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NM results - maybe

Everybody's still says pending. Go to your applications and hit "Review". At the very top of the page it takes you to, there will be a Review #. If there is a License # in parentheses next to it, you drew that tag.
Everybody's still says pending. Go to your applications and hit "Review". At the very top of the page it takes you to, there will be a Review #. If there is a License # in parentheses next to it, you drew that tag.
that's how I found it nmtaxi....just dreaming of which unit/hunt will be fun for a few days now.
Good Luck and Good Hinting to you too.

If I did get the MB tag it will be 1st one in 2 yrs,but I did have an 8 yr success rate before that.
I'm Lucky with the elk.
Now deer or finding one to put tag on is proving more difficult in NM than ever for me.
But I'm feeling pretty lucky these days. If nothing else I will be hunting and having a blast @ 60!!
Hopefully in the nearby Gila!
As a 31 year old Minnesotan with no family that ever hunted out west and who just got into it, I'm so thankful for a state like NM that has a random draw. I'm so far behind in the points game that drawing a premium tag for elk in most states is years in the future for me, and just a dream for my dad, who started elk hunting with me two years ago. He has now gotten Gila tags the only two years he has applied to NM.

Thank you New Mexico!

This is the year for Dad to get his bull and break our elk curse!!
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Nowiser- I don't know the NM law, but you may want to check if that's something you should be advertising. If it is okay to do it that way, then my apologies.
Randy, no worries.

I edited my post. Just so you know, we will be 100% legal. Thanks!
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Nowiser- I don't know the NM law, but you may want to check if that's something you should be advertising. If it is okay to do it that way, then my apologies.

It is legal to do.

About the only thing NM has right with their draw and tag distribution is no preference points...

I didn't bother applying for NM for the first time in 12 years and wont ever again until they get their Landowners and Outfitters under control.
About the only thing NM has right with their draw and tag distribution is no preference points...

I didn't bother applying for NM for the first time in 12 years and wont ever again until they get their Landowners and Outfitters under control.

First time I have skipped their draw in quite a few years also. Saved my money from there and put in for a Montana Moose tag for the first time instead!
Randy, no worries.

I edited my post. Just so you know, we will be 100% legal. Thanks!

Not the first time I've spoke out of turn, sorry.

Good luck down there, I hope your Dad fills his tag.
I absolutely agree with you Buzz. However, I can find very few sportsmen in this state that also agrees. I think a big portion agrees with the outfitter tag issues, but it's hard to get them to see the fault in the landowner tag system. .
The system does need to be fixed . Agreed,and I'm a landowner.....and friend of several outfitters.

But I also do not apply in ANY other states these days for very similar reasons,particularly the cost.

So look at it this way,I gave you guys a break and won't be in the mix there.Improved your odds.

Good Luck and Good Hunting to ALL!
Not the first time I've spoke out of turn, sorry.

Good luck down there, I hope your Dad fills his tag. didn't speak out of turn.

Its just another jacked up way to end-run the mess created by outfitters in NM...and IMO, it shouldn't be legal.

A smart person would play the game and increase their draw odds...I don't fault any hunter for that.

It is sad that New Mexico residents allowed/are allowing this kind of crap to continue though.

However, all that said, the couple times I drew NM, I had great hunts there. The locals are friendly and really treated hunters well.

Good luck to those that drew!
Buzz,I go to G&F meetings at times and voice my opine as many NM residents have.
The quota #'s need changing/tweeking as do the other things you and others are upset about.
Like price for residents IMHO.
It's gubberment and NM. What do you expect?
Everybody's still says pending. Go to your applications and hit "Review". At the very top of the page it takes you to, there will be a Review #. If there is a License # in parentheses next to it, you drew that tag.

Holy ballz...if this is correct, a good college friend and I will be making our first trip to NM this fall.

Skeptically optimistic until next week...

You don't have to be that skeptical. Even the NMDGF is admitting they let out the results, they're just saying they still have to audit them before they make it official. It was on their Facebook page this morning.

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