Montana SB 151

It took me 46 years to draw a sheep tag as a resident 19 to draw a moose and that was 20 years ago. I have max points on moose now. I have had 3 goat tags .As far as nonresident odds they don't go by hunting units to get to there up to 10% they do it by regions And they add the ewe and ram tags to get the total numbers to take there 10% max numbers.
It took me 46 years to draw a sheep tag as a resident 19 to draw a moose and that was 20 years ago. I have max points on moose now. I have had 3 goat tags .As far as nonresident odds they don't go by hunting units to get to there up to 10% they do it by regions And they add the ewe and ram tags to get the total numbers to take there 10% max numbers.
In that case, I am very supportive of the bill to increase NRs tag numbers to 15%. Anyone care to post a list of those I need to contact for voice my support???

PS- If anyone has the percentage breakdown of funding amounts (R vs. NR) I would appreciate that info as well. That would be useful information for me to put into my emails. Thanks in advance.
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I don't think that Harris bill will have a snowballs chance in hell to pass.the montana consitation states in article 9 section 7.( That the wildlife in Montana will be managed for the citizens of Montana)
I don't think that Harris bill will have a snowballs chance in hell to pass.the montana consitation states in article 9 section 7.( That the wildlife in Montana will be managed for the citizens of Montana)

Are outfitters and landowners citizens of Montana?
Yes they are Ben. But the nonresident hunters they want are not. I don't mind nonresident hunters hunting in Montana. All the citzens of montana own the wildlife not just the ranchers a guides this model of wildlife in Utah is not what we need in Montana.
Yes they do change the units almost every year. In region 1 a few years ago there was only one tag in a unit and a nonresident drew it. The units with the most tags like 680 are always in the mix. they will have the units marked on there Nonresident Moose, Sheep & Goat App. That drawing deadline is May 1st. Montana also has a Super tag that you can buy chances for $5 For a statewide Moose, Sheep,Goat, Bison,Antelope,Elk&Deer tag.

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