NR Licensing Question


New member
Feb 24, 2011
I am not a resident of Montana, I would like to be but can't be right now. I love the state and its people and I try to spend a month or so there every year. My wife and I bought 200 or so acres in Eastern Montana and it is our refuge from the crazy life we live here on the East Coast. I am a hunter so natually I like hunting in Montana and have been able to draw an A tag for deer a several times. Last year I did'nt get drawn but had no problem with that because that is the way it works. Well a couple of my Montana friends said that they felt that was unfair because my wife and I pay vehicle and land taxes in Montana. My question is how does the idea of NR landowners being permitted to purchase tags over the counter at the NR rate sound to you? We do that here my home state...Nonresident Landowners may purchase a NR license OTC but of course it is at the NR rate. Just curious about how everyone feels about it.
Owning land in Montana shouldn't get you a free pass to hunt anywhere in the state, but I don't think I'd like being told that I couldn't hunt my own land.
I agree with the above. Persons who have owned land in montana as a private ,single ,individual for a term not less than 1 year should be able to purchase an OTC tag at the nonresident rate for use on their property alone. In this way clubs would not be able to purchase an acre as a group and then hunt the entire state.
Well that is the reason I posted this question. I own the land and it is grazed so it is agricultural/ranch land. There are deer running all over the place and I can't hunt them if I am not drawn. I can see the FWP not liking the idea that a NR could buy a 2 acre lot an buy a license OTC and hunt any place in the state. Maybe a minimum acreage requirement, or use type, or a restriction to hunt only the NR property would be the answer. I don't know but it sure is a dose when the deer are running all over the property and I can only look at them. I guess the bright side is that at least I am in Montana when I'm seeing them.
You can, if you own 160+ acres. You will qualify for a landowner sponsored deer tag. You must enroll by December1st. Apply by March 15th, and you are set.

Might want to check the acreage. At one time it was160. Heard it was going to 640, but think it is still at 160.
I THINK, not sure, that FWP in Miles City said that I had to be a resident to get a landowner sponsored tag. We have 203 acres.

Can a landowner sponsor himself ?
NR landowners...

I owned land in MT for many a year prior to becoming a resident. I drew some yrs., other yrs. not. But, I did purchase leftover mulie and wt doe tags. This, at NR prices. I paid taxes on my land, allowed it to be grazed by locals. Kept the noxious weeds at bay to the best of my abilities. I for one think NR land owners should enter the draw just like the rest of the NR. BTW, I didn't piss and moan about not being able to draw a tag each year. I sucked it up and when I retired moved to the great state of Montana. I still own land in MT. Allow locals to graze my property. Hunt my property and allow others to do so if they ask permission. I pay my taxes and keep the weeds down better now that I live on my property. Plus, I still have to enter the draw to get tags in MT. Also, I volunteer lots of my time to local events to contribute to our local community here in NW Montana. I was not born in Montana. But, my heart and ashes will be spread on the wind here. There ain't no free lunch. Deal with it! MTG
I THINK, not sure, that FWP in Miles City said that I had to be a resident to get a landowner sponsored tag. We have 203 acres.

Can a landowner sponsor himself ?

I am not aware of that, but it might be the case. I have helped landowners do this, but they are either MT residents, or MT based-corporations, so I have not experiened your situation.
Well I am not pissing and moaning about is what it is so I am dealing with it thus the question. I am a retired Maryland Game Warden and would be there in Montana but for the fact that my wife is running her family business and can't retire yet. I believe in playing by the rules and will. My question comes not so much from me but from my Montana resident friends who think that I should be able to buy a license OTC at the resident rate due to the fact that I am a landowner. I don't agree with that at all since I am not a resident and I see a great potential for abuse in that.
I have purchased leftover tags in years past but last year a computer snafu on the FWP end goofed me up and I disappeared from the Alternates list. I entered the Alternates drawing and was 320 something on the list according to the FWP return e-mail. Later when I saw that the leftovers were all gone I called FWP and was advised that there was no record of my entry on the Alternates list. So I hunted coyotes.. no big deal I had a ball.

Just for clarification I am not belly achin' just wanted to see what everyone's thoughts are on the subject.
Big Fin,
Thanks for the info. I will be out there in June with the family and will contact Warden Dawson and get him to explain it to me.
Good to see that you think playing by the rules is an honorable position. So many do not feel that way. P&M is just a term. I, for one, would welcome you to MT as a resident. Hurry up and move out to MT when you are able. I have, on others websites, heard this complaint. I have read of other NR that feel entitled to hunt MT on their terms. Perhaps that is not the case by you. Albeit, it has been stated that other NR feel they are being discriminated against due to the fact that some are NR landowners and feel entitled to resident rights. I own land in New Mexico, I do not have the right to resident hunting rights. It is what it is. I deal with it. Move to MT and enjoy. MTG

Playing by the rules is the only way to go. I spent 29 yrs working for the resource in game management and enforcement and am not going to change now. I respect the law and it does not matter which state it is in. Montana's laws are quite a bit more complex regarding licensing than those in my home state so this type of exchange is part of my education in them.
Too many do not play by the rules. Some attempt to bend the rules. I have great respect for those who live by the rules. We need residents of your caliber. Come on out! MTG
Well it took me awhile to get around to posting this but I got an A tag as an Alternate. So I won't have to hunt for coyotes only this year. I am a happy fellow.:)

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