No non-resident hunting on Wyoming wilderness unless you have a Guide - when are you all going to fight this?

I have never hunted with a guide. I am 66 and nonresident and if I could draw( which I cannot), I would still be hiring a guide.

I do not like the law, but a guide has its place for the old farts!
If you think not allowing NR's in USFS wilderness what do you think about not allowing NR hunters access to any public land like South Dakota is doing during archery season?

  • Non-residents archery season starts October 1 for public land users. The September 1 start date will remain unchanged for resident archers and nonresidents hunting on private lands.
  • In order to hunt public land nonresident archery hunters must apply by August 1 and any nonresident archery deer application received after August 1 will be for a license valid on private land only.
The following lands qualify as public lands: Game Production Areas, Waterfowl Production Areas, School and Public Lands, Corps of Engineer Land, Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service (National Forests and Grasslands),
Refuges, State Parks, and private lands leased for public hunting including Walk-In Areas, CREP and CHAP areas.

Suddenly not allowing NR's to hunt wilderness is not such a big deal, but still BS IMO. This deal in South Dakota is HUGE. Banning NR hunters for all public land including walk in, state, federal, etc is a loss for hunters and once one does it we could see more. Colorado my just ban resident hunters from accessing public land to sell more NR elk tags LOL.
If you apply before August 1, you have all the access to public land that you want.
I just glanced real quick at some of these comments, and in my opinion if I were a resident of WY I would keep it as is. I know this wilderness ban to NR seems to be outfitter driven. It does create in someway a place where residents can also have “their” place to hunt.
My perspective comes from living in SD where our pheasant hunting is very much a commercialized industry. Our state is also a great waterfowl destination also, but in the waterfowl it is not mentioned much that is because our state government has chosen to limit the amount of NR waterfowl hunters which keeps our great waterfowling turning into the same thing our pheasant hunting has.
Just my 2 cents
Big Fin 86'ed Him!! Wish he would shut down his post. :cool:
"Wish he would shut down his post"... You know, it's said that on these internet forums, regardless of the topic, 10% of the users actually participate in the actual topic, the 90% constantly hammer their keyboards and lay down 1,000's of posts...yet do not participate. These types are the ones who run crying to the moderator, try to get threads deleted, members banned. The 10 percenters usually get disenchanted with it all and fade away...the 90% bunch then take over and pretty much run the joint

What percentile group do you fit in with, dirtclod Az?
I'd be curious with the go hunt, onx, and some others that don't support Fin, how true this is anymore.

I guy can rent Llama from Beau Beatty( guys this is how you stay on Fin good side), check out some E-scouting you tube, download your onx, and roll on. You gan use sat phones, or equivalent to stay in touch.

I think the guide stuff, and equivalents are more of a relic to a time passed. I find it hard to believe without them, NR hunting # would plummet.
I think you, as a person I assume is fairly experienced, take for granted just how incompetent in the backcountry some people are.
Inexperienced flatlanders renting llamas and going into the Washaki for a week is a scary idea. I think the law is absolute total BS and they should be allowed to do it, but many would still opt for an outfitter.
He's right about one thing, those that cry regularly and bother the moderators to ban and delete are big pillow biting babies.

But Wyoming real deal backcountry DIY hardcore NR game changer .... WHY on earth are you so dickheadedly charged about filling up your state's wilderness with NR hunters? It's bizarre.
"Wish he would shut down his post"... You know, it's said that on these internet forums, regardless of the topic, 10% of the users actually participate in the actual topic, the 90% constantly hammer their keyboards and lay down 1,000's of posts...yet do not participate. These types are the ones who run crying to the moderator, try to get threads deleted, members banned. The 10 percenters usually get disenchanted with it all and fade away...the 90% bunch then take over and pretty much run the joint

What percentile group do you fit in with, dirtclod Az?

Just FYI, all the members you are insulting have been here for years, posted stories of there hunts, helped other members plan their hunts, and most of us have actually met and/or hunted with each other in real life.

I'm not sure why you would join a forum just to insult people and argue, unless your goal is simply to troll people... I guess it's a bar fight you don't have to worry about getting injured in.

I have found this to be a great online forum, if you feel that your are better hunter than our membership and that we are just keyboard warriors, that is certainly your prerogative, but don't expect to be allowed to be part of this community if you can't treat other members with respect.
That’s outside of my pay grade. Any stats geeks?

Been a while... but I think assuming total membership of 23,000, 151 respondents, 5.3% saying pilgrims, you are looking at a margin of error of like 4.5%

Although there is no way to make sure a representative sample of the membership responded... probably just the guys who hammer their keyboards but who never actually go in the woods.
if you feel that your are better hunter than our membership and that we are just keyboard warriors...
What was that thread a while back that I think Buzz started about trophy animals? All I remember are pages of giant deer from Buzz. And the same with giant bulls from Greenhorn. Maybe we need to resurrect that one?
When the 8th Circuit decided Minnesota ex rel. Hatch v. Hoeven, 456 F.3d 826, the court glossed over North Dakota's constitutional amendment about hunting and fishing, which is admittedly vague. I'm not aware of a more recent challenge to a state's discriminatory restrictions and pricing on non-resident hunting, but it would be interesting how the courts would rule on a privileges and immunities challenge in a state that more explicitly created a state-constitutional right to hunt and fish for only its residents.
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