MT Elk Shoulder season legislation

In the age of social media, has RMEF considered drawing attention to various opportunities like this, with suggestions of what a supportive comment for the interest of elk might look like, what positions RMEF is taking and why, and where appropriate (season setting meetings for example) have a representative present?
I may be wrong, but from observation RMEF is often absent from engaging in the type of activities you suggested Bigfoot do.
I don’t mean this disrespectfully, but I know I’m not the only one that is sometimes confused by what is viewed as an unwillingness to ‘rock the boat’, which like you just said in your marriage advice podcast, peace can be better than justice, but the clock is ticking on the elk situation being irreversible, if we aren’t there now.
Maybe I just perceive RMEF as silent out of ignorance, but I’ve looked pretty hard without finding much as it pertains to the topic of this discussion, and when I ask about it, I usually get a similar response as what you told Bigfoot, which is to advocate on your own. Or the other one, ‘we are a habitat org’.

I just find it surprising that with what has happened in Montana in the last 15 years, that there hasn’t been an absolute raucous about elk. I’d rather not beat up RMEF for something from the past, if I can support them in something meaningful right now. But guys like me and maybe Bigfoot need that laid out a little clearer for us in what that is and what it looks like because we aren’t seeing it. The stockgrower’s ass’n is playing to win and win they are.

This post got me wondering so I did a quick search with RMEF and shoulder seasons, nothing comes up. No advocacy against these shoulders seasons that i could find. For being a Big Dog in the elk fight, it sure seems like they could make their position known to ALOT of people via there piles of mailing's or some sort of social media presence. Yet, they seem to sit back, instead of taking the fight to the dog. I could be wrong, or maybe they realize it's already to late.
This post got me wondering so I did a quick search with RMEF and shoulder seasons, nothing comes up. No advocacy against these shoulders seasons that i could find. For being a Big Dog in the elk fight, it sure seems like they could make their position known to ALOT of people via there piles of mailing's or some sort of social media presence. Yet, they seem to sit back, instead of taking the fight to the dog. I could be wrong, or maybe they realize it's already to late.

RMEF was absent from yesterdays hearings on HB 497 and HJ 18.
RMEF was absent from yesterdays hearings on HB 497 and HJ 18.

Dang, didn't know this was the "beat on RMEF" thread. I'm termed out and I will be off the Board of Directors as of March 1; less than ten days. After that, I'll gladly answer as many of the comments as I have time for.

RMEF has one staff person who handles all legislative issues, for all states. He happened to be with me yesterday while we were meeting with DC folks to discuss public lands bills, LWCF funding sources, and forestry issues. I didn't ask him, but I suspect that if it was an issue that met the RMEF decision matrix for taking a position, he gave RMEF's input via phone or email prior to being elsewhere yesterday.
I don't believe that was a drag on RMEF, Randy. This is a thread on shoulder season legislation and I responded to a post about RMEF's apparent lack of opposition to shoulder seasons.
Dang, didn't know this was the "beat on RMEF" thread. I'm termed out and I will be off the Board of Directors as of March 1; less than ten days. After that, I'll gladly answer as many of the comments as I have time for.

RMEF has one staff person who handles all legislative issues, for all states. He happened to be with me yesterday while we were meeting with DC folks to discuss public lands bills, LWCF funding sources, and forestry issues. I didn't ask him, but I suspect that if it was an issue that met the RMEF decision matrix for taking a position, he gave RMEF's input via phone or email prior to being elsewhere yesterday.

To add to this, I talked to Mark and he was going to reach out to each committee member to state their opposition to the bills.

Testimony is for show. The lobby work of hitting individual legislators in the hall, having conversations with them and pressing home points is where the rubber meets the road.

RMEF has been fantastic partner this session, last session, and in 15 despite a few minor disagreements.

I'm incredibly proud to call their staff friends and partners in conservation
RMEF has been fantastic partner this session, last session, and in 15 despite a few minor disagreements.

I'm incredibly proud to call their staff friends and partners in conservation

Good to know of their solid actions. Thanks for sharing. I was on the phone inquiring why the heck there has not been a recent Elk Network release. I believe that would be a good tool to diffuse some of the reasonable suspicion raised in this thread.
HB 497 & HJ 18 were both passed out of committee today.

HJ 18 was amended to include the request that FWP open up public lands for shoulder hunts.

(406) 444-4800

Maybe we should ask for an amendment for Helo gunships & machine guns.
I mean at this point does there need to be a rally or protest at the capital? If all we can do is leave messages on some answering machine, then I feel like we're watching from the sidelines as the other team is runs up the score. Hearing Galt throw us all under the bus while he sits there advertising his bull hunts just drives me to no end. How do we win here?
C’mon Tony, why are you so hating on opportunity?

Hell ya add in our very own Ravalli County “R” senator’s bill coming to add more NR wilderness only elk tags to the mix. Kill them all. Leave no sanctuary.
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