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No non-resident hunting on Wyoming wilderness unless you have a Guide - when are you all going to fight this?

I'm aware of that appeal case, but it's not the end-all for this subject. It's the end for the accused, who decided not to take it further.

I guess the most logical approach would be to "bait" the situation with a heavily backed non resident to get "caught" and ticketed and take the case all of the way.

The guise, or ruse of these Outfitters is that they're looking out for your 'safety' and want to be there with you, hold your hand and/or kiss your boo boo. Certainly it's not about the $, they are just concerned and worried about you

Again, for you non res. folks who do hunt Wyoming but don't care about the Wilderness rules, what if they start taking away your forest service, BLM, etc. rights away from you? Again, they are only looking out for your safety. The Outfitters are lobbying for just that.

But oh, the "regal, noble outfitter" of your myth and dreams. They wouldn't do that, would they? Hmm, they're nothing more than a money grubbing blight on the land.
It's like Whack-A-Mole ... you get rid of a contentious, disrespectful newbie and another emerges.
I don't like it & it's certainly a perk to the residents of WY, as well as the outfitters. Wyoming can choose how they allocate big game hunting licenses to non-residents - where and how many. Would everybody whining be happier if they allowed you to hunt in the wilderness, but then decided to cut the non-resident license quotas down to what Montana offers non-residents?
I don't like it & it's certainly a perk to the residents of WY, as well as the outfitters. Wyoming can choose how they allocate big game hunting licenses to non-residents - where and how many. Would everybody whining be happier if they allowed you to hunt in the wilderness, but then decided to cut the non-resident license quotas down to what Montana offers non-residents?

MT gives out about 5k more NR licenses than WY, or do you mean proportionately... that might be a slight reduction.
Kind of hilarious, as well as predictable that the online forum wizards always run and seek shelter under the skirt of the administrator when someone comes along and has a differing point of view. Sending alerts to the Mods, calling for someone to be banned, posting witty GIF's, etc. Hard to take your kind seriously, but it does offer some laughs.

Like I said, always predictable...
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Hard to take your kind seriously
NR DIY guys are scared of bears and most wouldn't hunt the western wilderness' if they opened them tomorrow.
That's what the WYOGA is for. For a Fee, they'll protect you from the bears...because, well, they're kind of "bears" too - care bears!

You know, I just had a realization - why should I, a resident here in Wyoming, lobby to have the non resident wilderness BS revoked when a majority of keyboard commando's here are against it? Well, I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for the real hunters that are non residents. I believe that we all should stick together. If, per chance, this law existed in Montana, I (as a visiting non resident) sure would appreciate in state support.

The interwebs are not the place to discuss, or fight things like this. Too many pretenders and poseurs who want to jump in on the subject, all the while knowing they'd never have the gumption or cajones to do a DIY wilderness hunt. Sadly, these types always out number (at least online) the real deal dudes.

This place is called hunt-talk...not hunt-do, so what should I have expected
My bad
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That's what the WYOGA is for. For a Fee, they'll protect you from the bears...because, well, they're kind of "bears" too - care bears!

Utah has separate licensing. CWMU is a separate system, sperate seasons, separate dates than rest of the licensing. And they do incorporate a boatload of public land into their CWMU units.

While I get 100 % the desire to get rid of that rule, every state around has a outfitter/guide welfare program.

And like viking said, the real only way to end it is to outlaw guiding on public. Good luck.
And like viking said, the real only way to end it is to outlaw guiding on public. Good luck.

Also the trade off being that getting rid of guiding on public would A. Be very detrimental to local economies and B. Would make it virtually impossible for anyone to go on some hunts, and very difficult for NR to go on a lot of hunts.

Everything is a balance, guided public land hunting has its place in our multi use system.
That's what the WYOGA is for. For a Fee, they'll protect you from the bears...because, well, they're kind of "bears" too - care bears!

You know, I just had a realization - why should I, a resident here in Wyoming, lobby to have the non resident wilderness BS revoked when a majority of keyboard commando's here are against it? Well, I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for the real hunters that are non residents. I believe that we all should stick together. If, per chance, this law existed in Montana, I (as a visiting non resident) sure would appreciate in state support.

The interwebs are not the place to discuss, or fight things like this. Too many pretenders and poseurs who want to jump in on the subject, all the while knowing they'd never have the gumption or cajones to do a DIY wilderness hunt. Sadly, these types always out number (at least online) the real deal dudes.

This place is called hunt-talk...not hunt-do, so what should I have expected
My bad

You sound like the real deal to me. Can you post up a few pictures of your better Wyoming wilderness hunts so I can get a feel for what we are missing? Thanks!
MTnhunter, could you show me where this has been litigated to the end? several here have alluded to that....I've seen no proof that state of Wyoming has been fully vetted (and ok'd) out of this debacle

JLS, with over 6,000 posts on the internet (at least on this site alone - dudes like you usually hit 5-6 sites like this, so you might have 100,000+ posts), you obvious have the swag and bandwidth cred to set the G & F and Outfitters straight. Use your powers, Bro!

JLS, bro! Stop the chit chat. Get down to the business of using your power! Then thou canst helpest our brother to slay the foul abomination of the killer WYO wilderness hunting law.

I suggest we just do away with the wilderness designation altogether and put in mining and logging roads. Solve the access and the legal restrictions in one fell swoop. MAGA! We have a local senator who can take the lead on that one.
If you think not allowing NR's in USFS wilderness what do you think about not allowing NR hunters access to any public land like South Dakota is doing during archery season?

  • Non-residents archery season starts October 1 for public land users. The September 1 start date will remain unchanged for resident archers and nonresidents hunting on private lands.
  • In order to hunt public land nonresident archery hunters must apply by August 1 and any nonresident archery deer application received after August 1 will be for a license valid on private land only.
The following lands qualify as public lands: Game Production Areas, Waterfowl Production Areas, School and Public Lands, Corps of Engineer Land, Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service (National Forests and Grasslands),
Refuges, State Parks, and private lands leased for public hunting including Walk-In Areas, CREP and CHAP areas.

Suddenly not allowing NR's to hunt wilderness is not such a big deal, but still BS IMO. This deal in South Dakota is HUGE. Banning NR hunters for all public land including walk in, state, federal, etc is a loss for hunters and once one does it we could see more. Colorado my just ban resident hunters from accessing public land to sell more NR elk tags LOL.

JLS, bro! Stop the chit chat. Get down to the business of using your power! Then thou canst helpest our brother to slay the foul abomination of the killer WYO wilderness hunting law.

I suggest we just do away with the wilderness designation altogether and put in mining and logging roads. Solve the access and the legal restrictions in one fell swoop. MAGA! We have a local senator who can take the lead on that one.

I'm just assuming it's been a slow day on rokslide
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