PEAX Equipment

My boy in a magazine.

Good Job Moosie. Getting your son on the cover of a magazine and getting him a rifle to boot. Absolutely nothing to fret about.

Hell, I'll never be in a magazine, that is way cool for a young guy.
Don't we still live in a country where capitalism reigns? All you did was accept the offer from the highest "bidder". That is what makes the world go round. Your son should be proud and you made the right decision.

I do a little bit of magazine writing from time to time. With all the mags out there who give nothing for an article or story, I usually make it a point to send my stuff to an editor who actually makes it worth my while. Not a darn thing wrong with that.
WHO GIVES A DAMN ABOUT MAG "A"!! Your son did a great job. If you get some sweet deal from Trophy Hunter take it. Magazine "A" wouldn't think twice about hurting your feelings. You did the right thing and being on the cover is CRAZY AWESOME!! I read only two mags loyally, but if either one wouldn't post something of my son I'd find a mag that would. You did great, congrats to your son and I never shoot ANYTHING so the feeling is mutual. Take care.
IF you were ALREADY working with magazine A and then accepted a deal from another mag I think you are wrong for not offering to let magazone A give you the same deal. The way I read it magazine A should have first dibs on the story in my eyes if they were willing to give you the same deal.

I'm all for getting the most out of any deal, but it's like going shopping for a car, go to many dealers and play them off each other to get the best deal. Maybe you did that, but you didn't state it in the email above.

My 2 cents worth...
I think its awesome that your boy will be on the COVER of Trophy Hunters Mag. I will buy the issue and let my boy read how its done. I understand the reason you were mad at the email for mag "A", thats your boy not thiers. They were going to make money on that story and now know that someone else is going to and they are mad. They will get over it and your boy will not only have the story in a magazine, but a rifle to always remind him of the hunt for the rest of his life. Tell him Congrats from my son as well & God Bless.
You mean you took a rifle over a sweet free copy of "hard time bucks"? I have a few extra of those, if O-town feels like he's missing out..

I like Rusty, stop and BS with him if your coming thru, Lots of good mounts in his office out behind his house, which also serves as Trophy Hunter's HQ.
I read only two mags loyally, but if either one wouldn't post something of my son I'd find a mag that would.

I think the racks they put in the mags you read are different ;)

Thanks for the Kudos for him. If I can get him to stop looking up optics and playing all the Cabelas Hunting games on the Wii for the Christmas break I'd get him to say thanks as well ;)

We're excited and I think IDBugler has tainted him. I know he didn't get his Focus and hunting dedication from me... At least the trophy part ;)

I know there are WAY better bucks that were killed and magazine have no issue getting good ones and stories to fill their magazines so we went with what we thought was best.

As far an "negotiating". Mag "A" didn't offer anything. I didn't really ask for anything maybe that was my bad? I also didn't tell them what he was getting because I didn't want to get into a they'll give me this, what will you give me game.

It is what it is. O-Town isn't loyal to anyone but Big Fin anyways so.... :p

Now it's 5 months of waiting.. Fortunatley we'll keep busy by looking at draw odds and shooting yotes or something. I'll keep you informed as we get more info.
See... now Otown is going to get that scope a bit sooner...

Big Fin promotes, Oak provides... Otown signs... <Insert name> sends OTown $ for the magazine with his "authentic" autographed cover... Moosie ships out to <Insert name>.

So long as Otown does not cover Moosie's prior financial loss for the Craigslist van scam... Otown walks away with at least one sale (free McD's) from at least me...

Sign me up for one! :) eh, seriously...
Big Fin promotes, Oak provides... Otown signs... <Insert name> sends OTown $ for the magazine with his "authentic" autographed cover... Moosie ships out to <Insert name>.

Uh, I was thinking a handful of extra copies. Don't want to get my brother fired. ;)
What would you want written above your head if you were on the cover of a magazine? Eastmans, Muley Crazy etc???? "Trophy Hunter"!!!! Good choice!! Look forward to seeing it.
Moosie, can you check and see if that mag is sold here in southern illinois? probably can't afford to pay for an autographed copy.:eek:

congrats to O-Town.
TLC..... I'll check. If not I'm sure one will show up on your doorstep from the magazine delivery Ferry ;)