NFL guy says he'll quit before standing for the flag

uncle sage

Jul 8, 2017
Lake Almanor, Ca.
I'm fine with him or anybody else quitting that doesn't respect the Flag and our Country. Myself, i was a starting Linebacker on a major college nationally ranked Football team. I seldom watch football anymore, it was different when i played for free, love of the game and personally knew a lot of guys that went on, NFL players. These days it's so different, i no longer care that much about the Game and these guys are making it worse. Your thoughts?
That's his decision. The game won't miss him. I have my beliefs and how I feel about the Flag and anthem. If he'll quit, see ya. mtmuley
I have a bigger issue with people who don't respect their spouses and children than I do those who don't stand for the Anthem. A lot of kids in this world who are ignored by their parents and I would like to hear more outrage about that disrespect.
I'll always be leery when a draft dodger wraps himself in the flag, and starts pointing fingers at people he deems unpatriotic.
Is fantastic that a young man knows the consequences and still takes actions knowing the consequences could be very unfortunate personally. Pat Tillman followed his heart. This player can follow his heart. I applaud them both for walking away from NFL earnings that they will not match anywhere else. Of course, would not be the first time a player asserted one thing then gets quiet later while saluting the flag. He deleted his tweet. I know of dozens of celebrities that asserted they would leave America if candidate Trump was elected. Exactly zero have left at last count. Easy to boast and chest thump when do not actually intend to be inconvenienced financially or move out of America. All talk, no walk is bush league.
I'll always be leery when a draft dodger wraps himself in the flag, and starts pointing fingers at people he deems unpatriotic.

Fair enough. Please don't confuse Uncle Sage with Uncle Ted. Proud to stand hat in hand, i've never known any other way. If i want to protest, i'll bring it up at the Poker game later. Thanks for the comments people!
Would laughing and joking during a military retreat be more disrespectful than a quiet kneel?

This country was originated in protest by a group of protesters, our founding fathers. Together they decided that the first amendment to their new constitution would preserve and defend the fundamental right to dissent. That was in place, unaltered, for over 150 years before there was a national anthem (March 3, 1931) or pledge of allegiance (June 22, 1942). Both of which have been revised since then, to suit the fashion of the day. Every court in the nation has upheld the first amendment many times over. By any historical or legal measure, protest has a more patriotic standing in the history of the United States of America than any song, pledge or sports tradition.
If every NFL player or employee quit and there was never another NFL game the world would be a better place. A whole bunch of people might get up and go outside and live their own life instead of pretending to be part of some giant money sucking franchise. So yeah, I'm not impressed with professional sports in 2017. Good riddance.
If every NFL player or employee quit and there was never another NFL game the world would be a better place. A whole bunch of people might get up and go outside and live their own life instead of pretending to be part of some giant money sucking franchise. So yeah, I'm not impressed with professional sports in 2017. Good riddance.

Would you like to join the Hunt Talk fantasy football league next year? Filled to the brim this year but I could save you a spot next year.
Would you like to join the Hunt Talk fantasy football league next year? Filled to the brim this year but I could save you a spot next year.

Very nice of you to offer but I will pass. I loved playing football but why anyone would watch these guys is beyond me.
The problem is they were never taught respect from their parents because their parents were never taught respect. I will bet you if they joined the service and fought for this country them they would have a different outlook. If they do not like this country or disagree with this country then they should LEAVE !!!!!!
The problem is they were never taught respect from their parents because their parents were never taught respect. I will bet you if they joined the service and fought for this country them they would have a different outlook. If they do not like this country or disagree with this country then they should LEAVE !!!!!!

No they shouldn't leave, unless they want to.
This country was originated in protest by a group of protesters, our founding fathers. Together they decided that the first amendment to their new constitution would preserve and defend the fundamental right to dissent. That was in place, unaltered, for over 150 years before there was a national anthem (March 3, 1931) or pledge of allegiance (June 22, 1942). Both of which have been revised since then, to suit the fashion of the day. Every court in the nation has upheld the first amendment many times over. By any historical or legal measure, protest has a more patriotic standing in the history of the United States of America than any song, pledge or sports tradition.

I couldn't agree more.
Fair enough. Please don't confuse Uncle Sage with Uncle Ted. Proud to stand hat in hand, i've never known any other way. If i want to protest, i'll bring it up at the Poker game later. Thanks for the comments people!

Hey Uncle, please don't think I was referring to you as draft dodger or any other pejorative. I was referring to our uncle prez.
The problem is they were never taught respect from their parents because their parents were never taught respect. I will bet you if they joined the service and fought for this country them they would have a different outlook. If they do not like this country or disagree with this country then they should LEAVE !!!!!!

I thought speaking one's mind was an admirable trait, unless I guess it's only speaking for something a person agrees to.
I couldn't agree more.

Yes, elkduds does make a well thought out statement there, Thanks, that is tough to disagree with,..except when talking of our Flag and those who gave all in defending it allowing these guys the opportunity to play a kids game for millions and set for life. In the beginning, i had mixed feelings, but now this guy says that he'll quit. So Quit! Protest elsewhere.

When a Team plays the game to Win, to excel, to accomplish goals, they must play, be, and act as a Team. Thoughts on how to accomplish a goal, team strategy, a lack of mental mistakes, preparedness, studying trends of individual opponents on film to best take advantage, conditioning, all stuff done with a clear head with nothing distracting from the goal at hand,.. all parts working seamlessly as a coordinated unit, as a Team. Half stand, some kneel, some still in the locker room. That's not the "Team" that i knew.

edit: Rancho, got it and thanks for contributing your thoughts. This is a tough issue for me, many are, but it hit home as i was Captain of every defense i ever played on and my guys were about the Team or they were on the bench.
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