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MT Elk Shoulder season legislation

FWP not following or just picking and choosing parts of the EMP is nothing new. Its been going on since the damn thing was written. No one noticed when things were good. Public land elk numbers start declining where they once were good and hunters wake up.

Way back when we started working on the harboring issue and forcing FWP to use page 55 in HD270 I emailed every single sportsmen group in the state along with MWF as we were looking for support and also other areas in the state where it might apply. Not one single response. At the time the Bitterroot was in serious decline and FWP and their foot on the gas to kill elk. Things were good in most of the rest of the state at the time. Its hard to get hunters involved until they personally feel the pain.

This issue was the exact reason why I joined the RCFWA as a life member even though I lived in Wyoming at the time. I was already seeing the hand writing on the wall and how it would impact the area I used to hunt. The only group that I saw taking action, and in no surprise, has had success in dealing with it, is tjones and his group. Everyone else ignored what was happening, they truly were the tip of the spear in trying to pump the brakes on the war on elk.

Too bad nobody else seemed to care at the time, and now only care because reality hit them square in the face.

I also agree that hunters are wayyy too slow on the uptake, mainly because every time another tag is offered or "more opportunity" they cant see what the impacts of that will be, only the additional opportunity. Of course the other dead elephant in the room is the "professionals" at the MTFWP who should be smart enough to recognize what will happen with multiple tags and 6 month seasons will have on elk. Not only in the number dead, but how that will impact behavior. As much as wildlife managers want you to believe that you need the wildlife biology decoder ring to know, you just don't. Its intuitively obvious, even to the most casual observer, that when you apply pressure to any population of animals they respond, elk in particular.

Having now listened to most of the testimony, its apparent these shoulder seasons are likely going to be expanded into public lands. That is insanity...these ranchers whine about how the elk jump the fence onto public land and now they want to "move them back onto private" so they can continue the slaughter or allow hunters to pound them on the public they escape to.

Great idea, discourage elk to stay on public land...the testimony and thought process is truly unbelievable. Silly me, I thought the whole idea was to discourage elk to use private and encourage them to stay on public. I mean, for hells sake it was one of the talking points in favor of shoulder seasons, to move elk back onto public.

Oh, and Ben Lamb, as much as I admire your wanting to think things can change in the future (don't completely disagree), to just ignore past practices, lies and deception from the Department isn't wise either. Past practices can predict future practices, in particular when you have FWP leadership that should have been fired decades ago, still on the job gumming things up though archaic season structures and pretending they're still managing in 1970. Still making excuses for piss poor management of big-game across the board, running around like mentally challenged parrots, "Polly want an opportunity cracker"...

How much support should I give the Department, when in public testimony, an FWP employee in a senior biology position, claims that they only know what they need to do if they have TOO many elk, but no idea what to do when there's too few?

I don't think anyone is reveling in the past. My point is hunters always seem to be reacting and always a few years too late. Playing defense 90% of the time is a sure way to lose.

Got it, and agree.

But that still doesn't change the need for a new EMP.

Buzz, there's a big difference between learning from the mistakes of the past, and wallowing in them. We can't change what's happened before, but we can fix it going forward. I'm not asking people to support the agency, I'm asking them to support elk & the future, better management of them. Lord knows I've spent time yelling at FWP too, but I'm also not going to walk away from this issue, because if we do, then we allow the Legislature to manage elk, and we've seen how good they are it over the last 10-15 years.

Additive to that is we don't know who the next administration is, and what we'll get in so much as bills that would be signed (ranching for wildlife, etc) in order to "solve" the issue and screw sportsmen & women.

This is never about defending an agency or individual people, it's about giving future generations something better than what we have now.
But that still doesn't change the need for a new EMP.

I have mixed feelings on this with the current makeup of the wildlife division. I agree the old EMP is really outdated, but I know Vore as well as anyone and he knows how to kill elk. Its like this --if you think you hate the current EMP wait till you see the new one.

Now if we could get rid Barretts HB42,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have mixed feelings on this with the current makeup of the wildlife division. I agree the old EMP is really outdated, but I know Vore as well as anyone and he knows how to kill elk. Its like this --if you think you hate the current EMP wait till you see the new one.

Now if we could get rid Barretts HB42,,,,,,,,,,,,,

And if we wait, we'll likely like it even less. At least now we have a director who values public involvement.
And if we wait, we'll likely like it even less. At least now we have a director who values public involvement.

And this is where my mixed feelings kick in. And than there is-- be careful what you wish for.
This thread is a classic example of navel gazing rather than gearing up to fight the battle at hand.

New EMP is needed, regardless of what we think of the old one, and probably precisely because of what we think of the old one. 15 year old elk plans that aren't being implemented mean that we don't have a freaking elk management plan - just a reaction whenever the legislature tries to make them flinch. If we don't do this now, then we sentence our elk to slaughter, and we will continue to treat elk hunting in Montana like a plague, rather than a heritage.

I encourage everyone to listen to the hearing from yesterday, especially the sponsor's closing on HJ 18.

Unfortunately Ben, there is little reason to believe FWP would follow a new elk plan when they haven’t followed the old one.

This colossal mess is just like Groundhog Day. Legislators do their best to circumvent the commission to get ranching for wildlife. Hunters miss the handwriting on the wall because they are notching elk tags. FWP refuses to reassess how they try to manage wildlife ona global scale with the same seasons they’ve always had.
At least now we have a director who values public involvement.

Valuing public involvement and taking action based on it, are 2 entirely different things.

Until I see some damn convincing evidence that public involvement is having any kind of positive outcome...color me skeptical. About 35 years worth of public involvement being ignored is a tough thing to get past...

Then let's get some amendments to machine gun the elk, and aerially gun them too.

Way to put the elk ahead of everything else, boys.
Valuing public involvement and taking action based on it, are 2 entirely different things.

Until I see some damn convincing evidence that public involvement is having any kind of positive outcome...color me skeptical. About 35 years worth of public involvement being ignored is a tough thing to get past...

You beat me to it, Buzz. Well said.
After 15 minutes of hunters and landowners talking about the need to work together. Galt comes out and the first words out of his mouth are "I'm tired of hunters."
“I get in as many hunters as I can without pushing (the elk) off,” he said. Nice to see Galt supports his resolution with the ever popular “having his cake and eating too” argument.
(406) 444-4800

Leave a message to the House Fish, Wildlife and Parks Committee:

Please vote no on HB 497 & HJ 18.
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