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NOSLER wants to see your success

142 ABLR out of a 6.5x55 swede, 410yds
I'm planning on switching from the 140 gr AC to the 142 ACLR this fall if I can get my hands on them. I'm putting a new McGowen 1:8 on it, a bit heavier barrel than factory, and some shiny new Lapua brass, and a new Bushnell Nitro MOA Deploy reticle 4-16x44 to pair with it. I hunt an area where antelope feed along a stream where there is no cover for 1000 yards and they feed along the stream in the center. Now I have to wait until one wanders to within 350 yards, and this will hopefully let me get out to 500.
Got a new Semi Custom build here in North Pole Alaska - purhcased a vareity of Ammo which was mostly Nosler. Out of the 4 types of ammo I could get ahold of this year the Factory 280 Ackley Improved Nosler Accubonds in 140 Grain shot lights out. Way better then anything else. Groups were solid and consistent even out at 200 yards.

So I took it on a March Caribou Hunt, we rode snow machines out looking for the Caribou and after 2 unsuccessful stalks we were running through a saddle when on a ridge above us a herd came out and started running the wind blown ridge top. My buddy saw them and was ahead of me (our tow behind sled and flipped so I had to pickup a couple things) and so when I realized he stopped I saw the herd. Hopped off and as he shot his I was hunched over running for a flatter spot. got down quick, set the bipod and started to control my breathing. First caribou was 1 shot and down @225-250 yards - second I shot over at 340 yards because these 140 Accubonds were shooting so dang flat!!! Took me a couple extra shots but I punched my 2 tags!

7mm Rem Mag, 150gr Nosler E-tip factory loads.

I was holding out on posting this until I was able to find a couple more boxes. Finally found a some on Gunbroker last week. :)

Last two shots before calling it good, steel at 500yds.

Success at 60yds, aged at 7yrs.

As recovered

Very satisfied with the E-tips.
I have used Nosler bullets exclusively for several years. I haven't bought a factory box of ammo in at least 10 years, shy of some AR-15 stuff for my son's rifle and some 9mm practice ammo.

Lots of great experiences with the 140 Accubond in a couple 7mm-08, 140 Ballistic Tips as well, 160 Accubonds in my 7mm Rem Mag, and 200 grain Accubonds in my .325 WSM. Rarely catch a bullet, but always terrific and terminal results.


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First kill with a Nosler etip (7mm-08 factory load). One shot into the boiler room and he only went 20 yards. Very pleased with performance. Complete pass through0F20ED67-FC86-460A-B5A3-58C17E7B7F43.jpeg without a lot of extra damage and, most importantly, without dumping lead into my dinner.
I was talking to the folks at Nosler the other day and the topic came up about how many in our audience use Nosler products, whether bullets, fully loaded ammo, or in their reloading. I had a suggestion that we could post a thread that would run until the end of the year. We would ask folks to post their success with Nosler products, either this year or in past years. They agreed. And they offered to put together a $500 package of goods to give away to someone who posts on this thread between now and the end of the year.

So there you have it. Post up a pic of Nosler products being used or the result of Nosler products being used, and you're in the game.

View attachment 60305

I would ask that when you post a pic, you provide some information that explains to the Hunt Talk crew what you used, how you used it, and a bit about the picture that might help people understand the conditions and circumstances under which the shot occurred.

Thanks to Nosler for their great support - http://www.nosler.com/
All with Nosler 225gr Accubonds Handloads in my 338 Win Mag all one shot stops from 50 yards to 485 yards.
Excellent Bullet Performance and Accuracy. This is a few photos of my game taken with the 225gr Nosler Accubond my favorite bullet. My Handload of 76.0 of Reloader 19 in Nosler Brass with Fed 215 primers has accounted for a lot of game here in Alaska. Moose Hunting from a canoe /hunting above timberline or hunting in timber the Nosler Accubond has never let me down. I have used Nosler bullets for 45 years with Partition and Accubond from coast to coast and now in Alaska. I even have some older 200gr Part. Nosler .308 that were turned. I cherish these in my 30-06 and 300 Win Mag.


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I would love to post a picture here but unfortunately I ended up with knee surgery Nov. 4th. Lets just say my football playing days are over because I'm never putting hunting season in jeopardy again. I also can't seem to get my hands on anymore Nosler ammo in my area. Love the accubonds and E-tips though! hoping to find a few boxes before next year as I am hoping to go to Montana on a general tag. It'll be my first Montana trip since I usually hit idaho archery, but lets say the waiting room granted me number 15466 and I missed out on a tag.

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