No non-resident hunting on Wyoming wilderness unless you have a Guide - when are you all going to fight this?

Lurker here, but just registered to comment. The OP is making some great points. Wyoming Game & Fish (WGF) and the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association (WOGA) have long had an incestuous, cahoots-like relationship which hasn't really benefited the average sportsman. It's all about the money by selling those high dollar non residents tags for the WGF and the lucrative business of guiding out of staters (WOGA). To do this, both entities have also sold out and decided to screw their fellow Americans. While I, a resident Wyoming sportsman, doesn't necessarily like to see the influx of out of state hunters traipsing out here each fall, I do realize that you own and have every much right as myself to access wilderness areas.

The WGF long ago morphed into henchmen for the WOGA, so I guess the OP is correct, the redshirts have become DeFacto "bitches" of the outfitters. This relationship has even spilled into the lives and livelihood of private property owners here in the State. One good example: (be sure to follow up and read all four parts to this story) Do your own research and see if this WGF/WOGA "relationship" agrees with you.

Next time you're hunting in Wyoming and a WGF representative checks your license, please politely do so and then ask "why did you sell out to the outfitters"......when you're out on our public lands, whether the forest service ground or on the wilderness and get bum rushed and hassled by one of these outfitters who thinks they'e an extension of the long arm of the law, punch'em square in the mouth.

By the people, for the people. Neither of these members of this "cartel" own the wildlife, yet they've been more than happy to leverage "your" resources for their own benefit

Personally, I'd like to see all commercial guiding and outfitting banned. Not just in Wyoming, but everywhere. Whores and Parasites - we don't need these. If you don't have the gumption and wherewithal plan out a hunt and to do it yourself, stay home.
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Maybe if some time in the future Wyoming is not able to sell all it's non-res tags they might think about changing the law. I don't think that is going to happen any time soon.
As a resident why do you even care? Any non-resident hunters who don't like the rule can feel free to hunt in another state as their way of boycotting.
It’s funny to me how many people here feel this has anything to do with Game and Fish. This solely has to do with WYOGAs stranglehold on the legislature. The wilderness rule is in state statute.

The same can be said for what just happened with the NR draw app deadline and draw date.
It's funny how these crude, but passionate folks never seem to show up at the meetings where it counts. I guess hunting forums are easier than getting involved.
If you're referring to me, believe it, I as well as many other have shown up at these meetings. Where were you?
Personally, I'd like to see all commercial guiding and outfitting banned. Not just in Wyoming, but everywhere. Whores and Parasites - we don't need these f*ckers. If you don't have the gumption and wherewithal plan out a hunt and to do it yourself, stay home.

So basically only men 22-40 should be able to hunt huge swaths of the west and most of Alaska.

This kind of myopic views shows you have little experience doing rigorous backcountry hunts outside of your little corner of the world.
Interesting that there are two new threads by the same first timer that just so happens to have a first timer with the same strong opinions on it as well. Coincidence I'm sure. What a way to make a splash. What happened to the "who am I" forum?
"......................Not just in Wyoming, but everywhere. Whores and Parasites".

For the record, I actually know of a couple of old died-in-the-wool (who actually wear wool, not Kuiu/Sitka) horse packer outfitter guides that run a pretty good service in the back country for hunters who really want that actual experience. They do exist. I've no problem with those guys. And yeah - they do have their opinions.

But as for the lease up the private ground, hunt out of the Suburban, see my website, wanna be's -
And then there's the gobs of flat-hatted, buff-wearing, oar-dipping (vs. rowing) leeches who suck the life blood out of Montana's Madison River - but I'll stop at that. this is a Wyoming issue, I think..........................
Are you going to supply the torches and pitchforks or should we plan to bring our own? I actually haven't hunted in Wyoming but I do love a good mob.

Mobs can be recruited in Portland as we speak. What is your preference, masked college kids and baristas dressed in black wanting socialistic anarchy or perhaps prefer a bunch of plump camo-wearing guys thumping on the Bible while stoically bummed they are not able to sleep in mom's basement tonight?
Mobs can be recruited in Portland as we speak. What is your preference, masked college kids and baristas dressed in black wanting socialistic anarchy or perhaps prefer a bunch of plump camo-wearing guys thumping on the Bible while stoically bummed they are not able to sleep in mom's basement tonight?
Yeah, saw that. I’m actually planning on heading up there after swinging through Area 51 in September. I don’t plan on storming 51 with the group but I do need a new vehicle and figure I can probably pick up a late model Volvo or Tesla with a Patagonia sticker already on it. I’ll gather some passionate supporters from the leftovers.
Lot of 'big time' hunters I see on his site. hmm, sheeple is more like it. next you bump into an outfitter, just go ahead and bend over and get it over with. heck, you might even receive the courtesy of a reach around.

but, wittle peeps, don't be angwee if some of us are sick and tired of the game and fish / outfitters little dance they do on top of the constitution and the 'us' will do something about it
Lurker here, but just registered to comment. . . . Whores and Parasites - we don't need these f*ckers. If you don't have the gumption and wherewithal plan out a hunt and to do it yourself, stay home.

If this is the best you can offer, maybe we are all better off with you going back to mere "lurking".
Lot of 'big time' hunters I see on his site. hmm, sheeple is more like it. next you bump into an outfitter, just go ahead and bend over and get it over with. heck, you might even receive the courtesy of a reach around.

but, wittle peeps, don't be angwee if some of us are sick and tired of the game and fish / outfitters little dance they do on top of the constitution and the 'us' will do something about it

I have no idea what a "big time hunter" is, but I'm probably not it. I'm just a regular Joe. I do, however, enjoy intelligent and respectful conversation. Can we do that?

I see you haven't address my questions I posed to you above.

I won't result to crude and implied insults. I'd like to think we're all a little better than that.

What does this have to do with the Constitution, other than what I've already pointed out? The rights reserved to the states include the ability to manage the fish and wildlife (absent migratory birds) as they see fit. I don't like differential pricing to the degree which it happens, but the appellate courts have upheld this as a state right. I see the Wyoming outfitter law as being no different. If it was unconstitutional, why hasn't it been overturned?

As a resident of Wyoming, YOU have the ability to change this by contacting your local legislator(s). I, as a non-resident, have very little say in the matter. I absolutely believe it is an ad hoc outfitter subsidy, achieved by the outfitter lobby in Wyoming. A good friend of mine is a WYGF employee, and he personally believes the same. Again, this is not a WYGF issue, but a legislative one.

You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. If this is the approach you take with your grassroots effort in Wyoming, I can pretty well predict the level of support you'll gather.
Personally, I'd like to see all commercial guiding and outfitting banned.

I'm not a huge fan of guiding and outfitter, but I do know some outfitters who are great people and do things exactly by the book. Given the fact it will never be outlawed, I want to see guiding/outfitting regulated and closely scrutinized. It's ironic that WYGF did exactly that with an illegal outfitter, and you are using that as a reason to castigate them.
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