Montana Wolf - The waiting is over!

Six coyotes so far. Lots of elk on the ranches south of us and north of us. Not sure how well this game will work out. The elk are here, for sure. Just not much chance to intercept them on these small parcels we are looking at. If we could glass them, I think we could call one in, even if we had to call it off from a surrounding property.

Time for some serious strategy sessions.
A long, but fun day. Saw a total of twelve dogs today, with all being coyotes.

The elk are on two big ranches we don't have access to. Good news is that the elk are high up the slopes, right near the Forest Service boundary. If we see them on those ranches, we know of two trailheads within a couple miles of each spot. I think we are in an area with wolves in the general vacinity. Just gonna take some luck, for them to be where we can get to them.

Beautiful weather. Sunny and clear. Way warmer than you would like for wolf hunting. But, beats -15F.

Will give it some serious effort now that we have a feel for what the elk are doing and know what our access options are. Saw some really great bulls today, which is always fun. Nice to know some made it through the hunting season.
Was a neat day, even though we didn't get to tank a lobo. I think we've decided that if any of those 12 coyotes show up tomorrow, we might use one for practice.

Fun seeing lots of elk, just need the wolves to make themselves visible. Hunting during the full moon cycle sure isn't playing for our team either. Just need to keep going!!
I think I would've practiced on all twelve of those coyotes. That's at least 3 episodes in itself!! :D :D . In all seriousness, I will have fun tagging along on round 2. Come on boys!
Critter spotted a big bkack wolf about three miles off. He is up high on FS. Gotta run. At least two hours to get there.
No Way!!!!!!!!!! Post soon, I've got to get up early to go crow hunting.:D
Congratulations, I know you guys worked super hard for this one.

Get it on film? Which one of you pulled the trigger?