Nebraska “slam” attempt

Let’s start a hunt talk poll, who will be the celebrity hunter hunting with Stocker, options are:

Colorado buck
Josh Bowmar (known to hunt Nebraska)
Jackie Bushman
Stockers imaginary friend who is only famous in his mind
Roger Raglan
All of the above
None of the above
Write in vote
Congratulations and good luck on the chew. I’ve never been a chewer but I can only imagine. I did have that stomach flu last week too and at times I wished I was dead.
Let’s start a hunt talk poll, who will be the celebrity hunter hunting with Stocker, options are:

Colorado buck
Josh Bowmar (known to hunt Nebraska)
Jackie Bushman
Stockers imaginary friend who is only famous in his mind
Roger Raglan
All of the above
None of the above
Write in vote
I’ll just say this person is real and you all know who he is. That’s all I’ll say.
Congratulations and good luck on the chew. I’ve never been a chewer but I can only imagine. I did have that stomach flu last week too and at times I wished I was dead.
Thanks. I’ve tried it before and I get awful insomnia for about 3 days, I mean 0 sleep, so that meshed nicely with the sharp gut pain and constant running to find a restroom. The 2 hour drive home from KC was a fun game of “find an exit NOW!”
dude I'm no celerity but thanks!

Actually I'm really not because you didn't want to hunt with me when I was passing through town...jerk
congrats on the chew. It sucks, but it's worth it when it's all said and done.

If it gets to bad, the nicorette lozenges helped me out a lot.
congrats on the chew. It sucks, but it's worth it when it's all said and done.

If it gets to bad, the nicorette lozenges helped me out a lot.
I gave up real chew about a year ago and been eating those little nicotine pouches like candy. Funny how you think something is better for you until you realize it’s all just bad. Gonna be a week tomorrow so hopefully this time I have it whipped for good. I don’t think I’ve gone a week without nicotine since I was 15. Wish I never woulda picked the crap up.

Just think about how cool we were with those big bites of chew in our lips in HS……… maybe one of the reasons women avoided me. 🤣
I'm going to stay with political celebrities with my guesses......Don Jr?

Maybe Mitt is trying to shore up the hunting folks with a little goose hunt publicity photo shoot?

You guys are thinking way too small. You really think I’d sully my reputation by inviting a politician or a social media person to hunt?
Big Fin and Stocker together would be a riot to watch... but I feel like if it was Randy, he would have known to capitalize on @Stocker's stache phase... as that would have been best for the camera to capture.
so it has to be a kidnapping!

When was the last time anyone saw Randy in person?

and are you sure it was not his doppelganger?

Has the FBI been called?
so you have somehow bribed Randy into coming to Nebraska. Or have you kidnapped him?
Randy would not destroy his reputation by coming here or even worse letting an idiot like me kidnap him.

I thought you guys would be closer by now.
Wait, it was never specified the species being chased by this celeb. I bet Mr. Boddington himself is heading down to NE to find himself a lamb.
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