgun twice at things that weren't animals, I went 3 years were I only shot my .264 at critters.

I'm not really defending Rinella, but the whole argument seems 90% "I'm a bow hunter and he uses a rifle, that's lame 😫, bow hunting is the coolest" and it's stupid. (this common thinking I see about Rinella, no specifically your comment backofbeyond)

Activity purity tests are stupid.

I don't care that you fly fish, I don't give a shit that you tele, and I could give a rats ass if you kill your elk with a bow.

Point is that dude is a generalist... like a lot of folks.

He's missed a bunch of grouse and turkeys... guess he should practice his shotgunning
He's missed deer, goats, Ibex, etc with a rifle... guess he should ...
He's missed elk with a muzzy....
He's missed with a spear gun...
He's sucked at fishing...
He's set crappy traps...

One time he even pee'd on the toilet seat

I mean yeah not Cam Hanes, doesn't kills elk on private and balloons at 200 yards, but like 🤷‍♂️ he does all the above better than me so if we are shitting on him for killing elk with a bow I guess I need to quit hunting.
I believe society likes to build people up into celebrities just so they can tear them down. It is practically a sport.
Rinella gets flak for not portraying every part of the hunt on social media and on the show.... then gets flak because he's showing every part of the hunt on social media and the show...

Anyone who tells me they haven't made any bad hits on animals is either full of shit or they haven't killed many critters
I mean he has 4 elk episodes, 3 he kills elk, 2 are with a bow 🤷‍♂️

He probably hunts more days with a bow then a shit load of dudes who have made their personality trait bow hunting.
I enjoy the shows. My comments are regarding the podcast.

Why would you have Ed Ashby as an interview guest and you have no idea what arrow weight you are shooting at any animal? I'm guessing some memos were lost before that recording.
My wife enjoyed the paragraph describing Rinella’s year-round travel schedule for work juxtaposed against the statement that he is currently writing a “book on parenting”!

Maybe it’s titled ‘Do as I say, not as I do… man’?
That reminds me of a podcast on climbing I used to listen to. The host joked that for every person that talked about family life balance, while they were obviously spending huge amounts of time climbing and training, that maybe he needed to start fact checking those statements... He felt significant others might feel different about the amount and quality of family/ life balance.:ROFLMAO:
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I'm not really defending Rinella, but the whole argument seems 90% "I'm a bow hunter and he uses a rifle, that's lame 😫, bow hunting is the coolest" and it's stupid. (this common thinking I see about Rinella, no specifically your comment backofbeyond)

Activity purity tests are stupid.
My bad opinion of Rinella as a bow hunter is not based on a purity test (I hunt with all types of equipment too), it's based on my perception that he is not confident in his archery skills or his equipment (or any archery equipment in general, as he has stated many times) and it shows. I have been astounded several times at how nervous he gets (especially when bow hunting) for a guy who hunts as much as he does and for as long as he has. My impression is that he gets nervous because of his lack of confidence. So, in summary, I would not be upset if he stopped bow hunting.
Rinella gets flak for not portraying every part of the hunt on social media and on the show.... then gets flak because he's showing every part of the hunt on social media and the show...

Anyone who tells me they haven't made any bad hits on animals is either full of shit or they haven't killed many critters
Yup. Every time I hear “ I never missed a deer” or “ every deer I have shot dropped in it’s tracks”, the first thing that comes to mind is “ this person hasn’t shot at many deer.
Showing bad hits on video being normalizing bad hits or normalizing that bad stuff happens to us all sometimes, tough balance. Sure impressive though in any case on that muzzleloader elk hunt in Colorado that he quit hunting. What I struggle with is when someone makes a bad hit on video and goes from being absolutely convinced the animal is dead and they will find them to being absolutely convinced the animal is alive and therefore they will ever find then, and therefore they can justify feeling okay about killing another animal. Of course, if someone had been videoing my hunting career, and life, they'd see some pretty not okay decisions and actions to I reckon.

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