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NV FCFS Ram tag party 2022 - Get your invite or a NEW TRUCK!

They should allow people to return tags. Sheep hunting is a special opportunity. If someone isn’t able/willing to hunt the tag, it should go to someone else.

I can see your perspective about R/NR but they should definitely be able to return the tag. Things happen, circumstances change.
And there's a process for that in NV. Not I just don't want to hunt because I did not see an animal big enough. I suspect it's more abused than you think.
TL; DR - jerk gets new truck using NV FCFS to convert resident ram tags to NR status and selling knowledge of the FCFS tag drop timing.

Be a part of the inaugural NV FCFS Ram Tag PARTY in 2022!!!

I need a new truck! The FCFS process allows me to to convert resident ram tags to NR tags and sell the knowledge of when the tag will drop on FCFS to non-residents.

Exact Date of the hunt and the tag party is TBD. But at least ONE ram tag is almost assured for one NR hunter invited in to this special group.

I have a group of NV Residents (friends/family) each with 10-25 Nelson ram points. We will place mid-tier Ram tags in positions 2-5 on our resident applications and draw these tags. We are very likely to get at least a couple of these tags for 2022 – probably about three tags total. At a time 0-14 days prior to the season opening (at an exact time/day coordinated with YOU), we will return these tags to NDOW at a cost of only $120/tag to us. We get our points back and a point for current year! With under 14 days before opener, these tags completely bypass the "eligible alternate" call list and go straight to FCFS.

At that exact time, each of the NRs “in the know”, will be on their PCs logged on to FCFS religiously for the next 24 hour when that Ram tag will pop up.

Contact me to discuss further if you are a NR wanting a special invitation. Of course, there will be a cover charge for this party - price TBD. That is how I get my new truck!

Remember, NDOW/Kalkomey hopes to go away from the 35 second refresh cycle in 2022 and towards "real time refresh". So, you will want to be on a very high speed internet connection. Preferably on a high speed trunk line at a commercial building.

Am I serious about doing this? If I don't do it - who will? Does anyone else reading this plan need a new truck?

NV wildlife commission – you can fix this by enforcing the 10% NR cap on FCFS tags. But please don't - have you seen how worn out my current truck is?

NDOW - you created this game and now you are shocked at the level of game play? You auction these tags for $200K and don't understand it's big business? Are you prepared to play in 2022? Or do you think it looks honorable to sit back and say "we just didn't foresee that people would open up multiple browsers to get tags - our minds don't think that way" (quote from Jan, '22 commission meeeting). You are using my licensing dollars to convert resident ram tags to NR tags -in violation of 90/10. Why shouldn't I also be able to do this to get my new truck?

Can't afford Ram Tag party cover charge? Don't worry - the Bull Elk Tag party will also exist and the bull cover charge will be priced more like Ely/Elko than the strip. The bull tag party is for my son's new Honda Civic.

Do not be misled by Kalkomey's allegation of $0 for "NDOW's cost to build" FCFS? $173,053 dollars in sales and Kalkomey likely gets paid by a % of that number - not a direct software coding bill to NDOW. Plenty of guys at Kalkomey getting new trucks off converting these tags to non-residents also. Don't hate me - I'm one of the last guys to start making money on Ram tags.

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A.) that info would be virtually worthless. Everyone is watching for those tags to hit the list already.

B.) prior to this year those tags were going unused.

So you would rather see them go unused than go to a NR? Makes sense.
A.) that info would be virtually worthless. Everyone is watching for those tags to hit the list already.

FCFS TRK (Tag Return Knowledge) is POWER if you know how to use it. But don't bid on it if this isn't your thing.

It allows a person to concentrate his army/bot on the exact 24 hour period that matters most!

My buddy carted this tag and he let it expire as he decided against it. He texted me with this TRK (Tag Return Knowledge) and I decided to dedicate the next 24 hours of my silly life to obtain this tag for a different friend. 6 hours later, the tag was in the cart. Ten days later, I took the attached harvest picture.

Please only bid on FCFS TRK in 2022 and beyond if you know how to use the knowledge and it helps you reach your personal goals. I understand that broken Nevada bulls like that one aren’t for everyone.

NV Residents: Email [email protected] to ask for 10% NR cap on FCFS so that residents will not convert RES tags to NR status for money. Stress that you are a NV resident and use your Kalkomey name/email so they can verify your residency status. If you liked FCFS in 2021, you will LOVE it in 2022 when 90/10 is respected.


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