
Montana FWP makes seismic shift in elk permits

The Director gets to answer a question related to this when I post my podcast later today. (starting around the 50 minute mark)

If one defines insanity as doing the same thing and expecting a different result, I ask him why we are doubling down on the old ideas that didn't work 10-15 years ago.

I'm reviewing the final edit this morning. Something was messed up with my audio levels, so the editor had his work cut out to boost the levels without blowing out the audio clarity. Pissed at myself. In our low overhead operation, I get to be host, producer, audio tech (the part I suck at the most), and publisher.
I'll look forward to listening Randy. My written comments went along the same sentiment. I saw playing with permits as the definition of insanity and then I pleaded for FWP to address access instead. Can't help but feel like the Commissioner is just checking the boxes and not listening at all.
I haven’t read through this whole thread so maybe it’s in here somewhere, but is there a thread on HT about the proposed mule deer changes??
Unbundle and remove the 900-20 archery-only either-sex permits in HDs 401, 403, 411, 412, 426, 447, 450, 455, 500, 502, 510, 511, 520, 530, 570, 575, 580, 590, 701, 702, 704 & 705 and make those hunting districts or combination of hunting districts either general season or unlimited as follows:
• HD 401: general license
• HD 403: general license
• HDs 411/412: unlimited permits (first and second choice)
• HD s 417/426: unlimited permits (first and second choice)
• HD 447: unlimited permits (first and second choice)
• HD 450: general license
• HD 455: unlimited permits 100 (Range 50–150
• New proposed HD 515: general license
• HDs 502/new proposed 535/new proposed 555/590/existing portion of 701: unlimited (first and second choice)
• HD 575: general license
• HD 580: general license
• HDs 702/704/705: unlimited permits (first and second choice
the "unlimited" and "general" needs to go. First and only choice would be best. And a quota that makes sense should be used.
Ya I agree. However, If they push these through and people are able to apply for LE 1st choice and guarantee an unlimited tag as their second then the odds will be as bad as the elk hunting in a year or two.
Ya I agree. However, If they push these through and people are able to apply for LE 1st choice and guarantee an unlimited tag as their second then the odds will be as bad as the elk hunting in a year or two.
Not to mention the amount of casual and new bowhunters this will bring into the elk archery season if everyone can get the elk archery permit second choice. If the unlimited elk archery permits stay intact, at least making them first and only choice and HD specific may slightly mitigate the hunting pressure damage.
the "unlimited" and "general" needs to go. First and only choice would be best. And a quota that makes sense should be used.
What, you mean actually go back and follow the regional biologist proposals?? You know, the ones that Hank crumpled up and threw in the trash because he wanted to bring the "best science" to the commission and let them decide the "social issues"...
Not to mention the amount of casual and new bowhunters this will bring into the elk archery season if everyone can get the elk archery permit second choice. If the unlimited elk archery permits stay intact, at least making them first and only choice and HD specific may slightly mitigate the hunting pressure damage.
One of the public comments that was submitted a guy was complaining how absurd it is that if he can’t draw the LE rifle permit he should be garunteed to at least bow hunt the unit and was in favor of making the entire state general archery.
What, you mean actually go back and follow the regional biologist proposals?? You know, the ones that Hank crumpled up and threw in the trash because he wanted to bring the "best science" to the commission and let them decide the "social issues"...
Wise up - think of the economic impact resulting from outfitters having a healthy pipeline of non-resident hunters. According to MOGA, in the 13 years of limited permits, we've lost out on 20M over that duration. For perspective, MT brought in 13M in weed sales just last month. Also, how are we going to repay these VIP landowners with hurt feelings who cannot draw a permit to hunt their multi-million dollar spread?
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Wise up - think of the economic impact resulting from outfitters having a healthy pipeline of non-resident hunters. According to MOGA, in the 13 years of limited permits, we've lost out on 20M over that duration. For perspective, MT brought in 13M in weed sales just last month. Also, how are we going to repay these VIP landowners with hurt feelings who cannot draw a permit to hunt their multi-million dollar spread?
Wilks can get a $3000 tax credit if they open up the Durfee Hills.
I hope I draw a LE permit this year so i can be done with Montana for good . 🤞. Of course I gotta jump through the first hoop and draw a general tag first …. Might be iffy with 2 pp
Talk about the divisive rhetoric that has put Montana in this present elk mess – UPOM referring to “anti-landowner hunting groups”! I am a landowner and I belong to some of those said hunting groups and definitely do not belong to UPOM.

Also, I guess no Jana Waller?
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