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NM draw

Easter Sunday my wonderful wife finally said she had totaled up my hunting apps on the cc and wanted to know when the refunds will start to hit. I replied "Soon don't worry I never draw anything"...

As it turns out crossing the 10k threshold is where she subconsciously starts to question my sanity.
Thats good info to have!
Easter Sunday my wonderful wife finally said she had totaled up my hunting apps on the cc and wanted to know when the refunds will start to hit. I replied "Soon don't worry I never draw anything"...

As it turns out crossing the 10k threshold is where she subconsciously starts to question my sanity.
Thats good info to have!
My wife once questioned me about my app and hunting gear expenditures. I handed her the Kohl's card statement and she decided we would continue the previous arrangement of not questioning each other.
My wife once questioned me about my app and hunting gear expenditures. I handed her the Kohl's card statement and she decided we would continue the previous arrangement of not questioning each other.
I'm not going to lie it would probably help if I didn't have charges for multiple pairs of high end boots on their while I try to find something that fits. I have a pair getting returned soon, a pair in the Hunttalk classifieds and a pair I am keeping.
Come on guys when you all get your NM refund help a marriage out!


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