And canoe you are right, i don't know a thing about veitnam, they didn't really kill inocent women and children they didn't slaughter the veitnameese people who were in support of them, the didn'yt go into veitnam and have thousands of U.S. lives lost over a stupid purpose that never did and never has benifited the citisens of the united states and they didn't expose thousands of veterans to cancer causeing chemicals like agent orange, your are right i don't know anything, i only study history that i can read in books and that doesn't tell you anything, talking to people who were in vietnam doesn't tell you anythign either right, i suggest you look into things more before you open your mouth as well
(if you were drafted and went to veitnam, you have my support and sympothy)
Yea, you are right, every US soldier that went over there went because they wanted to kill women and children. Yep you are right, they were all baby killers. You are right to call all Vietnam vets baby killers. Yea sure, whatever you say.
Now answer these simple questions since you know so much about the war. Who were our allies, who were the enemies? What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and what did it mean? Pretty basic questions, but I doubt that you can answer them without consulting a book first.
My point is not that the war was right, just that you probably don't know as much about it as you claim to know.
Del c'mon he was 18, and what did i do, nothing, except mad ehim give me 50 bucks to pay the doctor bill,(and the bill was only 5 bucks after the inssuranbce)
and Del, an infant can't hold a gun much less point it at a soldier and kill him
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I support veterans, just not after WWII
And canoe you are right, i don't know a thing about veitnam, they didn't really kill inocent women and children they didn't slaughter the veitnameese people who were in support of them, the didn'yt go into veitnam and have thousands of U.S. lives lost over a stupid purpose that never did and never has benifited the citisens of the united states and they didn't expose thousands of veterans to cancer causeing chemicals like agent orange, your are right i don't know anything, i only study history that i can read in books and that doesn't tell you anything, talking to people who were in vietnam doesn't tell you anythign either right, i suggest you look into things more before you open your mouth as well
(if you were drafted and went to veitnam, you have my support and sympothy)
Oh now your adding infants also. I didnt see that in your first post
but I will try to answer your question.
Seems you and alot of other mislead people think that we should just go in and shoot the bad guys(the adults with guns) and not worry about hom many of our people die in that.
Now thinking how you do you say that
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I support veterans, just not after WWII<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Now dont forget I am thinking like you are
why only After WWII ? didnt we drop 2 A-Bombs on 2 major Japanese city's?
We went in after the french got their asses kicked, our enimies were the north vietnameese and the veitcong, also the chineese were in the back of the head, and the tonkin gulf resolution pretty much ment the president didn't have to get congressional approvval before taking actions in the war
And all of this comes out of my head, history is one of my favorite things, and i payed alot of attension to veitnam, thank god (idon't even belive in him)for nixon getting in there and getting the us soldiers out of that hell hole
I must say that I am a little surprised that you knew a few of the basic facts.
But you still havent addressed the issue of calling vets baby killers. Do you really think that the majority of US soldiers killed innocent civilions?
If you study and know as much about the war that you profess to know, you should also know that although atrocities did happen, it was by no means the norm in Vietnam. Surley you are not too naive to think every guy that served in Vietnam was a baby killer. Surely you know the tooth to tail ratio well enought to know that millions of guys that served in Vietnam never fired a shot in anger. Are they all guilty by association?
my dad ia a vietnam vet, and he never fired a shot at anyone during the war. In fact, i remember several times he told me that he saved the life of an infant that was drowning. yet you still call him a baby killer?
nope not al of them, and not most of them, but i still don't see any reason to support people who went into that war willingly,
We had no "real" reason for going into vietnam, the same with going into iraq, we supposedly"knew" where saddam was hiding the WMDs and needed to be in there right when we went in, did they find what they claimed was there? no, did going into vietnam solve anythign nope,
In response to DEl, WWII there was a reason for fighting we were atacked first and defending ourselves, as for the A-bombs in japan, the president ordered them to be droped and they were following out orders, which i might say was a huge over kill by the pres. and a very bad decicion, but the president didn't order the soldiers to kill infants, women, children, unarmed civilians, they just did it, and again, not everyone who went there was a baby killer , but good for you guys ya pointed out that i accused someone of killing babies and i didn't know for sure, way to make a topic anbout me getting banned from a chat intop a topic about military power and how decieptful they are
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>but i still don't see any reason to support people who went into that war willingly,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Lets see mini. People sign up for the military to defend this country and die if they have to. Well some dont anymore they just want job security and the beny's. but yet when they have to do there JOB they cry and whine about it, hiring lawyers to get them out(but still keeping the beny's
Also back then people Had Respectstandards, morals and honor, which you dont see now adays. those were what most of us called the good old days(and for good reasons), you know when people could leave there dorrs unlocked with out the fear of getting killed raped or robbed( or take a crap in a rest area with no fear of it being blown up).
The new generation(yours included) is really scaring the shit out of me. I am definately done with this conversation. if my kid ever acted like you do I would beat the shit of of them and personally sign them up for the military
Mini, in regards to your comments on WWII (or Viet Nam for that matter), you need to read a little more history and a few less pop magazines before making such comments. I know you think you're making good points and I know you're trying to be proactive, but your ignorance is showing. It is glaringly obvious that you have done very little real research into what you're complaining about. The scope and depth of causes and effects in war are vast. There have been some good arguments made against these wars, but you're missing every one of them.
mini i have to tell you. i support you on the right to voice your opinion but i do think that you are making yourself look ignorant by your comments. if you think the attitude of this country is so bad maybe its time you lived somewhere else, maybe somewhere where they kill people for voicing their opinion. this country may not be perfect but it sure is the best.
And all of this comes out of my head, history is one of my favorite things, and i payed alot of attension to veitnam, thank god (idon't even belive in him)for nixon getting in there and getting the us soldiers out of that hell hole
Well Mister History student, May I suggest that you study a little harder. Study things like the Viet Mihn, OSS, try to figure out who was in French Indochina training Uncle Ho's army and arming them and providing logisitcal support so that they could fight the Chinese.. figure out why we started fighting in Vietnam and what happened after we started that changed the entire complexity of the issue.. Study all of that and then come back and tell me that the poor draftee is a damned babykiller. Figure out what percentage of the soldiers were draftees and what percentage of them volunteered, then tell me why you hate the soldiers. Your anger is justified, but like so many half educated idiots, you direct your anger at the obvious targets and not the the targets of responsibility.
You sound like so many of the puking hair heads that followed whoever yelled the loudest and who ever gave them free wine or weed or sex. You open your mouth and accuse and abuse without giving sufficient thought to what you are saying or who you are saying it about. You need to think long and hard on why you have the right to stand up and say the stupid things you say and who it was that secured and defended your right to do that. You got it smart ass, it was the baby killers of 1865, 1903 and 1917. It was the murders of 1941 and 1956 and 1961 and all of the terrible people who have had the courage to come to arms anytime this country has percieved a threat. If you want to hate someone, hate the people who start and run the wars, not the poor dupes who wind up with thier ass in the grass.
There are only so many time that youth can be used as an excuse for ignorance. Partial learning is a dangerous thing.
Dan!!! As usual, very well said.
It is today's youth, brought up with the hippicrite agendas of yesterday that have no understanding of reality or what is important. They can only see what is in front of their nose and nothing more. The socialist teachers of today, understanding this, teach only the left sided portrayal of what they want and not the whole truth of the things that have gone on in the past. This creates the environment for history to repeat itself, I know it would never happen, but it would be very interesting for Mini to go into one of these third world countries that he has no idea of how they are run and spout crap in the open. As with most of our youth, he has neither the courage to try this nor the ambition to look past his own small wants and selfish needs. These children of today only think of themselves and never seem to want to give the extra to see any thing else if it means they have to give up any freedoms they have no appreciation for or true understanding of what it took to get them, they think they are all grown up and men or women, but they are nothing more than small children in adult bodies. I have seen mentally handicapped adults working at McDonalds with a better understanding of the real world than a lot of the youth I have talked with. It would be a great thing to see these weak-minded souls given a dose of justice from what the real world can dish out and see if they will just turn the other cheek when confronted with unjustified wrongs perpetrated by them and still slap those in the face that gave their all to give these little ingrates the freedom they so enjoy!!!