PEAX Equipment

Region 6&7 mulie doe tag reduction thread

What specifically are you thinking? Give some examples. I get OnX has a HUGE play in this but what else?

Hunt Talk certainly owns a part as do all of us who use it.
Rangefinders,scopes, long range rifles just to name a few. The list is big. Vehicles, clothing, trail cams etc etc. It gets worse but I won’t mention them as to not give people ideas.
Rangefinders,scopes, long range rifles just to name a few. The list is big. Vehicles, clothing, trail cams etc etc. It gets worse but I won’t mention them as to not give people ideas.
Maybe. From what I have been reading and noticing the one thing you haven’t thought of is the decline of our population in general. Less couples having kids with the aging population has started to change the trajectory of the future population size. Now given this will take some time it is in fact happening now.

It doesn’t help that we are the wealthiest we have ever been in our history either.
Maybe. From what I have been reading and noticing the one thing you haven’t thought of is the decline of our population in general. Less couples having kids with the aging population has started to change the trajectory of the future population size. Now given this will take some time it is in fact happening now.

It doesn’t help that we are the wealthiest we have ever been in our history either.
I think the game managers must be accounting for the population crash that hasn’t happened yet in people. It has happened in deer though, hopefully things level out.
more tags, doe tags that are good region wide.

gear. the list is endless, but to start. Rangefinders, better scopes and rifles. better binoculars. UTV's, trail cameras and a lot more.
My buddy shot an elk at 717 yards and a deer at 740 last year. He wasn’t doing that even 10 years ago with his 3-9 weaver and .3006. I’m behind the curve with that stuff. It was rare for guys to have a rangefinder that went much past 700 yards yet alone one that would pick up a deer or elk at that distance.
I didn’t hunt deer this year in fact I’m going to toss my general deer tag in the garbage this morning , but I spent 15 days in Montana for elk in region 4 (I know this is a region 6-7 thread) and my god for lack of deer . It’s really fricking sad . Driving through region 6-7 4 different times same could be said for there even tho I didn’t leave the road - hardly any roadkill . Hardly any animals spotted while driving . Ugly
Private land only tags would quickly be labeled Landowner welfare. They are a non starter for many in the state.
I don’t see any other way quality hunting will ever be restored to accessible lands in regions 6 and 7 without a mechanism to equalize pressure on said lands. Break the big blocks into their own units maybe like South Dakota did I guess.
I didn’t hunt deer this year in fact I’m going to toss my general deer tag in the garbage this morning , but I spent 15 days in Montana for elk in region 4 (I know this is a region 6-7 thread) and my god for lack of deer . It’s really fricking sad . Driving through region 6-7 4 different times same could be said for there even tho I didn’t leave the road - hardly any roadkill . Hardly any animals spotted while driving . Ugly
I made the drive from Ft Peck to Ft Collins last Tuesday. Amazing how the deer sightings(roadkill or on the hoof) change as soon as you cross into Wyoming!
My buddy shot an elk at 717 yards and a deer at 740 last year. He wasn’t doing that even 10 years ago with his 3-9 weaver and .3006. I’m behind the curve with that stuff. It was rare for guys to have a rangefinder that went much past 700 yards yet alone one that would pick up a deer or elk at that distance.
I remember when a rangefinder was your best guess and when you guessed wrong you missed and tried to compensate by holding accordingly with the second shot. You were really fancy if you had a variable scope, My first was a weaver K4/
My buddy shot an elk at 717 yards and a deer at 740 last year. He wasn’t doing that even 10 years ago with his 3-9 weaver and .3006. I’m behind the curve with that stuff. It was rare for guys to have a rangefinder that went much past 700 yards yet alone one that would pick up a deer or elk at that distance.
Good point!
I remember when a rangefinder was your best guess and when you guessed wrong you missed and tried to compensate by holding accordingly with the second shot. You were really fancy if you had a variable scope, My first was a weaver K4/
I had open sights for the first 6 years of the beginning of my hunting career. We couldn’t afford the scope and my dad wanted me to learn how to get close for a shot.

Had to earn the responsibility of having a scope before given one…oh… and I had to save money to buy my own scope.
This, landowners like me that are surrounded by a lot of public are just going to have to live with not being able to get a tag every year.

From your perspective, are you seeing newer style hunt clubs pop up that focus on gaming the 160/640 acre requirements for landowner preference by issuing shares in a property to skirt around the current requirements? It seems to be a growing concern in other regions.
From your perspective, are you seeing newer style hunt clubs pop up that focus on gaming the 160/640 acre requirements for landowner preference by issuing shares in a property to skirt around the current requirements? It seems to be a growing concern in other regions.
It is happening with nonresident archery elk tags. They are gaming the system imo.
Maybe the easiest practical solution is to leave season structures the way they are and ban all sighting devices other than iron sights for the general season. No scopes, no red/green dot, nothing other iron/peep sights.

What’s the practical max distance a majority of hunters would be able to kill a deer with open/iron sights? My guesstimate would be @200 yards or less.
Maybe the easiest practical solution is to leave season structures the way they are and ban all sighting devices other than iron sights for the general season. No scopes, no red/green dot, nothing other iron/peep sights.

What’s the practical max distance a majority of hunters would be able to kill a deer with open/iron sights? My guesstimate would be @200 yards or less.
I'd get one of them guns Quigley had. mtmuley
I'd get one of them guns Quigley had. mtmuley

Not all of us have years of experience shooting 300 RUMs that would translate to being able to hit a water bucket at 782 yards from an unsupported standing position.😀😏
