Yeti GOBOX Collection

NM draw

I'm in for elk, pronghorn, deer, and bighorn. Swung for the fences with elk since I'm all but guaranteed my Wyoming elk tag. Usual long shot pronghorn units and super long shot bighorn tags. Went a little different with deer as some of my usual choices conflicted with my Wyoming hunt dates. Really hoping for a deer tag it's by far my best odds to draw in New Mexico this year.
In for sheep, elk, deer, aoudad, oryx. Six and a half grand later…thank you COVID relief funds for helping make this possible. 😂
Put in for all the low-altitude stuff. My Ibex hunt broke me from higher altitude hunts, I ain't got the poop in these legs anymore. Shoot, if I was young and fit I doubt I'd willingly do it. Wife is all-in, too, except for javalina, she is simply not interested. I don't know if I am, but I put in anyway - the one my buddy got was green-gills stinky.

Did finally figure out that wife and I will no longer put in as a party - basically, we double the household odds.

Cautiously optimistic, did a bit more science and math on my deer selections, so maybe we will actually draw a deer tag.

Hoping April 20 is a really good day.

I got my apps in, a dozen or so between the family. “Spray and pray” with NM NR tags, just hope something hits. Anxiously awaiting the “red dawn” of Wednesday 4/20 or 4/27.
I'm in for the same Gila elk hunts I put in for every year. Drew my first shot out of the gate. Haven't in the last 5 years.
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