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Nebraska “slam” attempt

I think focusing on an area hard has effect but you need to do it every year. 1sr year I trapped a spot I caught 20 coyotes after that it’s pretty much 10-12 a year at that spot now
I think focusing on an area hard has effect but you need to do it every year. 1sr year I trapped a spot I caught 20 coyotes after that it’s pretty much 10-12 a year at that spot now
I don’t recall the exact number last year, but I hunt and a group runs dogs I go with sometimes and in a 10x10ish mile area we killed a combined 170 or so.

I’d say another 50% of that number gets killed by people that hunt them other than us. They just seem to fill back in faster than we can shoot them.
Thanks, yeah I wasn’t questioning you, I was honestly wondering. I guess it’s probably more of the predator/prey boom bust cycle.

You’re right on I don’t know what the exact balance is. When I was a child the coyotes had mange, it was extremely rare to see a coyote. In the flip side there was ~100 deer or more in the 2 mile section behind my house. Coyotes started coming back in about 05-07. It wasn’t a big deal until 2012 when EHD hammered our deer population. That same area that had over 100 deer has maybe 10-20 now.

It seems to me that things are on ~30 year cycles, not that I’ve lived long enough, but just going off the stories I e heard and evidence I can find. So the pendulum is probably about to swing the other way.

There are awesomely cool things like cycles. The study of cycles in wild populations is what first made ecology interesting to me. But most things go up and down fairly erratically. True cycles are tough to identify objectively and require a ton of longterm data that we generally don't have.

Humans, however, seem to be predisposed to seeing cycles where there is really just a lot of ups and downs with a degree of autocorrelation. But intrinsic cycles are pretty rare, generally further north (where food chains are much simpler) and even then, they can break down irratic ups and downs.

As for the latest on coyotes specifically, I would defer to @Hunting Wife or someone else currently "in the business". I'm not a game management guy. Just a basic evolutionary ecologist who likes to hunt... There is a difference.

Meanwhile, let's get that buck!
There are awesomely cool things like cycles. The study of cycles in wild populations is what first made ecology interesting to me. But most things go up and down fairly erratically. True cycles are tough to identify objectively and require a ton of longterm data that we generally don't have.

Humans, however, seem to be predisposed to seeing cycles where there is really just a lot of ups and downs with a degree of autocorrelation. But intrinsic cycles are pretty rare, generally further north (where food chains are much simpler) and even then, they can break down irratic ups and downs.

As for the latest on coyotes specifically, I would defer to @Hunting Wife or someone else currently "in the business". I'm not a game management guy. Just a basic evolutionary ecologist who likes to hunt... There is a difference.

Meanwhile, let's get that buck!
So you’re saying everything that I think I know I don’t. You related to my wife? 🤣

As far as deer hunting I’m gonna give it a little break. The bigger bucks I’m after go into hiding when the orange army shows up and rifle bullets start whizzing. My 2nd favorite time to hunt is during bad weather in December. Hopefully we get a good cold snap and a bunch of snow, that’ll bring the bigger bucks back out of hiding.
what remains to complete your Nebraska slam? Forgive my losing track over a 25 page thread.
Mule deer and a white tail. I’m dragging out the 2 I thought would be slam dunks. I should add both will be archery. I have until December 31st to get it done. The only other option is muzzleloader in December………… I’d hate to guess how much I’d have to drink to talk myself into carrying one of those things around again this year.

How could you possibly lose track in this very cohesive, coherent, well written, and on topic thread?

The key to illusions is to get them looking the other way. If I can keep these people distracted with nonsense they won’t figure out I’m not very good at what I’m doing.
Had him at 50-70 yards, no shots. Had to slip out to get some work done. I went out a weird way and found some pieces of the puzzle. If he’s pulling the same routine when I get back next week I may get ahead of him.
Do you need to borrow a rifle lol?
Do you need to borrow a rifle lol?
We can only have 2 tags to kill a buck in Nebraska. I use them both for archery and let my wife do the rifle hunting.

But yes, sometimes my 30-30 bow would work good for a 70 yard shot through the brush. I made my bed with the bow though so now I lay in it.

I’m gonna try to pull a fast one on him in the morning. It most likely won’t work but I’m gonna try.