My 2014 Archery Bull

Nov 24, 2009
Miles City, MT
Well, it's been a very busy fall and everything seemed to coincide at once. We bought a new farm back in June and finally managed to close during archery season. I had to come back home early twice but we finally managed to get it closed. Although I connected with a nice bull my favorite moment this year was opening morning. Ty, my best friend, and I stayed up to late catching up the night before and I was tired opening morning to say the least. We got across the creek opening morning when one of my other friends asked where my arrows were. Consequently I ended up back in camp to grab them before heading back out. Once I finally walked the 1.3 miles back into my favorite spot I found a Ponderosa and sat down thinking about taking a nap. I was just about asleep when I heard a loud crack. I peeked around the tree to see a large set of antlers walking towards me. The 6x6 walked into 15 yards away from me. I slowly tried to get into position but the wind swirled and he looked around nervously and slowly walked off.

I had more opportunities at elk the next 2 days but it was the third day when I missed twice in 30 minutes. I figured that this season would end on that note as I usually only get a few chances each year. That week ended with rain and snow and us grinding our way out to the gravel. Its kind of scarey when you have it floored and the back end of the pickup is almost parallel with the front going down the road!

The next week we went out the first morning and I had another problem. We get up to our starting point and I reach to my pocket to check for my release and it's not there. Fortunately with the mosquitoes being horrendous this year I had my fencing/work gloves with me. I've shot fingers for the better part of 13 years so I wasn't to worried. As fate would have it that was when I shot my bull. On my walk in I jumped a few cows. Feeling a bit frustrated I dropped into the bottom of the draw intending to head to my favorite spot. Just before I reached the bottom I heard some bugles across the draw. I dropped into the bottom and was quietly making my way along when another hunter must have spooked the bulging bull(s). I watched them cross the draw in front of me about 150 yards away and head up the other side. I knew they wouldn't keep going straight as It was wide open. I hurried up the side of the draw and waited. Then 50 yards away the lead bull crested the hill. He cut down towards me and angled slightly away as the remaining bulls followed. I knew there was at least 3 6x6s in the group and when one of them paused and milled a bit I drew back, let my pins settle and released. I heard a thump and then a loud crack. I was thinking awe ^%$^ I missed again. I did see the bull hump a bit but never gave it much thought. After watching them walk/trot up the hill and crest it I crossed over to where I had made the shot. When I found my Arrow I was in shock and a bit of disbelief. The arrow was covered in bright red blood and missing the last 8" or so. I found what I thought was lung tissue in the grass and then just sat down feeling giddy and surprise. After waiting 3 hours, just to be safe, I started the search. Just as I was getting frustrated there he was!


This was after I boned half of him out and went back for help. The mosquitoes up there were horrible this year!
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Where I took my shot

My arrow

How I found him

Another picture of him

One of the draws we hunt

A picture from camp

What I found after I moved our trailer
Congrats on the bull! I still shoot with fingers, so it is nice to know we haven't all died off!
Nope I use camo. Kryptek up top and something on the bottom, just can't remember the name right now. By the time I got the one half boned out I was sweaty and miserable from the skeeters. went back to camp for help and then changed clothes before coming back in. I shot him at 8 am and we had him on ice by 8 pm.
So is camo that over-rated??? I keep seeing these guys with amazing bulls in jeans and random colored shirts
PEAX Trekking Poles

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