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Montana Wolf - The waiting is over!

Nothing like spending the nothing stuck in a snow drift. Famous last words, "You got plenty of room, Fin. Give 'er the sauce."

Good thing we were full of energy. That tempered the enthusiasm.

Four moose, eleven big horn rams, and two hunters on horses. The elk have moved out, for the most part. I suspect the wolves have moved with them.

Snow turned to rain. Both making visibility impossible, and one making you wet.

Oh well, you always need a day like this to make things interesting. Made for food reason to go check out some new country to try find the elk.

Not sure of the afternoon plan. Doesn't involve getting stuck, for sure.
Nothing like spending the nothing stuck in a snow drift. Famous last words, "You got plenty of room, Fin. Give 'er the sauce."

In our family the quote is sometimes, "give her hell, Gene, you got the LAW with you", after an infamous incident when the deputy gave my dad the go ahead to back out the big horse trailer into a blind corner.

Hope you get/stay dry and find a big ol pack of lobo.
The elk have moved out, for the most part. I suspect the wolves have moved with them.

Sounds like you guys might have to migrate with them as well. They are probably heading for lower country or open valleys that might be a bit safer haven (if there is such a thing):rolleyes:

I saw an add on craigslist last night of a guy looking for ranchers or anyone who might have the wolves on their land that would allow access. I'm thinking he might just get some calls as the elk and deer head lower.
Sounds like you guys might have to migrate with them as well. They are probably heading for lower country or open valleys that might be a bit safer haven (if there is such a thing):rolleyes:

I saw an add on craigslist last night of a guy looking for ranchers or anyone who might have the wolves on their land that would allow access. I'm thinking he might just get some calls as the elk and deer head lower.

Well, given the 60mph winds, rain mixed with snow, and the spectacle of getting stuck, we called it a day.

In the process, we made a big loop to do just as Lawnboy suggested. We need to find where the elk are, and hopefully will find the wolves. We went to check out if the elk have made it to their wintering grounds in the lower country and open valleys. The big herds made it pretty easy to see where they all went to. I suspect the wolves have followed.

We did see what looked like some old tracks up high where we got stuck. They looked to be a week old, +/- a day or two. No elk tracks to speak of. What has been rain in the valleys has been snow where the elk had been. Enough snow that most the elk decided they may as well head to the winter grounds.

I have permission on some of those properties, at least for wolves. They outfit for elk and deer, so the "family/friends" thing doesn't work for elk or deer. Though wolves, coyotes, and other verim are ocassionally on the "family/friends" hunting menu. When some heard I was out wolf hunting, the call came in to "Get your xxx over here. Shoot the wolves on our place."

I will probably scout the high country another day or two before our next big push that starts on the 6th. If I don't find any wolves in the high country, I will take the invitation to hunt the private ground where the wolves are.

Some may not like that, give me grief, or whatever. That is fine. I am chasing wolves, and when the elk head to private, so do the wolves. If I am going to kill a wolf, now that the elk have mostly moved through, I may have to go where the wolves are - private.

Seeing this situation today, Critter and I did a lot of discussing about how we are going to fill quotas in areas where the winter ground is almost all private. We were already struggling to fill quotas when the elk and wolves were on public for the last month.

There are some private landowners, mostly the biggest landowners, who really aren't concerned if they have wolves. They don't mind having a ton of elk in the winter, so they are also going to have the majority of the wolves. And when the elk and wolves show up in those places, they are safe. Pretty hard to fill wolf quotas when you can't get to the wolves that will be hanging out on these properties.

I predict the quota in units with lots of private winter range will not fill. I hope I am wrong. The window to fill those has pretty much closed, now that the elk have moved to the private.

So, it was a fun day. Good to be back out in the hills looking for wolves. Enjoying the company of a great friend, and scheming how we might finally fill our wolf tags.

I wish you guys in WY would get your wolf seasons. It is a ton of fun and you guys are missing out due to these continued political issues . And besides being fun, filling the wolf quota does a lot for conservation and for the rebound of elk and deer numbers.
I can tell you even though I do 99% of my hunting on public land, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to go hunt private land if they grant permission......Hint, Hint..........;) Means you don't have to convince me to go to private ground after the wolves if they say we can hunt there.

Considering we were seeing an average of 60-80 elk every day last time we went, and we are seeing an average of ZERO now, I'd say if someone offers to let us go to private, we jump on it!

Figured some might enjoy the pictures of the sheep we saw today. Thanks for another fun day in the wolf woods fin, even if you did get us stuck:D lol! First time I've got to dig out the pickup all year, now we are expert truck digger outers...LOL

Sure a couple nice rams in the bunch we saw today. Hope the wolves don't eat em.

And by the way, your just gonna have to deal with the amature photos, they aren't "FIN" quality but at least you can tell what animal they are:)


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Those are sweet rams! Now post the carnage! :D

Sorry no "stuck in the drift" pics. It was black dark and we were more focused on getting our sorry butts back on the road. Taking pics was pretty low on my list, considering the walk we may have been facing.

A few of the animal pics. Critter posted some from his digiscoping. Here are a few with my 1.4X tele-converter. Not enough to get real close, but fun to watch them.

Wonder if the cow or her calf will make the winter with the number of wolves in those mountains. If I was them, I would stay near roads, also. At very early light, giving it that bluish haze.

Following the leader, the leader, we're following the leader, wherever he may go. We're off to see the .................

He preferred the solitude of the upper bench. He never turned our way, so no count on his rings.

Counted 6 rings on the top ram, 7 on the lower ram.

A loner who enjoys the snow. For only have four rings, he is a good looking ram.

The big ram gets the girl. Not sure why she is with them, or him with her. Counted 8 rings on him.

How many do you see?
I can tell you even though I do 99% of my hunting on public land, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to go hunt private land if they grant permission......Hint, Hint..........;) Means you don't have to convince me to go to private ground after the wolves if they say we can hunt there.

Considering we were seeing an average of 60-80 elk every day last time we went, and we are seeing an average of ZERO now, I'd say if someone offers to let us go to private, we jump on it!

Figured some might enjoy the pictures of the sheep we saw today. Thanks for another fun day in the wolf woods fin, even if you did get us stuck:D lol! First time I've got to dig out the pickup all year, now we are expert truck digger outers...LOL

Sure a couple nice rams in the bunch we saw today. Hope the wolves don't eat em.

And by the way, your just gonna have to deal with the amature photos, they aren't "FIN" quality but at least you can tell what animal they are:)

Unfortunately, according to another thread, some might consider them dang nice deer.:D
Thank You For Ordering Your 2012 Retail Catalog

I just improved someone's odds of winning..... cuz I ain't never win nuttin..:D

Good Luck and Thanks for the opportunity !!
Thanks Fin and Howa I can't populate all the fields with my phone so I'll enter when I get to a real computer. I'm planning on getting my 2012 Sportsmans package tomorrow and I'll have a few extra days this month to try to fill the quota down here.
This is what they look like, right?


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