How many deer can you kill in your home state?


Landowners can get free tags, 2 firearm (1 either sex, 1 antlerless) and 2 archery (1 either sex, 1 antlerless). Muzzleloader tags can be applied for in the draw. Landowners cannot apply for additional firearm tags until after the second draw.

Firearm tags are quota based on county. you can apply for those online and if any left over can be purchased over the counter.

Archery is unlimited.

2 Bucks max per season regardless of weapon.
1. You get a combination of five whitetail tags. Three are buck/antlerless and two are antlerless. Then you get a buck and a antlerless mule deer tag. How and when/if you fill them depends on the county or counties you hunt. I can fill all five of my tags in the county I hunt but only two can be bucks.

2. You can draw a hunt on state park land and each of those hunts will have different bag limits. If memory serves these are additional tags to your license.

3. Managed lands permits or MLDP. Do a deer survey every year and the state gives you tags based on what the biologist feels needs to be taken to keep the herd healthy.

So in theory a person could kill a lot of deer here if they were so inclined to make the arrangements. The most I’ve killed in one year was seven hunting my place and then being invited out to help a MLD ranch. The foreman gave me nine tags but after filling five over a morning and evening hunt I was done.
As someone from a very restrictive Province which 100% puts residents first, I completely support States prioritizing their resident hunters. Saskatchewan has world renowned big game hunting and us residents can hunt every big game species OTC every year, with the exception of Pronghorn. That's bear, mule deer, whitetail, elk and moose. Restrictive non-resident policies have allowed us residents to maintain quality hunting.

On a good year can purchase 7 deer tags (plus 2 bears, 1 elk and 1 moose), when draw tags and quotas are in my favour. That's a total of 11 big game animals.
OTC archery either-sex mule deer;
OTC either-sex whitetail;
OTC 1st antlerless whitetail (valid in city zones);
Quota antlerless whitetail (one per applicant, valid for specific zones);
Quota antlerless mule deer (one per applicant, valid for specific zones);
Draw either-sex mule deer (can only hold a draw or OTC archery in one year); and
Draw antlerless mule deer (up to two tags depending on zones).

Saskatchewan only allows Canadian non-residents a draw either-sex whitetail tag which is very hard to draw unless you have "blood relatives" in the Province, and only allows other non-residents to apply through outfitters, which Canadian non-residents can also apply for.

I will continue to enjoy Western States hunting while those States allow me to hunt there, when they no longer do, I'll look back at all the crazy hunts I've had the privilege on doing and continue hunting at home as long as I can.
My son killed three in Idaho a couple years ago. General deer tag, extra whitetail doe tag and an OTC CWD tag. He went 3-3.
Bucks 1
If you can hunt an urban zone 1 addition buck.
If you get to drawn for a state park deer reduction hunt 1 addional buck per state park reduction hunt. Reduction hunts are residents only
2 archery
1 muzzleloader
Bonus antlerless based on county quota but you can literally go to every county in the state and kill that counties quota. If you did that you would be able to harvest close to 1000 antlerless deer!
5 in MN, only 1 can be a buck.
Definitely varies depending on where at in MN.

In my area (a CWD zone) in SE MN, it is unlimited.

In my area, you can take 3 bucks with regular tags (1 archery, 1 firearm, 1 muzzleloader) during the regular seasons. I don't recall how many does you can take during regular season.

During the late CWD hunt, it is unlimited for does and for bucks.

They are interested in getting every deer they can killed here.

Tags are OTC and the disease management tags are ridiculously cheap.

Oh yeah, and party hunting is allowed....
Vermont: ...Four-deer annual limit, only one of which may be a legal buck

Not my home state, but the girlfriends family has property in VT and I've been eyeing the seasons to see if I can make it work.

Vermont: ...Four-deer annual limit, only one of which may be a legal buck

Not my home state, but the girlfriends family has property in VT and I've been eyeing the seasons to see if I can make it work.

Another state where you'll get a free bear tag to go along with your deer tag.
Do you have to pay for tags, or is it truly a "whenever" thing?
There are no restrictions on what you can hunt, no tags and no seasons. You just need a free permit (available to anyone) to hunt public land and then go for it. There are some controls on public land e.g. no night hunting, no hunting near tourist tracks etc.
Oregon- Max 2 tags
1. One buck tag.
- West of the Cascade crest is OTC for blacktail. There are no OTC mule deer opportunities
- East of the cascades is all limited entry draw for mule deer. Some tags can be drawn every year, though many units take multiple points to draw.
2. 600 series antlerless deer seasons are limited to one tag. Generally takes a few points to draw.
3. I'm not familiar with LOP tags, but I don't think they're as generous as many other western states.

Leftover controlled tags are not available as additional tags.

Edit: Wanted to add the season timing.
OTC blacktail rifle season is the month of October. Archery season on both sides is generally the month of September. Controlled mule deer seasons are generally 10 days in early October.
It is also possible, but unlikely, to draw a Premium Tag which would allow for one more deer of either sex.
Definitely varies depending on where at in MN.

In my area (a CWD zone) in SE MN, it is unlimited.

In my area, you can take 3 bucks with regular tags (1 archery, 1 firearm, 1 muzzleloader) during the regular seasons. I don't recall how many does you can take during regular season.

During the late CWD hunt, it is unlimited for does and for bucks.

They are interested in getting every deer they can killed here.

Tags are OTC and the disease management tags are ridiculously cheap.

Oh yeah, and party hunting is allowed....
Correct. The regs get a little messy when you take the CWD seasons into consideration. The only DPAs I'm aware of that you're allowed more than 1 buck is 643, 645-649, and 684. But it has to be 1 buck with a bow, 1 with muzzleloader, and 1 with rifle/shotgun. So you're allowed 3 bucks in those areas. Unless it's a late CWD hunt, then if it's brown it's down...

Unless you hunt in 605, 643, 645-649, then there's an unlimited bag limit.

For the level the average person cares, I figured I'd simplify it to; Statewide the bag limit is 5 deer, 1 of which can be a buck.

It can get confusing. I hunt a CWD zone pretty often also. I don't bother with the special CWD hunts personally. Seems like the DNR really wants to wipe herds out in those areas.
There are no restrictions on what you can hunt, no tags and no seasons. You just need a free permit (available to anyone) to hunt public land and then go for it. There are some controls on public land e.g. no night hunting, no hunting near tourist tracks etc.
I'd almost rather go there than to Africa then. Thanks for the info.
PA you get one antlered deer tag with your regular license, after that there are 3 rounds of antlerless tags available, some units sell out 1st week of the first round, some go past the 3rd.
After that unsold are available up to I believe 6, but some also get deer damage "red" tags and now we have pretty large CWD zones with basically unlimited antlerless tags.
Short answer is, it's run by a government agency, so it's complicated.
One could kill all of the deer in my state and the DNR would still be off in their population estimates. And then they'd turn around and sell antlerless tags, for a fee, to make money.
You buy a license and you can shoot a doe a day for 120 days. 3 buck limit for the season and one has to have 4 points on one side. Some wma’s offer a bonus buck on certain weekends so you have a chance at 4 bucks.
1. How many deer can the average hunter kill on OTC tags?
2. How many deer can be added to item 1 by drawing limited quota or controlled tags?
3. How many deer can be added to the total by utilizing landowner tags?
Ask 3 Iowans, get 4 answers 😂

The answer to all 3 is essentially unlimited. 2 OTC either sex + 1 if you’re a LO + 1 if you’re a youth + as many auction tags as you want to buy + multiple urban damage award tags if you will travel. Those are all either-sex tags. So, maybe 20?

On the antlerless side it is again unlimited, but you may have to travel.

If I had nothing but time, I could realistically shoot ten bucks a year with 8 being spikers or shed bucks.
8 in Montana I believe. General tag and up to 7 B tags??

I could be wrong I can’t remember the last B tag I’ve bought
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