Newbie with an Idaho Goat tag in his pocket!


New member
Aug 3, 2014
Discovered this site while cruising the web looking for information and stories on the White Beasts of the cliffs. Sounds like a bunch of guys with the exact same interests as me. I'm really loving reading all your posts.

Now, about my winning lottery ticket… Much to my surprise, I drew a goat tag this year in the northern part of unit 27 (area of the Bighorn Crags).

My dad hunted in there for sheep many years ago and my brother has been in there when he was a youngster but I've never hiked back in to that country. So, although I've been up and around there several times I've never strayed too far from the road and left boot tracks back in to the real rugged stuff where I'm hoping the big Goats call home.

Took a trip up there a few weeks ago. Mostly just drove around in the pickup since we didn't have much time. We did glass a couple areas where I've seen goats in years past but didn't find a single one this trip. Was definitely a little discouraging that we didn't spy at least a nanny or two, especially since my boy and my cousin were along and I was hoping to show them some goats. I'm hoping it was on account of the very hot weather up there that weekend. Maybe they were way, way high back in there on the Crags and/or hiding out in the shade and out of sight?

Anyway, nice to meet you all and I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts.

Congrats on the tag.
Best of luck and don't be shy with the stories and pics!
Definitely the "year of the goat" here on Hunt Talk. With you added to the ranks, there are now over a dozen folks posting on the site that have mountain goat tags this year!

I don't have any help for you in your unit, but I spent a few days last week looking in my area in Wyoming where I have a tag, and the goats were not in the places that I'd been told to expect them to be in come hunting season. I found some, but several miles from where I was expecting them. From talking to different people, come late September they should be back where everyone told me to look for them. Hopefully that's right.

Good luck and knock down a big billy!

I've never been in the north end of 27 or the Crags.
It's hot this time of year so I think the Goats are way up high on the shady slopes, especially the Billy's. That's where I've found one so far. When I looked in the know Goat hangouts for this unit, I didn't see anything.
I helped a pard out with a sheep hunt in that part of Idaho. We saw goats, but they were scattered and a L O N G way from the truck. Good luck on your hunt. That's some amazing country to get to spend time in.
That's what I was hoping to hear. Figured they're there. I just have to get serious and go after them. Gonna hike in and spend a few days three weeks from today. I'll let you know how it goes.
What unit did you draw? I hunted sheep in the crags last year. Send me a PM and ill help you out with anything I can.
Pull up your britches and tighten your boot laces. You're in for an epic hunt. If you're willing to work for it, you'll get a great goat.

PM sent.
T bone is right, incredible country that you'll love to hate! Listen to his advise, he has hunted that country more than most. He helped me and my buddy TONS on our sheep hunts.
T bone is right, incredible country that you'll love to hate! Listen to his advise, he has hunted that country more than most. He helped me and my buddy TONS on our sheep hunts.

Yep, tbone is the man when it comes to the crags!! knows the country well..didn't see to many goats in the 20+ days we spent in there. good luck!
Well, been hunting hard looking for a billy but they have been few and far between in my unit. Been alot of fun though watching and taking pics of the nannies and kids. Way cool to watch the little ones follow their moms on those cliffs...



UltraHunter and T-bone know that Unit well.... Some nice critters in there. Looking forward to more pictures !!
Well, ended up finding a shooter billy or at least one with potential. Problem was, it was late in the evening and way too late for a stalk. All we could do was watch until we couldn't see him anymore and then try and get up there in the morning.

Sorry for the poor pics. It was thru the spotting scope around 1900 yds away and almost dark.

Thru my binos, I thought it was a nanny and kid (see white rock) but after pulling the spotting scope out...

He disappeared behind these pines just before last light...

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