Caribou Gear

Idaho Youth Hunt


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2010
SE Minnesota
My son will be old enough to hunt Idaho in the not too distant future, and I am in the process of beginning my research for tags he can get.
New Mexico has no minimum age and seems pretty straight forward other than difficulty getting drawn.
Idaho comes up as a next state to be ready for. With the popularity of Idaho tags the last few years, is this a realistic option for getting an elk tag? I've played the game of getting in line and hoping to get a low enough number to get a tag, but I've never actually purchased the tag. From looking, it appears somebody 10 years old needs a mentor with a license and tag for the same species. Is this realistic to obtain (assuming you're lucky enough to get a low number initially for a reasonable unit). Are you able to buy for two people without having to get back in line? I'm guessing not since people would be using this loophole for their friends but didn't know if there was a special case for your youth children. Assuming I couldn't get both tags without getting back in line, would it be reasonable if we got the first tag for my son, that I would get back in line and hope for a Lolo tag or some other undesirable tag to allow me to act as a mentor?
You should call the Idaho Fish and Game Department with your questions. That would be the best source of accurate information.
It's gonna be tough to pick up two tags for the same unit (unless you are buying in person). You are better off applying for a controlled hunt. There are some cow hunts that have really good odds for NR.