Kenetrek Boots

Deer - lets see em

Lets see some deer pictures! I know there are some giant bucks hanging in garages, on walls, in the trash can... what ever. Post em up. The MT whitetail rut hunt thread go me reminiscing...

Here's a few bucks to start off.

2009 Montana

2010 Colorado

2007? Montana

2000 Montana
One of four archery doubles my father and I have had.


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Have done it tough for several years since getting started, have had some back luck in recovery, taken several does a year for regular meat but bucks hard to come by, but had a good season this year in MI.

Rifle opener, having sat 6 and half hours for only two distant does seen in the cold had this guy waltz in to 60 yards at 11am. In a cool twist, he hit a scrape I had a camera on, so got to see him tear that up afterward. The 270 dropped him 30 yards from the climbing stand. Took 30 minutes to stop shaking enough to climb down - wife had just arrived to get out for the afternoon, so got to recover this big boy with me. 134.5" 11pt 5y.o. - previously only had a little accidental 3pt to speak of. First buck I've had a reasonable shot at during rifle season.

As it usually is with pressure, didn't see much thereafter until the day after Thanksgiving. Sitting on the ground had 15 does run by at 10 yards, shot one of the last ones for meat, only for 3 bucks to turn up after her and pause 50 yards out, their headgear obscured. Fortunately, had the 2nd buck tag on hand, and took a shot at what I thought was the huge bodied deer (who I've seen in that area before) who had got close before backing away - only to discover they shell gamed me. Thought I'd missed as the big deer jumped high and ran off uninjured, but closer tracking revealed I'd tagged out on this 6 pt. Still way better than any previous deer I'd taken in MI, other than the above.

Freezers full, and taxidermy bills. Happy with that.
My friends insisted that I buy a .270 for my mule deer hunt. But I was confidant that I could use my Winchester and get within range for a good shot. The buck was spotted at long distance and a stalk in this rough country was planned. It took me an hour to close the distance to about 125 yards. When I shot, the buck bounded away but toppled in mid-stride after just a few jumps. 30-30 is a keeper! TR

big muley 30-30 1.JPG
My friends insisted that I buy a .270 for my mule deer hunt. But I was confidant that I could use my Winchester and get within range for a good shot. The buck was spotted at long distance and a stalk in this rough country was planned. It took me an hour to close the distance to about 125 yards. When I shot, the buck bounded away but toppled in mid-stride after just a few jumps. 30-30 is a keeper! TR

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That jacket is the definition of hunting nostalgia right there.
2019 UT general season muzzleloader

2020 opening day UT general archery, same basin killed 400yds apart. The velvet buck I had miss judged my yardage as he was closer than I thought but he was facing me while I was at full draw and smacked him center in the noggin… not proud of that one but he went down like a dropped sack of spuds

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