NFL players not standing for national anthem

Players didn't even come out of the locker rooms until 2009. That's when the D.O.D starting paying the NFL millions of dollars. This was to boost recruitment, this was paid military propaganda.

Luther Vandross sang the National Anthem Jan. 26, 1997 during Super Bowl XXXI in New Orleans, LA. New England Patriots vs. Green Bay Packers. Both teams standing on the sidelines. This doesn't seem to fit your quote. Next...
What if I told you a person could be against these protests and against neo-nazi protests? Most people don't fall into one extreme or the other.

That is your right. Just like it is the athletes right to protest, it justs happens to be on a national level. Why aren't more people against the overwhelming for-profit racism against minorities in the states?
If you don't understand why they are kneeling to begin with, you are the problem. If you are all right with neo-nazi's protesting but not minorities. You are the problem. If you think it's okay for you to protest the sale of public lands but people can't protest police brutality. You need to give your head a shake. Players didn't even come out of the locker rooms until 2009. That's when the D.O.D starting paying the NFL millions of dollars. This was to boost recruitment, this was paid military propaganda.

Disrespecting the flag and the national anthem? pssh no it isn't. Going around with a Confederate flag is disrespectful.

Well said Rainer. These players are not protesting our flag, national anthem, our country or our military. They are protesting the systemic police brutality of many african-americans at the hands of some bad apples in the police dept.
For those of you that have forgotten, the last line of our Pledge of Allegiance reads "with Liberty and Justice for All. It does not say "justice for whites only".
Well 1 in 3 black men will be incarcerated in there life time, 1 in 6 for latino men and 1 in 17 for white men. For profit prisons have some of the strongest lobbiers paying off these politicians. There is a reason why America has the highest incarceration rate on the planet. Law enforcement targets minorities on purpose because they don't get a fair trial and a proper representation. The courts are so clogged to give a fair trial and I believe you're suppose to have that right. They have quotas to make. I know most of you might not like Black Lives Matter but do you think there might be a legitimate reason on why the movement started. They didn't start it because it felt like a good idea at the time. You can only hold the small man down for so long before he starts to fight back. These men are doing it peacefully
Well 1 in 3 black men will be incarcerated in there life time, 1 in 6 for latino men and 1 in 17 for white men. For profit prisons have some of the strongest lobbiers paying off these politicians. There is a reason why America has the highest incarceration rate on the planet. Law enforcement targets minorities on purpose because they don't get a fair trial and a proper representation. The courts are so clogged to give a fair trial and I believe you're suppose to have that right. They have quotas to make. I know most of you might not like Black Lives Matter but do you think there might be a legitimate reason on why the movement started. They didn't start it because it felt like a good idea at the time. You can only hold the small man down for so long before he starts to fight back. These men are doing it peacefully
yes because black lives matter has done so much good...
Kneeling during the NA will not solve one thing, it will divide us though. Idiots picking the wrong venue is all they are doing.
Wrong on so many levels. Wasn't brought up that way and I have taught my son to know how blessed he is to have that flag to salute. This all started with Ferguson and a Lie. IMO John
Kneeling during the NA will not solve one thing, it will divide us though. Idiots picking the wrong venue is all they are doing.

We are all sure worried about divisiveness. It's the easy thing to worry about. There seems to be little attention to figuring out what the hell will unite "us" - short of national disasters.
Maybe it's just where we are at - it'll shake out how it shakes out.
This forum is a nice little example:
It's listed as a place for DIY hunters who prefer to hunt on public lands. Yet there is a lot of divisiveness on here, even though we supposedly all come here for the same basic reason.
FWIW...... Being a hunter - I'm usually doing exactly that activity when it seems a lot of people are watching and worrying about what some very well compensated entertainers do as they want to do - thank you very much.
On Sunday afternoons I'm usually more entertained by being out in the sticks watching my girls point birds ...................
Kneeling during the NA will not solve one thing, it will divide us though. Idiots picking the wrong venue is all they are doing.

I agree. And the original intent of the individual that started this is lost anyway. Teams are going through the motions because they have to or risk scrutiny from every side. I will continue to watch the NFL because I enjoy it. I, personally, would NEVER sit, kneel or do anything but stand during our anthem. Professional sports should not be an avenue to deal with ones personal feelings about issues such as this. If anything, sports, at any level should bring people together. These days, not so much. mtmuley
As someone who has gone forward and fought with the flag on my sleeve; I am far more offended by people trying to suppress any American's right to free speech, than I am about someone kneeling during the National Anthem.

All the veteran's in this country volunteered, or were ordered, to go fight for their country in order to defend the constitution and the rights is affords all Americans (free speech being one of them). I did not risk my life so we could force every American to stand for the national anthem.

All that being said, I would prefer they found another, and hopefully more effective way to have a positive impact on the issues in our society. It does annoy me. However, I will defend, to my last breath if neccesary, their right to do it. The poeple I am truely disgusted with in all of this, are those that use this as one more opportunity to try and sew the seeds of division in our country. They are the true enemy of what this country, our flag, and the national anthem stand for.

Just one man's opinion.....

Not much else to say.
I might add that I wish our president was as good at uniting Americans as he is at dividing them.
Newsman: Sir, why are you kneeling?
Reporter #1: Why are you kneeling?
Reporter #2: Are you doing this for world peace?
Reporter #3: Are you doing this for women's right?
Newsman: Or for the environment?
Reporter #1: Or for animals?
Reporter #3: Or for nuclear arms?
NFL Player: They just couldn't believe that somebody would do all that kneeling for no particular reason.
Reporter #2: Why are you doing this?
NFL Player: I just felt like kneeling.
For profit prisons have some of the strongest lobbiers paying off these politicians. There is a reason why America has the highest incarceration rate on the planet. Law enforcement targets minorities on purpose because they don't get a fair trial and a proper representation.

That might be true in your neck of the woods, but it certainly isn't in mine. In fact, our court systems are so clogged and jails so full of folks who are repeat offenders, folks rarely do any time or rarely get booked for offenses which would normally result in incarceration.

That's a pretty big accusation, and one I hope you have some proof of.
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Our country is in the midst of a list of existential conflicts; alongside which lawful, orderly protests by athlete entertainers is a spit in the ocean. The public and media attention being paid to this diversion would be better spent on public land advocacy, wholesale degradation of the world environment, all the inequalities we endorse by ignoring, wholly inadequate response to natural disasters...

If we as a nation do not look past the political red herrings we are served via Twitter to distract us from the malfeasance and gridlock of our government, then we can expect nothing but the same going forward.
Rainer, I'm really not trying to get in on this fight but I couldn't help but notice your location. Are you a transplant to Canada?
Law enforcement targets minorities on purpose because they don't get a fair trial and a proper representation.

Pretty broad statement. You must know a lot of law enforcement to know what they all target and why. Almost sounds discriminatory but I won't judge.

Back on topic. If we all believe in free speech, as we should, and we truly believe in freedom of expression, as we should then there should be no punishment for a player who kneels but has never been oppressed or a politician who can't figure out how to keep his mouth shut. We have the right not to support them, promote their ideals or join in their cause.

Or we can just blame...
I turn them on long enough to see who the advertisers are. then I turn them off and will boycott those who advertise there.
The NFL could put a stop to this crap if they wanted to. Now we have high school kids and pee wee teams doing it.
Fine, you can dis respect our flag and country. I will have nothing to do with those who do so nor with those who want to provide a venue to do so
nor those whos dollars make it all happen.
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