Caribou Gear

New Non Partisan Hunting Group?


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
Wondering if anyone has heard of or worked with these guys. Seems like something I could sign onto.

Political group hopes to elevate hunter, angler issues
• By Brett French

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Bull Moose Sportsmens' Alliance

As the election cycle heats up for national and state races, one group is looking to elevate sportsmen’s and women’s concerns beyond the obligatory photo op in an orange hunting vest.

The Bull Moose Sportsmen’s Alliance, founded in Colorado in 2010, is extending its reach into Montana this year to advocate for politicians sympathetic to their hunting and angling agenda, no matter what their political affiliation may be.

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Can you at least give an opinion? Good or bad? Since you live in Co. I would invite your input.

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Kinda busy right now, but here is the short version. Good. In CO, they are sometimes ridiculed by some because of the nonpartisan stances they take. Read: is is sometimes an uphill battle when you go against the will of agricultural interests in the state. There are good men at the helm, with the interests of sportsmen at the forefront. I was unaware that they were expanding to other states, but I think it's a good thing.

Ben Lamb knows some of the guys much better than I. I'm sure he will weigh in with his (nonpartisan? ;) ) opinion soon.
Wondering if anyone has heard of or worked with these guys. Seems like something I could sign onto.

I know one of the Board members well and have worked with him on several issues (John Gale). I trust John to look out for sportsmen and sportswomen.

I've talked with Gaspar a few times now, and I like what he's saying. Not sure what kind of impact they are looking at having, but they are a 501(C4) organization looking to influence elections based on a candidates record on the issues.

I am glad that they've decided 2A issues are important enough to get involved on that front as well. A lot of time wildlife groups don't view that right as a part of their mission. Not that that is bad, but we have a ton of advocates working for habitat and increased wildlife populations, access, etc, and very few organizations working on the political spectrum in a positive manner.

Not sure what their agenda is in MT, but I doubt it would differ from the prevailing sentiments this board has. I've not talked to them specifically about Ranching for Wildlife, or other privatization schemes.
I see they are trying to start up in Montana, We already have a group with nearly the exact same goals, The Montana Sportsmens Alliance, is there any difference ????
Not sure that the MSA is nonpartisan.



Endorsed Candidates

Julie French-D SD 18

Sue Malek-D SD 46

Mike Henning-D HD 17

Tom Jacobson-D HD 25

Debbie Willis-D HD 50

Kelly McCarthy-D HD 51

Joe Sands-D HD 53

Bob Winger-D HD 55

Paul Beck-D HD 59

Franke Wilmer-D HD 63

JP Pomnichowski-D HD 66

Kathleen Williams-D HD 65

Pat Connell-R HD 87

Kim Dudik-D HD 99

Steve Bullock-D Governor

Pam Bucy-D Attorney General
During the Primaries, Montana Sportsmen Alliance endorsed several Republicans and actively worked on their campaigns. Unfortunately most of them loss to individuals that may not be Montana hunter friendly. I think MSA would gladly support Republican candidates that believe in the North American Model, the Public Trust Doctrine and Fair Chase. It would be helpful if the Montana Republican Party would drop the "no net gain" in state lands policy that has been in their party platform for years. Also, for those following the past legislative sessions, there has been an abundance of bad legislation proposed that would have negatively affected the Montana resident hunter and virtually all of these bills were sponsored by Republicans. Montana hunters are Republicans, Democrats and Independants and want our elected officials to do the right thing for hunting, fishing and public access. It is not about politics but instead the sport we love so dearly.
In a thread earlier this year it was said that a non profit organization can be more profitable than a for profit business.

What ingomar said pretty much sums up what's going on. I'd like to add that the "Tea Party" movement in our state has moved our Republican party to the far right. I considered myself a conservative, but have always voted for the man. I vote for more Republican's than Democrat's in elections.

That said, I feel the party has left me, rather than me leaving the party.

That's what's happening with MSA. We endorsed many Republicans, and have interviewed many more. Many of our "moderate" Republicans got defeated by a hard line movement in our state.

There are opportunities for us to do more for those Republicans that are still in the running but received stiff primary races from the far right. The party has left the common sense, moderate man behind.

MSA is willing to endorse candidates that support our mission statement. It's non partisan.

We can't endorse Republican candidates just to prove were non-partisan. I think in past years we would have many more Republicans on our endorsed page.

The pendulum has swung a long ways right.:rolleyes:

I would say political climate is similar to when Teddy Roosevelt left the Republican party. There are similarities.
We are all free to have our own views. One sure way to have only one side of any argument is to only support one side. If a candidate does not line up with your values I have no issues with any group not giving them support. Go look at the polling in alot of those races and the MSA endorsed candidates are losing badly.

I highly doubt if their opponents prevail they are going to give the MSA a seat at the table. Just saying being bipartisan requires some middle ground there are no perfect candidates and the Republicans are not going to drop their no net gain stance until the get beat bad and in this next election cycle it doesn't appear they are going to be beat up very bad at all. Good luck.

I also consider myself conservative, but after the blatant attack on average joe hunters/fishermen by the republican party in the last state legislative session I feel the same as shoots strait.
I also consider myself conservative, but after the blatant attack on average joe hunters/fishermen by the republican party in the last state legislative session I feel the same as shoots strait.

I have no issue with that

We are all free to have our own views. One sure way to have only one side of any argument is to only support one side. If a candidate does not line up with your values I have no issues with any group not giving them support. Go look at the polling in alot of those races and the MSA endorsed candidates are losing badly.

I highly doubt if their opponents prevail they are going to give the MSA a seat at the table. Just saying being bipartisan requires some middle ground there are no perfect candidates and the Republicans are not going to drop their no net gain stance until the get beat bad and in this next election cycle it doesn't appear they are going to be beat up very bad at all. Good luck.


If we're not endorsing them, or their opponent, then we might be able to have a dialog.

If we are endorsing their opponent, then they are either batting a zero with sportsman, or we feel their opponent deserved the nod on there stance with sportsman. Some candidates, won't even talk with sportsman.

Middle ground is hard to come by. Those candidates have been defeated by the Tea Party.
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During and after the past two Montana legislative sessions which featured many, many Republican sponsored and party caucus supported bills adverse to the best interests of wildlife, sportsmen and hunting ... I heard alot of lifelong Republicans like myself say "They are turning me into a Democrat!"

I still staunchly support moderately conservative values ... but I am totally pissed at the Montana Republican Party attempts to undermine the Stream Access Law and many sound wildlife and hunting traditional values. If it weren't for the gutsy Democratic Montana governor with his "VETO" branding iron, wildlife and sportsmen would have lost alot of ground last session. ("Ground" pun intended.)
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I vote both ways, depending on what the politician's stance is on public hunting/fishing and public land/access. And Straight Arrow is right, the republicans in the past decade have pissed me off so much that I don't trust them when it comes to my hunting/fishing and keeping our public land public!
Say what you want about the democrats IE gun control, but they don't try and take away public hunting and land.

A lot of my die hard republican friends are feeling the same way!

Don't think I approve of the current crop of republicans in this state. I hold them in the same regard as the current crop democrats. When you are a single issue voter the world is easy to see in black and white. Just remember if you have other important issues in your life those same people vote on those as well. Lots of people on your endorsed list are not friends of of those trying to keep the doors do their businesses open.

I don't really care who the MSA endorses they have a right to endorse as they see fit, just like the MEA-MFT, or the Chamber of commerce.

Our current gov only cares about access west of Great Falls, he personally made sure we lost a chance to guarantee access over here. He is no hero in my book.

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