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NFL players not standing for national anthem

I kinda feel like most NFL players are spoiled, pampered, unappreciative little (big) brats. Not suprised they would do this and honestly couldnt care. Professional athletes have (with a few exceptions) been horrible role models since I was a child and that probably wont change. My children could care less about the NFL, they are too busy PLAYING sports, learning, and exoring the outdoors. Screw the NFL, nothing good can come from sitting around watching a bunch of overpaid crybabies talk shit and be hooligans. No matter how gifted and naturally talented they may be. Theres my 2 cents. Happy Hunting!

On another note...fell asleep about 3 pm in my elk spot and woke up after shooting hours surrounded by Elk. Got caught sleepin on the job...:p

You just made a generalization about professional athletes. Part of the problem. mtmuley
I went to PBR Rumble in the Rockies last night. Talk about a contrast in perspective from what the NFL is portraying.
I will gladly spend my dollars with the PBR.
I watched the Steelers and Ravens game today and prior to the anthem the teams kneeled prior to the anthem for a moment of prayer and then all stood for the anthem. During the kneeling the vast majority of the crowd booed. Makes a person wonder if it was ever really about the anthem.
I watched the Steelers and Ravens game today and prior to the anthem the teams kneeled prior to the anthem for a moment of prayer and then all stood for the anthem. During the kneeling the vast majority of the crowd booed. Makes a person wonder if it was ever really about the anthem.

I really doubt it.
1. This has nothing to do with veterans / soldiers I don't know why people continue to drag us into this kind of stupid stuff. It's like those public anti-wilderness folks saying what about the old people? What about the infirm? It's just a b******* excuse to try to swing people you're way without going into the real issues at hand.

2. What's more concerning? Some self-entitled asshat taking a knee or the top public official in the country calling for the firing of a private citizen from his job because he's exercising his Free Speech rights? On the other side if part of your job is standing during the national anthem maybe you should just goddamn do it.
I believe anyone has the right to protest anything thanks to all of the people who have fought to give us that freedom. I also believe there is a time and a place to do it. While you are on the field in your official capacity to play a game for the team that hired you is not the right time. Most of us would be fired if we tried to pull this on our employers dime. If you want to protest, do it on your own time. As stated above, just one man's opinion...

Exactly. I suggest everyone in the "they have a right" camp exercise their free speech at work. Espouse how inherently racist the U.S. is to coworkers and the general public and see how much freedom of speech you have at work...

I would be fired, just as these idiots should be. The first amendment protection is from the government, not your employer.
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DJT, ever the great leader, can appoint a group to investigate/attempt to validate his claims of widespread voter fraud. Yet, his best approach to addressing allegations of racial injustice and inequality is to engage in a polarizing war of words and Tweets.

Outstanding, Mr. President.
Exactly. I suggest everyone in the "they have a right" camp exercise their free speech at work. Espouse how inherently racist the U.S. is to coworkers and the general public and see how much freedom of speech you have at work...

I would be fired, just as these idiots should be. The first amendment protection is from the government, not your employer.

Has anyone here alleged they cannot be fired?
If you don't understand why they are kneeling to begin with, you are the problem. If you are all right with neo-nazi's protesting but not minorities. You are the problem. If you think it's okay for you to protest the sale of public lands but people can't protest police brutality. You need to give your head a shake. Players didn't even come out of the locker rooms until 2009. That's when the D.O.D starting paying the NFL millions of dollars. This was to boost recruitment, this was paid military propaganda.

Disrespecting the flag and the national anthem? pssh no it isn't. Going around with a Confederate flag is disrespectful.

It is two completely different things that you are comparing. As a 10 year 2 month and 15 day veteran, I completely agree with their right to protest BUTTTTT not on the company time. Get out in the streets and organize your protest in a peaceful manner. As a football player in the NFL or college, you are a paid to be a performer. The consumer is not paying for your opinion. I do not agree with neo-nazi's or the BLM and your correlation between the NFL and the other protest is off by a mile. Also, you refer to police brutality and I agree that a select few officers get away with very bad things. Instead of protesting, why don't these NFL players go for a ride and see what these officers have to go through on a daily basis. They have to make split, nano-second decision that unfortunately have consequences. No one that puts on a badge wants to shoot anyone and have to live with that for the rest of their life. As a veteran, I agree and the D.O.D. should never pay for the national anthem to be played at any event. It should be done out of patriotism because we live in the greatest country on earth. We have the right to have a civil discussion without fear of reprisal.
Has anyone here alleged they cannot be fired?

People are allegeding these idiots have "the right" via the 1st amendment. That would protect them from any disciplinary actions, such as being fired.

They are wrong.

The protest idiots have the right on their own time, when they aren't representing a company (and even that is debatable)
The Donald pretty much crippled the owners with the twitterspasms. Another gift to the daily klaxon.
People are allegeding these idiots have "the right" via the 1st amendment. That would protect them from any disciplinary actions, such as being fired.

They are wrong.

The protest idiots have the right on their own time, when they aren't representing a company (and even that is debatable)

I don't view them as "idiots". If you do, that's your prerogative.

The right to protest, free of governmental intrusion, IS protected by the 1st Amendment. I think it is legitimate to ask the question, is DJT's attempt to influence NFL owners a governmental intrusion?

The right to protest on the field is entirely at the whims of the owners. The right to protest off, so long as they are not wearing team attire and/or speaking on the team's behalf, is entirely independent of the whims of the owners. A firing for an off the field protests, conducted in such a way as to include no representation of the team/NFL, would quickly end up in court and the player would win.
A firing for an off the field protests, conducted in such a way as to include no representation of the team/NFL, would quickly end up in court and the player would win.

That would depend entirely on team/company policy. Evil (to make the libs happy) police officers are fired all the time for political statements made off duty.

Those saying they have a right to do what they are doing are wrong. Those same people who are claiming the sjw players can't be fired, are wrong. Fact.

Most of these players can't even articulate what or why they are protesting, probably because of mindless group think and "follow the leader", but also out of stupidity or ignorance.
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That would depend on team/company policy. Evil (to make the libs happy) police officers are fired all the time for political statements made off duty.

Certainly. Does the NFL have a Code of Ethics/Conduct like most police agencies?

It would also depend on the nature of the protests, which I should have specified more clearly. If they are inciting violence, making or insinuating threats, and/or making racial slurs, then I would expect it would be dealt with differently. If they are merely protesting in a manner to effect peaceful change, they are free to do as they wish regardless of team policy.

Evil (to make the libs happy) police officers

You never fail to disappoint do you?
The right to protest, free of governmental intrusion, IS protected by the 1st Amendment. I think it is legitimate to ask the question, is DJT's attempt to influence NFL owners a governmental intrusion?.

This is the crux of it. I honestly don't care if a NFL team fires a player for disobeying a directive to stand. What concerns me, is he holder of the highest office in the United States, essentially demanding that it happen. That by definition of the 1st Amendment is unconstitutional.
Certainly. Does the NFL have a Code of Ethics/Conduct like most police agencies?

It would also depend on the nature of the protests, which I should have specified more clearly. If they are inciting violence, making or insinuating threats, and/or making racial slurs, then I would expect it would be dealt with differently. If they are merely protesting in a manner to effect peaceful change, they are free to do as they wish regardless of team policy.

You never fail to disappoint do you?

Peaceful change? colin kaepernick is a big fan of, black lives matter, che Guevara, and Castro. Hmmm....something tells me kaepernick and his commie (literally) girlfriend want the exact opposite of peace.

But hey, let's love the idiots that are perpetuating a false narrative in order to sow hatred within an entire community. Hatred which will only prove to negatively effect the very community cultivating it.......irony at its finest
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Peaceful change? colin kaepernick is a big fan of, black lives matter, che Guevara, and Castro. Hmmm....something tells me kaepernick and his commie (literally) girlfriend want the exact opposite of peace.

If you make this about Colin Kaepernick, or DJT for that matter, you are merely avoiding the bigger issue. To his credit, Brandon Marshall of the Broncos, spent time with the Denver Chief of Police in an attempt to better understand LE issues. It's really a shame more folks on both sides of the aisle can't/wont' do this.
Peaceful change? colin kaepernick is a big fan of, black lives matter, che Guevara, and Castro. Hmmm....something tells me kaepernick and his commie (literally) girlfriend want the exact opposite of peace.

But hey, let's love the idiots that are perpetuating a false narrative in order to sow hatred within an entire community. Hatred which will only prove to negatively effect the very community cultivating it.......irony at its finest

Any chance you can make a post without calling names? Just curious.
If you make this about Colin Kaepernick, or DJT for that matter, you are merely avoiding the bigger issue. To his credit, Brandon Marshall of the Broncos, spent time with the Denver Chief of Police in an attempt to better understand LE issues. It's really a shame more folks on both sides of the aisle can't/wont' do this.

Well apparently Brandon Marshall has a brain, and actually cares about the issue. He should be praised.

I addressed keapernick because we have him to thank for this ridiculous means of protest.
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