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Nebraska “slam” attempt

He’s been sneaking out on this tiny ridge about 70 yards from my stand. He’s done it every time I’ve seen him. Tomorrow I’m gonna be in the ground in a fallen down tree about 20 yards from where he comes out. 80% chance he sees me before I get the arrow off, 15% chance I watch him walk right by my stand, 5% chance I kill him. Better than my usual chances.
He’s been sneaking out on this tiny ridge about 70 yards from my stand. He’s done it every time I’ve seen him. Tomorrow I’m gonna be in the ground in a fallen down tree about 20 yards from where he comes out. 80% chance he sees me before I get the arrow off, 15% chance I watch him walk right by my stand, 5% chance I kill him. Better than my usual chances.
Your percentages aren't even close.

It's more like:
80% you don't even see him given you now have this game plan
15% he does show up but walks within close bow range of your stand
4% he does show up but winds you or catches movement before you get an arrow off
0.5% chance he assaults you on the ground and you become the next story we gossip about on HT
0.5% chance you kill him
Your percentages aren't even close.

It's more like:
80% you don't even see him given you now have this game plan
15% he does show up but walks within close bow range of your stand
4% he does show up but winds you or catches movement before you get an arrow off
0.5% chance he assaults you on the ground and you become the next story we gossip about on HT
0.5% chance you kill him
Your percentages aren't even close.

It's more like:
80% you don't even see him given you now have this game plan
15% he does show up but walks within close bow range of your stand
4% he does show up but winds you or catches movement before you get an arrow off
0.5% chance he assaults you on the ground and you become the next story we gossip about on HT
0.5% chance you kill him
And by “assault you” he means “has his way with you.”
Your percentages aren't even close.

It's more like:
80% you don't even see him given you now have this game plan
15% he does show up but walks within close bow range of your stand
4% he does show up but winds you or catches movement before you get an arrow off
0.5% chance he assaults you on the ground and you become the next story we gossip about on HT
0.5% chance you kill him
What about the % chance @Stocker doesnt see the buck, then his wife shows up this weekend with the rifle and dirt naps the buck about five minutes after shooting light

JK Stocker go get that buck! I'll be in the woods myself tomorrow morning... good luck to you man
What about the % chance @Stocker doesnt see the buck, then his wife shows up this weekend with the rifle and dirt naps the buck about five minutes after shooting light

JK Stocker go get that buck! I'll be in the woods myself tomorrow morning... good luck to you man

I’m dragging her 4 hours west of here. She probably would shoot it out from under me. She’s a soulless killer. 🤣
Kind of a frustrating story but the buck was doing his circle and one of my wife’s family members took a crack at him. That’s not so much the problem as he’s missed him 3 times now. He showed me where he shot today and said he was 200. I ranged it and it was 632. I told him the 270 drops about 6 feet or better at that range and he told me they shoot flatter than that……… he said he held right on him. The deer are safe around him. Anyway, packing the truck to head west now.
He showed me where he shot today and said he was 200. I ranged it and it was 632. I told him the 270 drops about 6 feet or better at that range and he told me they shoot flatter than that……… he said he held right on him.

Thank God he doesn't bow hunt...or...maybe he should :unsure:
Thank God he doesn't bow hunt...or...maybe he should :unsure:
Just your typical white tail hunter. He 0’d his rifle 2 years ago and other than that only shoots at deer. I just shot it and it was 10” to the right at 100.

I have to practice pretty hard just to be a somewhat average shot with bow or rifle. If I just picked it up and went hunting I’d have no confidence and not kill a damn thing.
Kind of a frustrating story but the buck was doing his circle and one of my wife’s family members took a crack at him. That’s not so much the problem as he’s missed him 3 times now. He showed me where he shot today and said he was 200. I ranged it and it was 632. I told him the 270 drops about 6 feet or better at that range and he told me they shoot flatter than that……… he said he held right on him. The deer are safe around him. Anyway, packing the truck to head west now.
Forgot about that chance, sorry. Not sure where it falls though but clearly your 0.5 chance to kill him was lower
The story on the buck:

My wife is wonderful and puts up with me hunting all fall and puts her own hunting on hold a lot for me. She has never killed a mule deer so I told her this year that’s what we’d do. She’s very hard on herself, so this was a good 0 pressure hunt. A resident tag is $37, we had a day and a half to hunt. I told her let’s go give it our best effort and if we eat the tag oh well we’ll have $37 worth of fun. Our rifle season runs Saturday to Sunday the following week, the first weekend her family comes so we help them out. We finally headed out Friday night, got to town about 10:00pm in central Nebraska. The area is about 50/50 white tails and mule deer, we discussed if she would shoot a decent whitetail if given the chance and she said she absolutely would considering we had 1 1/2 days to hunt. we hunted around Saturday morning with plans to meet up with my buddy mid-morning. 6am we’re hiking a couple miles to get between an alfalfa field and some deep draws. The temp is about 10 with 30mph blowing in our face, she was a trooper sitting through that. About 10am we meet our friends and devise a plan to spot and stalk a large pasture of brushy Sandhills. There’s cedars and sumac tucked into these little holes. My friend and his wife went north, my wife and I went west a mile then turned north into the wind. I probably like most of you tend to wanna run the show when she’s with me, she’s a good hunter in her own right so I just need to let her run the show like I did this time. We’re easing over these hills and glassing into the trees. She decides to swing around the bottom side of some trees to get a better look, I stay up top glassing. I look over and she’s on one knee looking through the scope. She gives me the “buck” signal, and motions for me to come over. I had no clue where the buck was so I stayed put, she was trying to decide if he was big enough. I just motioned to her to make the call. She’d snuck to within 80 yards of this bedded buck, I saw her crawl, get steady, then boom-whop. I ran down to see and saw the buck go up and over a hill into a small patch of cedars, I could see he was hit hard. She wasn’t so confident. We couldn’t find blood where she shot him bedded and couldn’t find any in the spindly grass and sand. I told her we need to go up where I saw him go into the small draw. She watches on top as a crawl through them. I find a little blood but no buck. She was really bummed thinking she made a bad shot. By this time our friends got there and I told my buddy to go back to where I found blood and I was going to walk into the sumac brush below the cedars because I had a gut feeling that’s where the buck went. I got 30 yards and sure enough there he was piled up. She made a perfect shot with the 270 and I can’t believe the buck went 1/2 as far as he did. So high fives were had, pics taken, then the work. She jumps right in and takes over on the cutting up and she enjoys the packout. So she didn’t get her mule deer, but she’s happy with her buck, he definitely has a little mule deer in him, which hybrids are a fairly common occurrence in that area. I told her it just gives us a reason to go after her first mule deer buck next year. Someone shot an arrow at this guy and made a fairly deep cut in his neck, but it had mostly healed over. I didn’t get a great pic of it. 29257FD1-41B5-4BCE-A68A-C14ED20579C2.jpeg01A3473F-5105-44A8-A0A5-3E8CD0C7E00D.jpeg
1. This thread is so frickin great.
2. What makes you feel your wife’s buck is a hybrid. From everything I’ve read, mule deer/whitetail hybrids were really rare. Is it his dark visage? Just curious.

Anyway, hell of a season, and pretty cool that it’s not over yet for you. Hope you get your big deer.
1. This thread is so frickin great.
2. What makes you feel your wife’s buck is a hybrid. From everything I’ve read, mule deer/whitetail hybrids were really rare. Is it his dark visage? Just curious.

Anyway, hell of a season, and pretty cool that it’s not over yet for you. Hope you get your big deer.

I don’t think the buck is 50-50. But maybe 3-5 generations away from a hybrid, could be closer I’m not sure. Looking close at his colors he doesn’t look like the wt we have around home where we have no mule deer. His ankles were also white.

I’m by no means an expert, but i don’t think 100% wt, I also don’t think it has much md in it.
Per usual my timing is always impeccable. After trying for 10 years to kick chewing I went cold Turkey last Thursday, no solid plan I was just out and said no more. Went well until Saturday, went with the wife and kids to KC, the driving made it tough. Then I got the flu down there that night.

A puking, pooping, irritable, insomniac is quite the person to be.

Anyway things are better this week, I gotta get my work done because I’ve got a famous, celebrity hunter coming in tomorrow to hopefully show me how it’s done. I won’t reveal his identity, that’ll be up to him. I’ll just say he’s a way more accomplished hunter than me so that narrows it down to roughly 4 billion people.

I might try to sneak in s sit with the bow tonight. Last Friday I did have a decent buck still chasing a doe around me. The 2nd rut should pick up within the next week or 10 days.
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