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Montana SB 151

Facts as I see them:

1) Archery Hunting is still a growing sport in the US. Bird hunting is down.

2) Interest in hunting elk in Eastern MT, via archery is still very high (Residents and Non-residents).

3) 30-40 years ago, non-residents with elk tags mainly hunted western MT with rifles, but now a large portion of them are completely happy hunting eastern MT, via archery. The dynamic has changed.

4) Non-residents with elk tags and “UNLIMITED” archery permits or no permit needed hunting districts provide opportunity for outfitters to lock up private land and put more pressure on our public land.

5) Also, non-residents can lease private lands and lock them up for themselves and all they would need is an elk tag and archery license to hunt.

6) Wolves are changing elk hunting in Western Montana. More pressure on Eastern MT?

7) Reducing the archery permits in the breaks districts put more pressure on other eastern MT elk hunting districts. This is a fact as I personally saw it happen in region 7.

8) The Elk Working Group which I believe had two or more MBA members on it came up with a resolution on this issue that would had benefited “Commercial” hunting of elk in Eastern MT again. NOTE: I realize that there may have been some things going on behind the scenes with this group that made it difficult for all and I’ll leave it at that, but the bottom line is, sometimes you just need to stand your ground. Also, the commission rejected their recommendation, thankfully in my opinion. Not throwing out harsh criticism here to anyone, I know how difficult the last 4 years have been.

9) Finally, some MBA members have been very vocal about “Disliking the permit system for the now bundled districts” but they love it for the breaks districts. My impression on this was that the ones speaking the loudest were Board or Ranking Members of the MBA, but I may be wrong. It’s not that important.

Anyway, no one will ever convince me that a archery permit system is not good for the bundled archery districts and for MT sportsman. I and others have worked hard to make it happen and every year since, someone has been trying to undue it. Well if it happens ladies and gentleman, you can kiss goodbye any chance of ever accessing private land in Eastern MT for elk and you can again enjoy more non-resident pressure on YOUR elk found on public land. Do you enjoy more pressure?

Thanks for your time. Many of us will continue to work for you and by you, I mean Montana Sportsman and your right to access and hunt your wildlife lawfully. Good luck to everyone in the legislature.

Lennie Buhmann

Havre, MT
I just watched where it was tabled. I didnt't see this on the agenda.
So does the house have the same bill comming up like they did two years ago?. And what would it take to untable 151? Is it dead or not are do you think they will try and sneek it in when were not looking. They told us that they would not vote on this intell the last days of transmital. When did they change there minds?
The motion to table was 7-3, with Brenden, Barrett and Ripley voting for the bill.

Senator Peterson voted against his own bill. I think that takes some courage. He met with a lot of folks as did Senator Van Dyk in an attempt to find a workable solution. No solution presented itself in spite of the fact that hunters would have moved more than half-way from where we are. Senator Peterson recognized how Hunters had worked to solve this dispute and take some serious risks by doing so.

When the outfitting community came back and said "all or nothing," they got what they asked for.

There will be variations on this bill for the next month or so until transmittal. Rep. Harris has a bill that willl bump the percentage of NR licenses and permits up to 15% instead of 10%, reducing opportunity for resident hunters.

Not sure what today or tomorrow brings. Things are moving pretty fast and there are a lot of insider deals being cut.
Senator Peterson worked with everyone to figure out a way to get the situation resolved. Not sure Representative Kerns did that.
Senator Peterson worked with everyone to figure out a way to get the situation resolved. Not sure Representative Kerns did that.

You obviously know whether he's sincere or not. I just don't want to give these guys a free pass when they change their mind after seeing how much they pissed everyone off. It's like taking back your whore of girlfriend after she cheated on you half a dozen times. It's not a matter of when she's gonna cheat again, it's just when.
You obviously know whether he's sincere or not. I just don't want to give these guys a free pass when they change their mind after seeing how much they pissed everyone off. It's like taking back your whore of girlfriend after she cheated on you half a dozen times. It's not a matter of when she's gonna cheat again, it's just when.

Rather indelicately put, but I tend to agree. I don't expect to get Senator Peterson's vote on a lot of issues, but I do know I can talk with him and have a reasonable conversation.

In both instances, I wonder if either sponsor fully knew what they were getting themselves into. In the case with Peterson, when the controversy flared he acted in a very statesmanlike manner, accepted that his bill was toxic, and tried hard to find common ground for 2 weeks or so.

I can respect that.
Rep. Harris has a bill that willl bump the percentage of NR licenses and permits up to 15% instead of 10%, reducing opportunity for resident hunters.
Would this not help some of the funding woes FWP is experiencing? ;) :D Could they earmark the funds from the additional 5% for access? ;) :D
There will be variations on this bill for the next month or so until transmittal. Rep. Harris has a bill that willl bump the percentage of NR licenses and permits up to 15% instead of 10%, reducing opportunity for resident hunters.

As a NR I have to kind of like this, maybe someday I could draw a moose tag. How much do you think it would really reduce opportunities for residents? I mean, since the price increase big game combos haven't sold out, and while I haven't looked at the statistics are NR getting 10% of every draw?

On the surface it seems like a good compromise, they aren't adding any additional tags, but may get a little more revenue with a handful more NRs drawing tags.
I don't think it would help nonresidents much in most of the goat, sheep, and moose units since most don't allow more than 10 tags (there are a few exceptions). However, it'll help your odds for antelope, elk, and deer.
How is it that Barrett even got a vote on this She was not there durning the Hearing there was just and empty chair. At least we didn't has to her big mouth. Well done guys
As a NR I have to kind of like this, maybe someday I could draw a moose tag. How much do you think it would really reduce opportunities for residents? I mean, since the price increase big game combos haven't sold out, and while I haven't looked at the statistics are NR getting 10% of every draw?

On the surface it seems like a good compromise, they aren't adding any additional tags, but may get a little more revenue with a handful more NRs drawing tags.

Sorry to tell you this, but the chances of anyone drawing a moose tag in Montana are getting less and less every year. Not only are more hunters applying but the amount of tags available has dropped by more than 40% since 2000. Moose populations are plummeting here just like they are in Minnesota. I would not be too surprised if Montana ends up shutting down most or all moose hunting sometime in the next ten years just like Minnesota did.

Here are a few recent interesting articles about moose.



I'm aware of the moose issue, I mentioned it as an example, a poor one. Lop, deer and elk would be better examples as opposed to moose, bighorns, and goats since tags are minuscule.

Though, funny enough last year elk hunting I saw 6 moose and only 2 elk the entire week.
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