NM draw

My son and I are in for Bighorn Sheep, Oryx, Ibex, Elk, Deer and Antelope. $7,912 for me and $7,858 for my son.

Hopefully we don’t get 95% of it back like we have the last 3 years. Best odds are for our 3rd choice deer tags at around 12%. We do the outfitter pool for the sheep, oryx and ibex but the 6% nonresident pool for the others.

It’s sad how many youth hunts aren’t available to a nonguided nonresident since they don’t round anymore. Several hunt codes for the youth hunts have 10 tags so that means zero tags for the 6% group.
I put in for ibex, gila archery elk hunts, bighorn I'm planning on either drawing the fras for desert or the wheeler tag not sure which one nmgf is going to give me yet. And a mix of archery and rifle pronghorn. And then jus the deer unit I have private land to hunt in as well for January. Pry get to barbary hunt private this year but saw some big rams on public the other weekend and now wishing I had put in for barbary to
Anybody hear/know/want to opine about what percentage of individuals draw at least 1 tag in a given year?
Deer seemed to be spread pretty thin when I was in your general area.
Yeah, they've been decimated here.
Glad they finally cut the tags a couple years ago. Good news is I have seen does in the neighborhood again. Maybe they will come back some. Saw tracks at my gate this week, so they are using the water too now.
Used to be the best in the west, IMHO. Years ago...many.
Elk have done well here and the antelope came back some.
first time NM applications for me.
put in for Ibex, Oryx, Barbary, Elk
wanted to put in for Javelina but timing just didnt work for me.
really optimistic for that 0.1% draw chance of Ibex :)
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