
MT muley for my nephew


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
My brother in law finally caved in to Britton, his persistent, freshly hunter saftey certified, over zealous son and put him in for a Montana deer tag for this fall. I tried to work out this hunt earlier in the season but just couldn't make it happen.

Friday morning my buddy and I were getting off the mtn from elk hunting and met up with Britt and his dad. They had driven all night from Utah and we crossed paths in Reed Point of all places. Britt wanted to hold some bone so I took a pic of him holding my newly aquired, hard earned elk rack right on the freeway exit.


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We dropped off some stuff in Billings and headed east. We got to an area I knew held some deer and we decided to go for a walk on some blm. With the wind in our face we crested some hills and found some bedded does. 9 of them. There just had to be a buck I thought. We got Britt on thr sticks just in case and my buddy Steve helped Britt hold the gun steady and practice proper shooting techniques as I scanned the sage for antlers.

We sat there for an hour and finally the wind changed toward the deer. One by one the does got up and slowly bounced thier way over to the private but a buck never appeared. On the walk back to the truck Britt said it was already the best day of his life.

Right about dark on another piece of public land Britt let two forkys walk as we had the entire next day to hunt. Here is a pic of hunting camp at breakfast time yesterday morning.

We decided to really rough it this hunt for sure : )


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Saturday morning we climbed in some nasty terrain that I knew would have some more deer on it. Two dinker bucks and about 25 does is about all we could turn up. We decided to head back to the truck. On the way back we were on a large ridge and found some different deer below us. Three does and a better buck. Britt decided we was done passing deer and wanted to let one fly!!

270 yard shot from my new sako 7 mag and Britt made a perfect shot.

Here is a link to the kill shot. I just had my iPhone up to my spotting scope so it's really rough footage. Nonetheless you get the idea of how good the shot was and how pumped Britton was. He's hooked for life!!


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Hope there are many more of those happy days afield for Britt. Congrats to all who helped him.
These threads never get old!!
Can't get that sort of feeling from any video game!
Well done!
Congrats to the young hunter and Dad. Much more fun than getting one yourself. Have pics of my son's first deer and still a thrill to look at his expression. He still gets that excited about hunting and much for fun to have him out there with me. Was lucky enough to have my grandson in Colorado spend one night in camp with me this year and the next day hunting. Makes a guy feel younger too! Take the time to have the kids afield!

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