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Not on Your Bucket List

The only things completely not on my list, are anything exotic or invasive, red stag in NZ? Gross. Basically everything in Texas? Nope.

...EXCEPT birds, I'll never give up my love for asian game birds here in the US.

In general though Africa, moose, sheep, all predators not called black bears, are all pretty low interests for me.
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If HT is a solid representative slice of the hunting community, why are the sheep tags I’m chasing so stinking hard to draw? 😀 Back to the OP’s question:

I’m not big on exotics. All that stuff in NM and TX that doesn’t belong. I can’t get excited about it.
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This will go against alot of people. I have no interest in turkey slam. Chasing turkeys seem similar everywhere and some species are very difficult to obtain tag or need private land guide. Also too expensive for a big bird.
opposite of neffa, you just can't get me interested in birds. waterfowl especially. bleh bleh mega bleh on waterfowl.

but i'd absolutely love to chase a stag in new zealand.

lion is very low on the list, but i'd be happy to get one if i could. but i ain't trying to and probably never will.

turkeys are very low on the list, but i go out every year and would love to shoot, but i don't try very hard.

except for some reason i really wanna go tromp the sage brush steppes in wyoing for sage grouse. something about sage grouse get's me a litlte hot and bothered. it might be the ladnscape more than anything.
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I don't know really I haven't thought about that, just the ones I want to chase after. I'd put monkeys up towards 1 or 2 I just think it would feel weird. Africa alot of the speices I just wouldn't be that excited about personally either. What am I gonna do with all this hippo? Screenshot_20240321-105203_Chrome.jpg
Wolves, Gbears, and Africa don't interest me.

Just don't believe in hunting something I'm not gonna eat. Except coyotes, they attacked my dog once so them dickheads are on the hitlist.
I don't know really I haven't thought about that, just the ones I want to chase after. I'd put monkeys up towards 1 or 2 I just think it would feel weird. Africa alot of the speices I just wouldn't be that excited about personally either. What am I gonna do with all this hippo? View attachment 319858
I would love to hunt/kill a hippo. Just look at that skull!

Most birds and whitetail deer are at the bottom for me.
I would love to hunt/kill a hippo. Just look at that skull!

Most birds and whitetail deer are at the bottom for me.
Its honestly fairly affordable on my couple second search was 9k for one I saw and 12k for a big gator as well, I figured more spendy... I'm not judging, just poking fun a little... I'm sure they need hunted too, I just personally wouldn't be that into it I dont think... maybe the meat is good. Probably just cultural differences mainly... it's a big head for sure, I would just feel out of place likely. Awhile back I was inside a taxidermist trophy room.. he had giraffe, zebra, hippo, rhino, various deer, a wildebeest and a lion of some sorts. Plus all the standard sheep, bears, elk, deer, pigs from North America... he had a ton of awesome stuff in his room... I just didn't get the allure to most of the African game he had besides oryx . it was cool to see, and it's probably the only time I'll see it. He said the tribes are taking the meat.. It just didn't make me want to start saving for Africa. He said he'd get free hunts, for taxidermy work done, and made it sound interesting. It just would leave me feeling a bit empty I think... I have no cultural experience with any of those animals and don't know I'd really feel like it was a accomplishment. Maybe if I moved and learned the culture I'd feel different..

Copied from site: Most of the times, only the scull with tusks and the hippo skin is retrieved, and the meat gets used for feeding the villagers, or in some cases for Lion Bait (In the latter case the decision is made out of necessity and not choice.

I'm sure it's somewhat rewarding feeding others.. just ranks pretty low on my hunts I'd like to accomplish in my life.
Everyone who says "I don't believe in hunting something I'm not going to eat" always has a disclaimer after, like except for coyotes, or except for raccoons. I love hunting. Even if I don't eat it. I trap a lot and don't eat any of those critters. Predator management is important.
It's mountain goats for me for some reason it's never appealed to me. Yet my number 1 bucket list animal would be a bighorn sheep. I've never been able to reconcile in my own mind why that is as they seem like very similar hunts.
No elephant, hippo, lion, crok and more. Would like a Sable and perhaps a Cape buffalo. But, not going again. Good ‘nuff, don’t have the room. It’s full! MTG
Everyone who says "I don't believe in hunting something I'm not going to eat" always has a disclaimer after, like except for coyotes, or except for raccoons. I love hunting. Even if I don't eat it. I trap a lot and don't eat any of those critters. Predator management is important.

i don't have that disclaimer.

i really hate the idea of killing stuff for the sake of killing stuff.
If trumpeter swan ever gets legalized here in MN, I'd have no desire to kill one.

I have zero desire to go to Africa and shoot animals I have no cultural context with.

I used to coyote hunt a lot, I don't anymore. Just don't see the point, and I like letting them walk because I know some redneck in a Z71 would be furious if they knew I didn't shoot it, and I think that's kinda funny.
Just a side note observation, but the trumpeter population has really exploded around here the last couple years.
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