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No non-resident hunting on Wyoming wilderness unless you have a Guide - when are you all going to fight this?

I have no idea what a "big time hunter" is, but I'm probably not it. I'm just a regular Joe. I do, however, enjoy intelligent and respectful conversation. Can we do that?

I see you haven't address my questions I posed to you above.

I won't result to crude and implied insults. I'd like to think we're all a little better than that.

He won't be replying to you. I just got to coverage after seven days of scorching Nevada sun chasing velvet mule deer. Open HT and have a pile of notices about the same person who is a new member. He is now a former member. Don't expect him to reply anytime soon.
He won't be replying to you. I just got to coverage after seven days of scorching Nevada sun chasing velvet mule deer. Open HT and have a pile of notices about the same person who is a new member. He is now a former member. Don't expect him to reply anytime soon.

Hope you had a good time out there, sorry we fed the troll... you think at some point we would all learn just to walk away from these threads.
He won't be replying to you. I just got to coverage after seven days of scorching Nevada sun chasing velvet mule deer. Open HT and have a pile of notices about the same person who is a new member. He is now a former member. Don't expect him to reply anytime soon.
I had posted previously our daughter's statement that, "You just can't fix stupid!" I read your post aloud and my wife said, "Randy just fixed Stupid!"
He won't be replying to you. I just got to coverage after seven days of scorching Nevada sun chasing velvet mule deer. Open HT and have a pile of notices about the same person who is a new member. He is now a former member. Don't expect him to reply anytime soon.

Thanks Big Fin! :cool:
Even many of us Wyoming residents are sick and tired of the choke hold put on the sportsman buy the Wyo Guide and Outfitters Association. These clowns puppet string our G & F Dept to impose their will on you. All Americans own public lands and this includes Wilderness areas. It's time to say screw you to the Outfitters and take your land back. Are you going to take a stand - or just stand back?

After this, can we change the guide rule in Alaska as well?

Then lets tackle the guided only pools in Nevada and New Mexico.

Then stop the shady dealings of selling animal big game tags in Utah.

Then let's get Grizzly bear hunting legalized in the lower 48.

Then let's get pro 2A + pro public land elected officials in office.

Etc, etc, etc
He won't be replying to you. I just got to coverage after seven days of scorching Nevada sun chasing velvet mule deer. Open HT and have a pile of notices about the same person who is a new member. He is now a former member. Don't expect him to reply anytime soon.
Unless you post pics it didn't happen. Far as we are concerned you were in the scorching heat of Mandalay Bay swimming pool.
You have comprehension issues. The wilderness laws have affected me zilch. I've been successful in Wyoming without wilderness. I'm not cowering from anything. Maybe they've "owned" other people but certainly not me. The laws certainly haven't affected the NR demand for tags as I stated in my post. As JLS stated, supreme court decisions have confirmed the state of Wyomings right to manage wildlife as they see fit. And I'd refrain from using language that I personally find offensive and unnecessary. It makes you look childish. But I digress, go about your business as you see fit.

The childish part is actually being offended by language.
He won't be replying to you. I just got to coverage after seven days of scorching Nevada sun chasing velvet mule deer. Open HT and have a pile of notices about the same person who is a new member. He is now a former member. Don't expect him to reply anytime soon.

So you're saying I shouldn't hold my breath waiting for him to answer my in depth questions? Sonova!!! :D
While Freddy was a bit over the top and quick on the draw, I don't necessarily disagree with his question in general. Is not this something that is germane to BHA, for instance?

Personally, I find the Wilderness US Forest Service lands being off limits to hunting big game (but nothing else) a bit of an insult. If Wyoming wanted to have state lands declared "wilderness" and off limits to out of state nonresident big game hunters, that would be fine, but federal land, not so much.

Yes, I know the game is state trust property.
While Freddy was a bit over the top and quick on the draw, I don't necessarily disagree with his question in general. Is not this something that is germane to BHA, for instance?

Personally, I find the Wilderness US Forest Service lands being off limits to hunting big game (but nothing else) a bit of an insult. If Wyoming wanted to have state lands declared "wilderness" and off limits to out of state nonresident big game hunters, that would be fine, but federal land, not so much.

Yes, I know the game is state trust property.

But how's is it any different than WY saying this tag is only good on private land not public land, or as I said before Colorado saying this tag is only good in a wilderness area.

Essentially in WY you have two classes of tags, R and NR. The NR tag is only good on a subunit of any regular unit, and that sub unit consists of only the public land that is not in a wilderness area... but yes it's insulting.
@wllm1313 the private land tag does not blot out our land. I understand the correlation your presenting though IMO it's oranges and apples.

I'm not a fan of WY and AK, etc use of discriminating between R's free to hunt and NR's required to pay a private outfitter however when weighed between my value for state wildlife management and this, I find myself on the State's side...
WY wildlife, WY responsibility for their conservation model / funding and principles.

It's a rotten apple... choice.
@wllm1313 the private land tag does not blot out our land. I understand the correlation your presenting though IMO it's oranges and apples.

I'm not a fan of WY and AK, etc use of discriminating between R's free to hunt and NR's required to pay a private outfitter however when weighed between my value for state wildlife management and this, I find myself on the State's side...
WY wildlife, WY responsibility for their conservation model / funding and principles.

It's a rotten apple... choice.

I'm just arguing it's the same because all states not just WY or AK regulate where you can hunt. CO has tags that are good, only on public land, meaning if you have a 10k acre ranch you can't hunt it.

Definitely a rotten choice, all I'm saying is yeah they all do it to some degree or another... this one just is on the egregious end of the spectrum.
I'm kind of shocked and taken back that many of the out of state respondents here are in favor of the Wy Game and Fish and the Outfitters Association keeping you OFF the wilderness. I could understand Wyoming residents rejoicing in this to cut down on the competition, but non residents?

What would the thought process of you out of staters be if the G & F and Outfitters took it a step further and kept you off of/ or forced you to procure the services of one of their "Outfitters" on these lands : Forest Service / Nat'l Grasslands / State Trust Land / BLM / Bur. of Rec / Etc. ??? If you live here, like I do, and attend meetings, this actual subject has been broached before by the Outfitters. I would hate to see this state go the way of Utah where the big $ talks and believe me, so would you
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