
A wolfs elk story

Seen a lot of wolves over the years in Northern MN and in the northern rockies. Hear em howling all the time in northern MN to the point of it being frustrating during deer season. Never felt surrounded or "in" them though, sounds like a pretty cool experience.
I've noticed that people who fill their tags don't whine about wolves much.
I understand why. Looking at your picture in your meme, you look fat and out of shape. You probably don't walk more than 50 yards from four wheeler. Probably never shot an elk unless it ran out in front of your truck and stopped 200 yards away on an open hill side. I aint whining about the wolves (I have shot a couple). I was just sharing a pretty surreal moment that a lot of people will not experience. But after looking at your picture, I know you could never make it to where my camp is and have prayer of hunting the elk I used to hunt in Idaho.
I actually liked your post. Last sentence says packing out your son's 6x6. Was that the same time or different time? You don't know me well enough to call me a smart ass. Although if you did, it might be justified.
no i am just really bad at typing and keeping up with the thoughts as try to type. I always reread and try to fix my mistakes. It is my friend son's 6x6 . I apologize for the rude answer. So many times reading things shared on social media everyone seems like an ass. I really feel guilted into sharing stories after lurking for so long. I dont care about the political things here, but I really like the stories people share. I learn a lot. So I thought maybe I could share a little.
I understand why. Looking at your picture in your meme, you look fat and out of shape. You probably don't walk more than 50 yards from four wheeler. Probably never shot an elk unless it ran out in front of your truck and stopped 200 yards away on an open hill side. I aint whining about the wolves (I have shot a couple). I was just sharing a pretty surreal moment that a lot of people will not experience. But after looking at your picture, I know you could never make it to where my camp is and have prayer of hunting the elk I used to hunt in Idaho.

no i am just really bad at typing and keeping up with the thoughts as try to type. I always reread and try to fix my mistakes. It is my friend son's 6x6 . I apologize for the rude answer. So many times reading things shared on social media everyone seems like an ass. I really feel guilted into sharing stories after lurking for so long. I dont care about the political things here, but I really like the stories people share. I learn a lot. So I thought maybe I could share a little.
Welcome to the site new guy

western union.png
I am torn on the wolf subject. I have shot a few in Frank Church, where I was care taker for three years on private in holding. I have seen slaughtered elk with there uterus eaten. The elk were trapped on the salmon river trail in a rock slide. No where to go. The wolves are smart, lethal hunters.

Three years ago I shot a 7 x 7 bull. I was 6000 feet off the river and 7-1/2 miles back. Four days later I called in another 7 x 7 that my friend shot.
The bear is sitting on my gut pile as we walked by before we killed his 7 x 7 three hundred yards apart.
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I have love hate relationship with that bear. I fed him three elk gut piles that year, and he had more than enough huckleberries to keep him happy. About a year later I was up at my elk camp cutting firewood and went to get water at the spring. On the way back to camp got a real back of the neck hair standing feeling, turned and that bear was 150 yards chomping his jaws at me. Dropped down and pinned his ears back and came a running. I am glad it was a black bear not a grizzly. They can be reasoned with.

I know I started this about wolves. So the last day of the season my friends son wanted go up where we killed these bulls. I am fine with it and that youngster went tearing off up the hill. Me and his dad felt cocktail thirty coming on, so we up held cocktail hour. Right about dark we get a text (his son had an in reach) that he had shot nice 6 x 6. We happily load up and started the drunken hike. We didn't get to my camp until 3 in the morning. and he killed his bull two hundred yards out my camp. Got there helped his son finish field dressing his elk. Went back to where my camp was and fell asleep for bit around a fire.

The next morning I went down to the spring (200 yards off the saddle we were camped) to get water for coffee and the mountian houses. Right when I got back to camp that lone howl a 1/4 mile away started. No sooner than the that lone howl danced across the morning sunrise, the forest lit up with howls. Right where I just hiked up from getting water. That pack probably watched me get water. Even "cooler" they didn't care we were there. They knew we were there. In between their morning seranade you could hear the adults putting the pups in there place. It was unreal..

I have walked right into a bedded grizzly in the Brooks, been bluffed charged a few times by black bears, but being in the middle of pack wolves feeding was pretty amazing. That morning was cool, clear and crisp. And we were packing my son's 6 x 6 out. I feel lucky.
Awesome pic !
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