NFL players not standing for national anthem

We are all sure worried about divisiveness. It's the easy thing to worry about. There seems to be little attention to figuring out what the hell will unite "us" - short of national disasters.

Well... I leave for my first mule deer hunt of the season tomorrow so...


Y'all like mulies?
I keep hearing about this NFL thing.. Never watched football, rather be hunting..
I turn them on long enough to see who the advertisers are. then I turn them off and will boycott those who advertise there.
The NFL could put a stop to this crap if they wanted to. Now we have high school kids and pee wee teams doing it.
Fine, you can dis respect our flag and country. I will have nothing to do with those who do so nor with those who want to provide a venue to do so
nor those whos dollars make it all happen.

That's you're choice not to support them and it's their choice to do what they're doing. I am thankful I live in a Country that allows me to have that choice, aren't you?
There really are no words that God can give me here that will make a difference to all people.
Whatever I say will probably be met with rebuke from someone with a different narrative.
From my foxhole I see many...not all...many young men who are under say 35 years of age.
I have witnessed a slow continued moral breakdown of the traditional family unit over the years that has to include the players from the oldest say 35 y.o. back down to include this year's class.
Of course there are exceptions to this rule however I see this as pretty close to being accurate, again this is as I see it.
Stay with me here, there are very few athletes that have done anything except go from High School to College Football to the Pro Teams.
If they did not learn anything about respect and honor at home, they certainly have not learned it being catered to in college or now in the Pro's.
Very few know anything about being on a real team such as a Navy ship, Tank crew, Air Wing or any division of the military.
Had any one of these "Athletes" ...EVER reached underneath the tightly draped flag to grab a handle with the other 5 men, they would know what real respect and sacrifice is about and what it costs.
I am going to sign off because my rant is now reminding me of why this is the only forum that I frequent, now I know what everybody needs apparently.
I do know that a bit more God and a bit more family values and service to Community and Country, could not hurt. ( corny as that may sound, this is Boy Scout 101)

Good night
To me this is a complex issue. I agree with their right to peacefully protest, but I disagree with kneeling during the national anthem. It's unfortunate that the current climate in our great country has become so toxic in the past few years that any sort of civil discourse in regards to ANY topic is nearly impossible. I am also thoroughly tired of being told by actors/actresses, musicians and athletes telling me who to vote for, how to think and what my morals should be.
The only reason why people are blowing this up is because of President Tiny Hands temper tantrum over the NFL again. He is still pissed at them for not allowing him to buy a team because they didn't even trust him back then.
I’ll leave a few simple comments. The kneeling is a divisive inaffective tactic that is disrespectful especially at face value to the majority of Americans, and the President is also divisive and childish in his current behavior. The players should be standing during the National Anthem and respecting our flag, and the President should be acting like a grown man President rather than a guy that just wants to throw red meat to his fans and troll the left. Both sides need to grow up and be less divisive. To deny either of those truths is just echos bouncing off your own bubble.
As someone who has gone forward and fought with the flag on my sleeve; I am far more offended by people trying to suppress any American's right to free speech, than I am about someone kneeling during the National Anthem.

All the veteran's in this country volunteered, or were ordered, to go fight for their country in order to defend the constitution and the rights is affords all Americans (free speech being one of them). I did not risk my life so we could force every American to stand for the national anthem.

All that being said, I would prefer they found another, and hopefully more effective way to have a positive impact on the issues in our society. It does annoy me. However, I will defend, to my last breath if neccesary, their right to do it. The poeple I am truely disgusted with in all of this, are those that use this as one more opportunity to try and sew the seeds of division in our country. They are the true enemy of what this country, our flag, and the national anthem stand for.

Just one man's opinion.....

This is spot on. I am hoping that many of these athletes are out in the communities effected by police brutality volunteering and trying to make a difference. Although I know only a small fraction of them are.
I agree. And the original intent of the individual that started this is lost anyway. Teams are going through the motions because they have to or risk scrutiny from every side. I will continue to watch the NFL because I enjoy it. I, personally, would NEVER sit, kneel or do anything but stand during our anthem. Professional sports should not be an avenue to deal with ones personal feelings about issues such as this. If anything, sports, at any level should bring people together. These days, not so much. mtmuley

I thought Jerrah's compromise akin to 'beer summit' ingenuity. That man knows how to sell lemonade.
I’ll leave a few simple comments. The kneeling is a divisive inaffective tactic that is disrespectful especially at face value to the majority of Americans, and the President is also divisive and childish in his current behavior. The players should be standing during the National Anthem and respecting our flag, and the President should be acting like a grown man President rather than a guy that just wants to throw red meat to his fans and troll the left. Both sides need to grow up and be less divisive. To deny either of those truths is just echos bouncing off your own bubble.

This,,,When the POTUS sinks to name calling you know the wheels have come off.
I’ll leave a few simple comments. The kneeling is a divisive inaffective tactic that is disrespectful especially at face value to the majority of Americans, and the President is also divisive and childish in his current behavior. The players should be standing during the National Anthem and respecting our flag, and the President should be acting like a grown man President rather than a guy that just wants to throw red meat to his fans and troll the left. Both sides need to grow up and be less divisive. To deny either of those truths is just echos bouncing off your own bubble.

Strong correlation between the complete failure of a legislative agenda and the beginning of a twitter culture war.
People are wasting so much time and effort on being offended by things that shouldn't affect your life. If you have enough time in your life to devote to being offended by people you don't know, you should take that time to do some positive things in your life, and others lives.

Absolutely love football, played through college, coached for 10 years, sat and watched practice/scrimmages/games for 9 years for my 2 boys. I watch my fair share of NFL football as long as I don't have other things to do that involve family or going hunting. Absolutely believe in love of country and respect for our flag. But giving a sh!t what the players do or don't do during the national anthem isn't a blip on my radar. I can say it's given my family some things to talk about that we normally wouldn't, and talking to my boys about what other races go through in this country that we don't think of has been interesting.
I'm a veteran* and have zero problem with someone exercising their right to free speech.

If anyone has any questions as to why players started kneeling,"]read their own words rather than someone else's interpretation of their actions:
That’s when my faith moved me to take action. I looked to James 2:17, which states, “Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” I knew I needed to stand up for what is right.

... We also discussed how we could use our platform, provided to us by being professional athletes in the N.F.L., to speak for those who are voiceless.

After hours of careful consideration, and even a visit from Nate Boyer, a retired Green Beret and former N.F.L. player, we came to the conclusion that we should kneel, rather than sit, the next day during the anthem as a peaceful protest. We chose to kneel because it’s a respectful gesture. I remember thinking our posture was like a flag flown at half-mast to mark a tragedy.

As for people who are offended at apparent disrespect of the flag or anthem, I suggest taking a long read through the US Flag Code as well and applying that framework to standard practices.

*not that that gives me any kind of special status as the be all end all. I met a few jackasses in the military, too.
Another perspective from a USMC veteran...

It doesn’t bother more so than how athletes have always respected the flag during the Anthem. The majority stand there with there arms crossed or hands in their pockets, or swaying back and forth smacking their gum.

I’ll always believe that my service was to provide anyone the right to protest as they see fit (peacefully) any time and anywhere. That’s what the flag stands for. I don’t like it, and I wish they had chosen another route, but this is America.

For those who are so angered by all this... Dog fighting, rape, murder, assault, DUI...none of these made you stop watching? But peaceful protest is where you draw the line?

one last thought... forcing someone to stand and honor a flag is not patriotism, it’s fascism.
Another perspective from a USMC veteran...

It doesn’t bother more so than how athletes have always respected the flag during the Anthem. The majority stand there with there arms crossed or hands in their pockets, or swaying back and forth smacking their gum.

I’ll always believe that my service was to provide anyone the right to protest as they see fit (peacefully) any time and anywhere. That’s what the flag stands for. I don’t like it, and I wish they had chosen another route, but this is America.

For those who are so angered by all this... Dog fighting, rape, murder, assault, DUI...none of these made you stop watching? But peaceful protest is where you draw the line?

one last thought... forcing someone to stand and honor a flag is not patriotism, it’s fascism.

Very well said, thank you.
"I can say it's given my family some things to talk about that we normally wouldn't, and talking to my boys about what other races go through in this country that we don't think of has been interesting".

And Whiskey Dog........

Nailed it - thank you
That is your right. Just like it is the athletes right to protest, it justs happens to be on a national level. Why aren't more people against the overwhelming for-profit racism against minorities in the states?

I for the life of me can't understand why people support Planned Parenthood either...
For those who are so angered by all this... Dog fighting, rape, murder, assault, DUI...none of these made you stop watching? But peaceful protest is where you draw the line?
No player raped or murdred a drunken pit bull live on the air during a time devoted to pay respect to something many hold dear. The law enforcement dealt punishment to those offenses, the price was paid. So, when the NFL decided to let these guys pick a time that many feel is a time for respect to act disrespectful it's time to punish the NFL and players. Just because you asked...
And I would never think of forcing any player to stand for the NA, that would be wrong, they would have a choice, stand, or find a different occupation. Pretty simple, most employers have policies.
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No player raped or murdred a drunken pit bull live on the air during a time devoted to pay respect to something many hold dear. The law enforcement dealt punishment to those offenses, the price was paid. So, when the NFL decided to let these guys pick a time that many feel is a time for respect to act disrespectful it's time to punish the NFL and players. Just because you asked...
And I would never think of forcing any player to stand for the NA, that would be wrong, they would have a choice, stand, or find a different occupation. Pretty simple, most employers have policies.

Well said. This is more along my line of thinking, also. No nfl for my house until there are some changes made.
It's shocking that most of you don't want to have the difficult conversation on racial injustice.

Do you need a history lesson? How come the United States isn't under British rule? A group of people came together and said to themselves. The situation is untenable and all men are created equal. Whats going on right now right now with the status quo for us is unacceptable and we're not going to stand for it. They stood up and did something. After all the fighting your founding fathers had the wherewithal and the presence of mind to put the freedom of speech and the right to peacefully protest. As the FIRST Amendment to the constitution. Do you know why? Because to them, this is what we are. This is what makes America, America. This is a pillar of America and without that pillar the United States would not exist
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