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NRA On The Hot Seat - Exposed or Attacked?

SFGate: NRA chief Wayne LaPierre received a 57% pay raise in 2018, tax filings show.
Wingnuts still kissing the king's ring over there at NRA land. You can tell quite a bit about an organization by who can criticize bad behavior. At NRA, no one can and stay. The lessons of Penn State should not be ignored. Silence only creates a larger train wreck down the tracks a bit further. Yet, anyone with half a brain knows when an old guy uses company money to house a young lady intern in housing that a line was crossed. Poor judgement is just not plausible. And so it goes. The fall will be sudden when it happens and the damage will take years to unwind. Fox News saw what happens with bad behavior by a guy that was too powerful to reprimand. The resulting lawsuits and payouts were in the tens of millions. Not sure when the upcoming train wreck happens but will happen and play out loud and long in the media that loves to see a conservative stumble. This stumble is self-inflicted. The resulting oversight that will be put in place to make sure no one gets that powerful again at NRA will reduce effectiveness of any actions that need to be nimble. Egomania is a bitch.
The NRA just furloughed its entire competitions division. This was the original mandate of the NRA and why it was founded. They had mostly abandoned and defunded it already, but now it is final. It amazes me that they don't see the writing on the wall. We've been scribbling messages there with Sharpies for years now.
It seems when any organization becomes so large the people at the top take care of them self first and forget the people that put them their
I'm a life member, but one of my favorite sports is flaming them when they call for money. All responses are variations are more colorful versions of, "Not a dime until LaPierre and his crones are gone."

All those stamps wasted on sweepstakes entries and what have I got for it?
At this point the acceptance of the malfeasance from the NRA leadership is more of an indictment on the membership then anything else.
I'm not sure what the membership is supposed to do? Impeach him? I don't think the members have that power.
At least as a member, I can still keep voting for a change in leadership of the BoD. Wish it just felt like it was doing something something good for the organization.