Montana SB 151

In 2007 there were about 26,000 bowhunters in montana. In the breaks there were about the same number of residents as nonresidents. Now we have 40,000 plus bowhunters. And a wolf proublem in the west. Pushing the bowhunters from the west to the east. The overcrowding Started in the early 2000 were every time you blew your bugle another hunter would show up before the elk. All the camping spots were taken over by large groups of hunters, There were hunters every were. The only way we could put a limit on the nonresidents was to go to permits for residents. Then the nonresidents would go to a cap of 10%. The outfitters lost there golden goose. So they gave up there leases. In the breaks most of the land is public. On the other hand the land in the 22 other units that went to limited draw are mosty private. The guides and land owners made a big mistake by not just going for the 22 units out side the breaks. Thats why they lost two years ago. If they would just go after the 22 units outside the breaks they would not have lost. But the Senate has no business making F&G decisions.
Sen. Jim Petersen carried the bill and is on Senate FWP Committee. Contact him. Proponents lead him to beleive they haven't had a voice which is dead wrong. I think it important that he realize that this is a big issue. It has had numerous working group solutions, and lots of participants. MOGA and private land outfitters have continued to buck the system because they didn't get their way. Finding solutions doesn't guarantee either MOGA or private land outfitters a way to line their pockets. It boils down to what is best for Montana not just one side!
A further message to be relayed is that the commission is the correct forum to bring together sportsmen, landowners and outfitters to discuss solutions. For one party to run to the legislature is an end around process and deprives other parties due process. The legislature, despite claims to the contrary, know didley about game management and should NEVER attempt micromanaging our wildlife. It seems they have yet to get that message and certainly Mac Minard and Paul Ellis are encouraging that concept and have been adept at keeping strained relationships VERY STRAINED.
one option I have heard was increasing the number of permits in the affected districts, They did increase the permits last year and we are now over max.. to increase the permits again would only make things worse. the reason the permits were implemetned in the first place was overcrowding. The best solution above all would be for the Gov. to VETO the bill if it did pass. the Gov has a commission that deals with FWP issues I say let it work, they are the ones who are intune with what is actually happening, running the FWP issues thru the state legislature and dealing with people who don't know the issues always makes things worse...
We do not need to add permits. Mabe we should outlaw outfitting on Public lands. That would keep them for trying this every two years. It's sure making them look bad in the publics eye. Not very good PR on there part.
The MBA representative spoke against the bill at the hearing.

He based opposition on results of the MBA membership survey. which all of us MBA members had the opportunity to address.
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The MBA did not support SB 151 they were on the side with all wildlife groups. There rep did a great job in front of the Senate Committee.
I heard the GOP leadership is really . . . really . . . hoping this Bill gets tabled in Committee and never comes up for debate before either the House or the Senate.

This would give the Republicans another black-eye.
I heard the GOP leadership is really . . . really . . . hoping this Bill gets tabled in Committee and never comes up for debate before either the House or the Senate.

This would give the Republicans another black-eye.

Yes, the Repubs from your area know this is a big loser for them. The Repubs from the rest of the state think it is a great idea. Gues we will see who is going to be asked to stand down.
Sen Peterson, the bill sponsor, seemed disappointed and upset at the hearing. Although he opened and closed with comments about bringing parties together and resolving differences, this bill was like throwing gasoline on some embers that were still hot, but not aflame as before. I sense that Peterson realizes his bill backfired in his face and he will be seriously singed if he does not apply the bill-tabling extinguisher to his bill. 'Not sure if the chair, Sen "eradicate-those-vermin-bison" Brenden will allow it to be tabled.
I have a feeling that them putting the vote off to the last days that it can be done is a way to fast track it. and not have the public know whats going on intel its past. Its time for letters to the editors and to your own senaters and Reps.
Anyone here anything about 151? Whats going on do you think there just going to wait and try to ram it in before we can respond.
I love to hear everyone espose how the breaks should be bad we can't go back to the way it used to be....elk permits drawn at the Glasgow Civic Center, must be present to win.
I love to hear everyone espose how the breaks should be bad we can't go back to the way it used to be....elk permits drawn at the Glasgow Civic Center, must be present to win.

I love how a few people who didn't get their way and refused to work with other keep coming back to the Legislature to force their view on everyone else.

Gotta show up and work with everyone if you want to be a part of the process. Relying on the Legislature to do anything positive for wildlife is generally a losing proposition.
Your problably to young to remember that Eric, but it did give the locals a better chance. but then that was only for the rifle's
I agree w/ that, the legislature is a very poor place to manage wildlife...look at the last ill concieved attempt... that one really hurt the outfitting industry...and opened up zillions of acres..oh, wait..I am did just the opposite.

Let me digress to the subject at hand, in my opinion, if an area is going to be permitted make it a permit worth drawing for.

There are way to many rifle permits for either-sex elk as well...the quality is gone, but quantity is up....heck of a strategy we have simple to resolve, yet not that complex.
I agree w/ that, the legislature is a very poor place to manage wildlife...look at the last ill concieved attempt... that one really hurt the outfitting industry...and opened up zillions of acres..oh, wait..I am did just the opposite.

Let me digress to the subject at hand, in my opinion, if an area is going to be permitted make it a permit worth drawing for.

There are way to many rifle permits for either-sex elk as well...the quality is gone, but quantity is up....heck of a strategy we have simple to resolve, yet not that complex.

You mean I-161? Legislature had nothing to do with it other than continue to attempt to undermine the will of the people. If you are referring to HB 607, yep, the Leg screwed that one up as well.
was referring to 161, but should have stated managing from the ballot box....not legislature....

The worst thing about ballot intiatives and mangement from the legislature is that to many people have to much to say, with way to little knowledge.
was referring to 161, but should have stated managing from the ballot box....not legislature....

The worst thing about ballot intiatives and mangement from the legislature is that to many people have to much to say, with way to little knowledge.

I tend to agree Eric.

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