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No bullies!


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
1_pointer's homeland is getting ready to pass a no-bully law: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>EVANSVILLE - A bill to prevent bullying is being promoted by the Indiana Department of Education.

Today NEWS25 found an anti-bullying plan is already in place at many local schools. The EVSC has an anger management program for all students in the Corporation who are suspended for a number of days. And several schools have individual conflict resolution programs. Harrison High School Senior Danniece Henderson and Junior Tristian Gregory mentor the underclassmen. They say students need to report bullying to a staff member before the situation turns violent.

"If you go and talk to someone they may think they're trying to tell on me. No - they're trying to help the situation better by telling someone so it won't happen again," said Henderson.

If an anti-bullying bill is passed in Indiana, Harrison High School Guidance Counselor Stephen Seitz says the resources would be best used on classes to address character education for students and professional development for teachers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Good thing we don't have that rule here...then we'd have to stop saying things like "welfare rancher" and "fat-assed ATV rider" and "dinky rat deer." And gosh, that'd just be too bad.
And people wonder why their kids turn Gay! Bullys are a part of life, plus it awesome when the smaller kid kicks the crap out of them!
The liberals have to protect everyone from everything. They didn't define what bullying was. Is it physical, mental, verbal, dirty looks? Whose interpetation is this left to?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-08-2004 11:11: Message edited by: Whiskers ]</font>
Jesus, I would have been out of school in a heartbeat in the youngster days. I was like the young, fat kid in Billy Madison..."O'doyle RULES!"

Im so tired of all this "Im special, youre special, were all a bunch of special F***ers" bullcrap!! Bullies are part of life. I always had the bullies picking on me cause I was the tallest kid in school....but when a man is tested he learns his limits and his capabilities....and that is exactly what happened in my case. I learned that those bullies werent that tough, and I'd usually come out of a fight on top!! Its funny, cause most the time, the bullies are the biggest pussies!!! (except for in your case 1_pointer

You know what really irritates the he double hockey sticks out of me is that the "experts" put the law together. Did anybody ever think of talking the kids or maybe putting them in a room and let them figure out what to do? There is a distinct difference between nurturing and neutering you know.
I remember my dad had a cure for bullys. He cut one for me and my brother just after we moved to a tough neighborhood where we were the youngest and smallest. One broken wrist later; the bully problem was solved.
Even if a bully kicks your ass, but you stand up to him, he knows your not easy pickins and he moves onto another victim.

This is the voice of experience. Had mine kicked more than once, but they knew I was there.
Now Fred; you are younger, stronger, and faster than me. As I see it you only got one problem.
How you gonna explain to your friends how this "old, fat, slow, weak, grey haired, four eyed Mother Fletcher" stomped your guts out??
And that's why when the lackeys beat you up, you just start catching them alone and take them down one by one until you get to the top of the food chain. A bar of soap in a sock works wonders.
I guess that what constitutes being a bully is in the eyes of the beholder...just like the sexual harassment thing. No one has ever been able to satisfactorily explain what constitutes a "leer." One person might call it an appreciative glance, and the other party might call it harassment.

I just hate to see them screw up a whole generation of kids before they find out that it doesn't work. We all had our tough knocks growing up...and without them we wouldn't have grown up and learned from them. Too much sheltering is more of a crippling factor than having to deal with life. I knew a guy about my age, whose parents sheltered him from everything...he really "dorked out" when he had to face the cruel world on his own. Last time I saw that guy he was higher than a kite, because he couldn't deal with reality.

Silver requires purification by fire, and sometimes I think that people do too. Without a few bullies, trials, and rocks in our way, the path of life becomes a dull boring road to nowhere.

Enough of the philosophy though...I can remember a couple of particularly nasty bullies back in school. If I ever run across them again, it ain't gonna be pretty!

<insert laughter>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I guess that what constitutes being a bully is in the eyes of the beholder.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That's just the thing, isn't it? Look at a kid cross-eyed and bam! You're a bully.

I particularly like the part about anger management...I don't think the bullies are the ones who are angry.
Most Bullies are insecure big punks, stand up the first time to them and there is usualy never a second time, everyone needs to know that they have the right to stand up for themselves, and it helps if you learn this early on.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How about the bully that I sleep with?


Now we going to see what a bully can do
"That's just the thing, isn't it? Look at a kid cross-eyed and bam! You're a bully."

No Darren; Look at a kid crosseyed and get bullied! Believe me I know!! Three operations later I still have an ambliopic eye that is psychosymaticly supressed. The thick glasses didn't help nor the fact that I liked school and asked a lot of questions.
Rogue bullys are easily defined. They simply act like Hussein; on a much smaller scale! They are the people who have no respect for the property and rights of other people;. That's accurate and simple.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-09-2004 10:05: Message edited by: pawclaws ]</font>
Sure, that's YOUR definition, but what about that Oprah Winfrey-watching, Hillary Clinton-reading, World Village-joining, ultra-senstive "there are no bad people, just bad choices" warm fuzzy person that might be in charge of your kid's school? What's his/her definition? They're the ones who'll decide who's a bully and who's not.
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