Yeti GOBOX Collection

Montana should get in line with Idaho

Unsworth, J. W., Kuck, L., Scott, M. D., & Garton, E. O. (1993). Elk mortality in the Clearwater drainage of northcentral Idaho. The Journal of wildlife management, 495-502.

Right in the abstract: 43 elk killed by rifle, 8 wounded and lost. 4 killed by archery, 2 wounded and lost.

50% wounding rate for archery, but 4 times as many elk were wounded and lost with a rifle than bow. Pick you stat to fit your bias.
Most of the archery wounding studies hover around 50% loss.
Didn't say it was in accurate but irrelevant yes. Took several classes in how to read studies and what is a good study etc and 10yrs is the limit.

And I was actually going to post Its not that is disagree with just stating that you used a very broad brush. Like Timmy mentioned above good and bad in both.

And no drugs here I am pretty certain archery wounds more. By how much idk. I do know of several rifle hunters who are of the mind if it didn't drop I missed so how many of those animals are hit and never found?

The manner in which every study about archery wounding was conducted would lead one to believe that if rifle studies were done the same way, rifle would be grossly under reported because like mentioned some might not even go look and just assume. Where as archery it's pretty easy to walk the short distance to see if you hit or not.
We have studies done in the 50's and 60' that suggest cigarettes cause cancer. Should we discount those?
We have studies done in the 50's and 60' that suggest cigarettes cause cancer. Should we discount those?

Not discount but they shouldn't ever be used to prove a point because newer studies have been done that support it.

I simply said if that Montana study you suggested was the 1988 one I found (only Montana elk specific study I found on the topic) than you need to do better 😀

Like I said I am not in disagreement with you. Just that the study you cited but can't produce, led me to believe it was that 1988 one is way out dated.

As to the study that HighWildFree cited the sample size isn't even close to large enough to make any accurate statistical assumption.
This got way off topic but I see it everyday that science changes. I live it. In Montana the sheer amount of rifle hunters wound way more game than bow hunters. And cigarettes do cause cancer.
This got way off topic but I see it everyday that science changes. I live it. In Montana the sheer amount of rifle hunters wound way more game than bow hunters. And cigarettes do cause cancer.
You simply do not know that.
But what we do known the wounding rate is most certainly higher for bow hunters.
I would like to see a pick you Region in Montana, eventually pick you area, pick your weapon.

The topic of wounding was not what I expected the subject to turn to. Bow hunters wound lots. It disgusts me that bow hunters can and do wound multiple animals. I have a strict one and done policy, draw blood it is your animal. What right does any hunter have to keep crippling and maiming wildlife? It may be perfectly legal, but it sure as hades is not ethical.

Long range shooting is not hunting. End of subject.
I would like to see a pick you Region in Montana, eventually pick you area, pick your weapon.

The topic of wounding was not what I expected the subject to turn to. Bow hunters wound lots. It disgusts me that bow hunters can and do wound multiple animals. I have a strict one and done policy, draw blood it is your animal. What right does any hunter have to keep crippling and maiming wildlife? It may be perfectly legal, but it sure as hades is not ethical.

Long range shooting is not hunting. End of subject.
So a guy that grazes the brisket should cut his tag?
I would like to see a pick you Region in Montana, eventually pick you area, pick your weapon.

The topic of wounding was not what I expected the subject to turn to. Bow hunters wound lots. It disgusts me that bow hunters can and do wound multiple animals. I have a strict one and done policy, draw blood it is your animal. What right does any hunter have to keep crippling and maiming wildlife? It may be perfectly legal, but it sure as hades is not ethical.

Long range shooting is not hunting. End of subject.
I agree completely, Eric. Bowhunting is truly a pox on our sporting heritage.
So a guy that grazes the brisket should cut his tag?
Every bowhunter claims crap like they grazed the brisket or shot through the dead space between the spine and lungs, which doesnt exist, when they wound game.
Eric albus curious. If u did not have ties to outfitting or ranching, what in your opinion is fair. Just an honest answer.
Yes idaho does a better job than montana. We will trade giantforte for whoever the idaho govenor is, plus throw in the mbar owners
I did mean for residents as well. Last time
I checked there were just about as many out of region Montana plates as there were Wa and Mn plates in region 6&7
Pick your region is the beginning, when we can get a handle on that then we go to pick area within region, then restrict as needed from there. Like pick your weapon pick a season ect.. Here in public land R6 we get inundated with out of county and out of state. The mule deer need a break. CWD is a concern but why not err on the side of caution? Maybe there are a few deer that are naturally immune to the prions. The disease is no excuse to wipe out the deer in an area. It’s been proven this does not work.

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