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NFL players not standing for national anthem

Because no one is going to be baited into a thread that will get locked if they did. What you want has no place in this topic or forum for that matter.the NA has nothing to do with race, and that's why it's stupid to use it as a soap box.
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No player raped or murdred a drunken pit bull live on the air during a time devoted to pay respect to something many hold dear. The law enforcement dealt punishment to those offenses, the price was paid. So, when the NFL decided to let these guys pick a time that many feel is a time for respect to act disrespectful it's time to punish the NFL and players. Just because you asked...
And I would never think of forcing any player to stand for the NA, that would be wrong, they would have a choice, stand, or find a different occupation. Pretty simple, most employers have policies.

Can an employer force you to pray, recite the pledge?
People are wasting so much time and effort on being offended by things that shouldn't affect your life. If you have enough time in your life to devote to being offended by people you don't know, you should take that time to do some positive things in your life, and others lives.

Absolutely love football, played through college, coached for 10 years, sat and watched practice/scrimmages/games for 9 years for my 2 boys. I watch my fair share of NFL football as long as I don't have other things to do that involve family or going hunting. Absolutely believe in love of country and respect for our flag. But giving a sh!t what the players do or don't do during the national anthem isn't a blip on my radar. I can say it's given my family some things to talk about that we normally wouldn't, and talking to my boys about what other races go through in this country that we don't think of has been interesting.

Yep. Pretty much my thoughts on the subject as well.
Can an employer force you to pray, recite the pledge?

No, one one forces that. It may be an requirement of employment for all I know, but if it is and you don't like it you are free to quit, it is not forced on you because employment is not forced either..
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I have been avoiding this thread like the plague. I don't think most people know what free speech is.

The players have there free speech, people that are not happy and want to punish the players are having there free speech, and the POTUS has his free speech. (free speech has consequences, I can say whatever I want in the office I work but it might get me fired, if I was to clam "fee speech" that and a $1 will get me a cup of coffee at McD's)

Up until someone from government comes in and jails the players or shoots them on site, that would be stopping there free speech, as it is only protected from government intrusion.
It's becoming commonplace in our country for some to not respect anything. No wonder the Flag and our Anthem have become things that are disrespected. mtmuley
Please disregard my last post, not because it was not a legitimate question but because I don't want to be the one who gets his hand slapped for contributing to the downward spiral of this thread that is not hunting issue related. In retrospect should have stopped after my first 2 posts.
Because no one is going to be baited into a thread that will get locked if they did. What you want has no place in this topic or forum for that matter.the NA has nothing to do with race, and that's why it's stupid to use it as a soap box.

I'll agree that a public land hunting forum is not the place for this type of discussion but you are wrong about why those athletes are protesting.
I have been avoiding this thread like the plague. I don't think most people know what free speech is.

The players have there free speech, people that are not happy and want to punish the players are having there free speech, and the POTUS has his free speech. (free speech has consequences, I can say whatever I want in the office I work but it might get me fired, if I was to clam "fee speech" that and a $1 will get me a cup of coffee at McD's)

Up until someone from government comes in and jails the players or shoots them on site, that would be stopping there free speech, as it is only protected from government intrusion.

Well said wizzard.
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I'll agree that a public land hunting forum is not the place for this type of discussion but you are wrong about why those athletes are protesting.

No you are wrong, because I never said why they were protesting, I said I don't think using the NA is the platform. Next..
I'm a veteran* and have zero problem with someone exercising their right to free speech.

If anyone has any questions as to why players started kneeling,"]read their own words rather than someone else's interpretation of their actions:

As for people who are offended at apparent disrespect of the flag or anthem, I suggest taking a long read through the US Flag Code as well and applying that framework to standard practices.

*not that that gives me any kind of special status as the be all end all. I met a few jackasses in the military, too.

"incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by police" is his reason for this.

Here is some food for thought.
I'll agree that a public land hunting forum is not the place for this type of discussion but you are wrong about why those athletes are protesting.

So, you're advocating for all non-PL subjects be refrained from discussion? Fin should dump the Fireside forum, it might add to his lifespan...
Not standing for the NA is doing nothing to change the culture of inner city america, and it certainly is not going to change the culture of the people who have to police the culture of inner city America.
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the NA has nothing to do with race, and that's why it's stupid to use it as a soap box.

Before going on, I’ll reiterate that I would prefer they picked a different means of protest, however, I do believe it is there right to do as they wish. That being said, the National Anthem, in its original form, did have a racist verse. It referred to the slaves...

their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave from the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave

...specifically, Key was speaking of the Corps of Colonial Marines, which was a British unit made up entirely of American slaves who were promised their feedom by the Brits for fighting with them.

What if I told you a person could be against these protests and against neo-nazi protests? Most people don't fall into one extreme or the other.

So true. I can dislike the prior President and not be racist. I can burn two different jerseys but suddenly there are screams of racism when the second jersey is of a black player? I hire people of various backgrounds yet when I support restricting who is allowed to enter the country then I hate immigrants? Is insulting to let to such polarizing conclusions and speaks more of the ignorance of the accuser prone to judge others by their actions yet give themselves a pass based on their intentions.

I always ask anyone wanting open borders if they have doors on their homes? Do they throw holiday parties and allow the first 50 people to wander into the party to stay even if have no idea who some are? Of course they have doors and locks. They invite people to parties. If a stranger is noticed milling around the home or wedding or graduation then someone from the family approaches to ask questions, to determine identity and purpose.

Why would we want a lower hurdle for our country than we intend for our own homes? Live within 100 miles of the Mexican border for a year and then get back to me on whether you have a broader understanding of the challenge of open borders.

I often ask if America is so biased and unfair then why would a person who only speaks Spanish risk crossing the desert to be here? America has problems but is rare for a person to die from being shot by a LEO. Lots of us get shot in America but generally is by someone we know and often by the same race we are.

Any extremists deserve to be shamed. Shame an innocent person with internet sleuthing though and you deserve the fallout.

You want to make America more fair? Change primary school finding so a poor neighborhood's school is funded to the same level as a nice suburban school. Property values and the resulting tax that is raised inherently puts children in poor neighborhoods at risk.

If your child falls behind by Grade 3 then is likely to never catch up with peers. Higher risk will drop out. Drop outs at higher risk to be convicted of a crime. Convicted persons have lower incomes. The next generation is trapped in the same vortex of poverty and failed educational achievements.

Have primary schools provide 3 meals a day to students. A child that is hungry is going to lack energy and focus. Society benefits from an educated workforce and having 1000s of children per state fall behind in primary school has a cost that we eventually pay so pay if up front for better results.

I mention poor. I grew up in poor area that was mostly white. We were rural and half the kids got on a bus to get to school. Our books were old and only two teachers had master's degrees. I was at a disadvantage by being born in a rural area. My challenges mirrored the inner city student in many ways. My skin color did not create issues though and that is where the inner city student had more hurdles in school and life. America is unfair and a review of earnings for college graduates by major by school reveal an earning gap that correlates to race. Prison term length correlates to race and part of that may be explained by less access to highly capable legal representation but race is a factor still when sort by income levels.

Raise up the primary school quality and get nutrition into their young bodies. Focusing on unfortunate instances where LEO used questionable force puts the spotlight so far away from areas that can be changed to help out 100,000s of our children each year rather than use protest time and energy that might save a few dozen young men.
I kinda feel like most NFL players are spoiled, pampered, unappreciative little (big) brats. Not suprised they would do this and honestly couldnt care. Professional athletes have (with a few exceptions) been horrible role models since I was a child and that probably wont change. My children could care less about the NFL, they are too busy PLAYING sports, learning, and exoring the outdoors. Screw the NFL, nothing good can come from sitting around watching a bunch of overpaid crybabies talk shit and be hooligans. No matter how gifted and naturally talented they may be. Theres my 2 cents. Happy Hunting!

On another note...fell asleep about 3 pm in my elk spot and woke up after shooting hours surrounded by Elk. Got caught sleepin on the job...:p

This is a pretty interesting read on perspectives about racial equality.

The survey finds that black and white adults have widely different perceptions about what life is like for blacks in the U.S. For example, by large margins, blacks are more likely than whites to say black people are treated less fairly in the workplace (a difference of 42 percentage points), when applying for a loan or mortgage (41 points), in dealing with the police (34 points), in the courts (32 points), in stores or restaurants (28 points), and when voting in elections (23 points). By a margin of at least 20 percentage points, blacks are also more likely than whites to say racial discrimination (70% vs. 36%), lower quality schools (75% vs. 53%) and lack of jobs (66% vs. 45%) are major reasons that blacks may have a harder time getting ahead than whites.

Maybe instead of arguing about whether we have achieved racial equality, we'd be better served by engaging in the conversation about what minority groups feel we NEED TO DO in order to achieve what they feel is racial equality.

Seek first to understand.
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